Thread for the Coffee lovers

Hi Lizard king,

Good to meet another coffee enthusiast! If I may add to this or amend this, while there are many factors affecting crema some of which you've covered, properly roasted coffee has nothing to do with how much crema is generated. Volume of crema is mainly a sign of freshness of the roast and varietal of bean among other factors including brewing like you mentioned. You can badly roast coffee and if its fresh you'll still get crema but badly balanced flavours and not the flavour profile you were aiming for. Stale coffee just won't generate crema cos the carbon dioxide has degassed completely. Certain arabica bean varietals will generate more crema and Robusta will generate more crema than Arabica which is also one of the reasons why its used in espresso blends.

I know you don't regard robusta as coffee, but Indian Kaapi Royale robusta is highly regarded worldwide as well as robusta from another Asian country I forget but was it Vietnam? Also Mysore Nuggets and Monsoon Malabar are world renowned.

Always great to pick up information from knowledgeable enthusiasts. I see that you roast your own beans, so I bow my head :)
My rant against Robusta is obviously in jest. India is a big Robusta producer and exporter. Lavazza Crema Gusto is a Robusta blend that I quite like.
I'd like to know your opinion about Civet coffee. I've had only once. Want to know what others think of it.
Hehe no need to bow head we all have nuggets of information that have come from those who have gone before us. So pride is a very useless piece of baggage. Civet coffee is a terribly cruel coffee. In olden days the estate workers would gather beans from the forest floor that the Civets passed and brew coffee since they couldn't afford to buy coffee beans. Today Civets are bred in captivity and force fed beans with terribly painful consequences to their internal stomach and digestive tracts and health most die painful deaths. Best avoided if one has even a shred of conscience. Milk is another such product and is proof that as a species we don't really think for ourselves but just go with what we've been taught by our parents, society and our environment. I was guilty of it too, but after researching all that went on in milk production and the cost to and cruelty inflicted on cows I gave it up.

I was unaware about this aspect of civet coffee ( kapi lewak). Innocently thought it was all natural. As a coffee it was excessively round and mellow with no aftertaste whatsoever. Hyped, I thought.
Another such cruel food is pate de foie gras. After I knew how it is prepared, I died of guilt for relishing it.
But who am to pontificate. I've been a hard core meat eater all my life (reindeer/ whale/ African antelopes anyone? ). But of late the consequences of actions of people like me are all around. Maybe I will have my moment of epiphany.
Back to coffee :)
<snip> as a species we don't really think for ourselves but just go with what we've been taught by our parents, society and our environment.
Absolutely right!!!
I continue to be dumbfounded at things/behavior that we profess all because our parents (in particular), followed that and hence we THINK it's right. Why? Because we have been brought up to believe that they can do no wrong!
But, I digress.
I know you don't regard robusta as coffee, but Indian Kaapi Royale robusta is highly regarded worldwide as well as robusta from another Asian country I forget but was it Vietnam? Also Mysore Nuggets and Monsoon Malabar are world renowned.

"Mansooned Malabar coffee" is typically Arabica Beans. Even Robusta beans which absorbs the moisture during the rains tastes differently ( milder than the fresh beans).

Many of the companies treat the Robusta beans with steam to reduce the bitterness before using them in blending.

Interestingly most of the coffee powders available do have Robusta in it unless stated otherwise :-)
Delonghi coffee Automatic machines are available for sales as well as services by Orient electric, also available through Fresh and Honest Co that operates Lavazza brand in India.
May even look at Delonghi Nespresso Machines for those who like a quick cup without the hassles (debate is still on whether Nespresso can be classified as true coffee :)).
May even look at Delonghi Nespresso Machines for those who like a quick cup without the hassles (debate is still on whether Nespresso can be classified as true coffee :)).
naah capsule coffee cannot match the true bean to cup, I own Delonghi Dinamica and it makes fabulous coffee, if you truly want a good coffee than better stay away from pods.
Absolutely. Pods are worse than preground coffee from a local roaster. It's coffee that has lost its soul. Besides the environmental impact of all those discarded plastic pods are to be considered. But what you truly miss out on is the ability to vary your grind size to get a cup of coffee that's tweaked to your taste or mood. I frequently grind a bit finer or coarser depending on how many days from roast the beans are, to increase the acidity or tilt the balance towards more of the deep cocoa notes in my particular bean. Or based on my mood for a particular flavour profile for that moment.
Coincidentally , we had some coffee being planted just as an experiment here in Kalimpong. The friend who coordinated this effort also has a limited edition boutique coffee which he grows at an altitude of 5600 feet
He says the clone being planted is typica bourbon arabica.



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I am one of the coffee lover, I hate instant coffee. I love filter coffee. If you're in Tamil Nadu you try "NARASUS DHIVYAM" this brand specially prepare for hotels, I had look in to Amazon not available this "DHIVYAM" this coffee power best in my experience. I have been traveled world wide many countries and drink lot of coffees, I can't compare with Indian coffee brand "NARASUS DHIVYAM" this brand will available everywhere in Tamil Nadu @ NARASUS coffee stores. I used make coffee with coffee maker brand name "Morphy Richards Kaffeto" Milk Frother and Coffee maker with NARASUS DHIVIYAM coffee powder.



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I am one of the coffee lover, I hate instant coffee. I love filter coffee. If you're in Tamil Nadu you try "NARASUS DHIVYAM" this brand specially prepare for hotels, I had look in to Amazon not available this "DHIVYAM" this coffee power best in my experience. I have been traveled world wide many countries and drink lot of coffees, I can't compare with Indian coffee brand "NARASUS DHIVYAM" this brand will available everywhere in Tamil Nadu @ NARASUS coffee stores. I used make coffee with coffee maker brand name "Morphy Richards Kaffeto" Milk Frother and Coffee maker with NARASUS DHIVIYAM coffee powder.

I have tried the Morphy Richards Kaffeto to long ago and frankly did not like it, it's a novelty espresso maker only and not at all make a semi decent espresso, it kind of burns the ground coffee, also portafilter feels cheap and not well made, not sure if it's my machine issue, better invest a bit more and buy a espresso maker sans milk attachment, frothing can easily be done by wand available with espresso machines.
you try "NARASUS DHIVYAM" this brand specially prepare for hotels, I had look in to Amazon not available this "DHIVYAM" this coffee power best in my experience. I have been traveled world wide many countries and drink lot of coffees, I can't compare with Indian coffee brand "NARASUS DHIVYAM" this brand will available everywhere in Tamil Nadu @ NARASUS coffee stores.
90:10! This sounds right up my alley. Anyone willing to send me a 500 gm pack to Mumbai? Needless to say all expenses will be borne by me. I visited their website and the shopping cart does not work.
Curious to know what is the exact purpose of adding chicory to the coffee powder? And how does its proportion affect the outcome?
I highly recommend the Viennese blend from Diwans in Delhi.

Its one of the oldest coffee places in Delhi, if you live here, i highly recommend going to Khanna market and sitting in their on premise grinding facility and having a cup. The coffee is always fresh and sometimes blended right in front of you.
I am one of the coffee lover, I hate instant coffee. I love filter coffee. If you're in Tamil Nadu you try "NARASUS DHIVYAM" this brand specially prepare for hotels, I had look in to Amazon not available this "DHIVYAM" this coffee power best in my experience. I have been traveled world wide many countries and drink lot of coffees, I can't compare with Indian coffee brand "NARASUS DHIVYAM" this brand will available everywhere in Tamil Nadu @ NARASUS coffee stores. I used make coffee with coffee maker brand name "Morphy Richards Kaffeto" Milk Frother and Coffee maker with NARASUS DHIVIYAM coffee powder.

for me it is very good pairing with a south indian breakfast (Idli, Vadai, Pongal, Dosa etc.)
Like wine tasting, coffee tasting is also a well developed art/ science. You don't have to be a taster, but knowing the key attributes of good coffee can help you choose better.

Aroma: The smell that you get before sipping. Starts becoming evident from the time you start grinding. Hold the cup close to your nose for some time to prepare yourself for the drink and express gratitude to the poor farmers whose heartbreaking toil has brought you this cup.

Body: It's like the midrange of your speakers, where most of the action lies yet nobody talks about it. Very much dependent upon roast intensity. Most people are fond of medium body. But delicate beans do better with light roast to focus more on flavor. Deep roasted heavy body brew gives you that kick in your you-know-what.

Flavor: It's the smell that you get after you have started drinking. It's less spiky, more lingering. A marriage of aroma and body. It's the component that is easily appreciated by any new drinker. Flavor (and aroma), just like wine, can be complex with many fine top notes over a strong base note. Good coffee will have complex notes, and like wine, will reflect the terroir, i.e geography and the climate of where the beans are grown. One of the most important factors that determine cost of the coffee.

Acidity: Mainly due to tannins in the beans, it's the cold sweetish dryness that is felt at the back of your tongue and palate after you have sipped. Without acidity, coffee is bland and worthless.

Aftertaste: Contributed by many things, but mostly by the body and acidity. The aftertaste lingers on in your mouth, mostly at the back of your tongue and upper throat for several minutes. It's the time to cut off from the world, contemplate on deeper things and be generally happy and content with the blessings that we have.

Not a very scientific description, professional tasters may not agree. But from the average drinker's point of view, this is how I get my kicks.
Coincidentally , we had some coffee being planted just as an experiment here in Kalimpong. The friend who coordinated this effort also has a limited edition boutique coffee which he grows at an altitude of 5600 feet
He says the clone being planted is typica bourbon arabica.
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Thanks for this Moktan! Fantastic views. Will check out the fb page to see if he sells green beans.
Curious to know what is the exact purpose of adding chicory to the coffee powder? And how does its proportion affect the outcome?
Chicory adds a depth flavour and strength to coffee. Also used as a filler and as a coffee substitute when times were tough. Chicory has some health benefits but you’d get these only if you grind it fresh. The prepackaged stuff has long lost its goodness. New Orleans is world famous for its chicory based coffee blends.
This thread inspired me to dig out my pourover. Will try a few brews over the next week. I normally like a stronger coffee flavour profile but this should be fun!
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When I used to live in the US, when returning from my vacations to India, I always used to take some small knick knacks from here for my Yank friends, and I always thought they used to appreciate those a lot. Till a friend told me he would like me to bring him some Indian coffee instead. The next time around, I took some earthy Kumbakonam coffee for all of them. They went beserk appreciating it!!! When some of them brewed it [drip pour] in the office pantry, there were tons of appreciative comments for the aroma. I think I made more friends just for the coffee. :p Good times, those!
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