Three Steps to Hi-Fi Heaven

When I switched to I/C's & Speaker cables manufactured by Lyrita Audio of Delhi, the diff in sound quality was astonishing-my only regret is that I did'nt do the switch earlier,bec I did'nt know that these things make a diff!

I am very happy to be part of this club -- I still remember my reaction when I first fired up the system after connecting the I/C and speaker cable from Lyrita Audio. I could not believe it was the same system. The radical improvement in clarity could not be missed -- low-end detail improved significantly and the overall sound was as if a veil that had previously existed between me and the performance was lifted. Now I am a believer.
Cables specifically designed for audio should and would make an improvement to the overall sound of the system. Better copper, correct gauge, good insulation,higher screening, good connectors etc are all responsible for a better signal transfer.
In my opinion all systems should benefit from correct cabling.
When kamal mentioned electrical wire its one extreme and cables like siltech are the other extreme. Am sure most of us here would be somewhere in between.Am sure the guys who participate here are smart enough to know whats available and would only part with the cash if there was a significant improvement in their respective set ups.Also no one is silly enough to link 20K electronics with a 50K cable as mentioned on another thread on this subject as apart from knowing better am sure his budget restricted him to 20K so where is the question of a 50K cable!!!!!1
But there are some tall claims too. Sometimes cables are claimed to achieve similar to tone controls and thats where it starts to boil over. I thought a cable should be an invisible medium of signal transfer.
As for vibrapods and the like am sure very similar can be achieved for much less outlay. Of course vibration control/ isolation is important but as someone on this very thread suggested u could try a cycle tube!!!!!!! though i would suggest if one is from bombay to visit rhythm House and check out a few such devices that are displayed adjacent to the cash counter. I bought a set of 16 thick Rubber discs for this very purpose for a sum of Rs 35/-

Last year in london this very smart salesperson was selling me what looked like a girls hairband(but it has a self adhesive on one side) to be stuck around the tweeter and he claimed it will radically improve the trebles!!!!!!!!!Companies like NAD/Cyrus supply ICS but advise u to buy better as the ones thrown in are of a very poor quality whereas Bryston/Mcintosh urge u (mentioned in the manuals)to use the stock power cords with their amps as there will be no improvements using better specified ones.

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I may have missed some action here, so forgive me for not reading the whole thing again.

Adding to what dinyaar said above, vibration control can be easy or difficult, depending on how you look at it and how much of control is needed. One another forum I saw people suggesting vibration control devices costing INR 30000. Man that was RIDICULOUS.

Have a look at what all I have tried. How cheap they are. And believe me they work wonders.

  • Mouse pads (cur into sizes equal to the equipment feet)
  • Tea coasters - Some theaters in NCR gift you a set of rubber tea coasters almost 8 mm thick
  • Very high density foam (50+)
  • A few other that I am forgetting about
Hi Ranjeet,
HAHAAHa well all i can is u are not alone.

Lots of products are being marketed for this purpose. Some are made of rubber and some of cork etc. If u are intending to try what i mentioned i could courier it to u as a gift from me. Please leave those coasters, mouse pads alone u may need them to offer me a cup of tea some time in the future!!!!!!!!

Best regards
Hi Ranjeet,
HAHAAHa well all i can is u are not alone.

Lots of products are being marketed for this purpose. Some are made of rubber and some of cork etc. If u are intending to try what i mentioned i could courier it to u as a gift from me. Please leave those coasters, mouse pads alone u may need them to offer me a cup of tea some time in the future!!!!!!!!

Best regards

LOL, sure thing. You are welcome any day (when my wife is away) :D
One another forum I saw people suggesting vibration control devices costing INR 30000. Man that was RIDICULOUS.

Some may cost even more. If someone tries it and feels it gives him an improvement worth the money, that's his perogative. I moved up from Vibrapods to Finite Element Ceraballs because I tried them and 'heard' an improvement, I liked. I went back and forth several times and had two friends over to help me. We all heard the change. Some components benefitted more than others. I could not make out any difference in the power amp so am not using anything under it.

People spend lakhs on 'VIP' car number plates and 'VIP' mobile phone numbers, which IMO is RIDICULOUS - but it's their money and they can do what they want with it!!
Some may cost even more. If someone tries it and feels it gives him an improvement worth the money, that's his perogative. I moved up from Vibrapods to Finite Element Ceraballs because I tried them and 'heard' an improvement, I liked. I went back and forth several times and had two friends over to help me. We all heard the change. Some components benefitted more than others. I could not make out any difference in the power amp so am not using anything under it.

People spend lakhs on 'VIP' car number plates and 'VIP' mobile phone numbers, which IMO is RIDICULOUS - but it's their money and they can do what they want with it!!

Hi awedeophile,
If u heard the improvement and thought it worth the money great. No one here( at least not me) should be telling someone how best he or she should spend the money. I personally try to achieve SIMILAR results by experimenting a bit and saving myself some money. I am totally with u on the VIP number plate thing but i still would not ridicule the guys who indulge in it as its their money and if they feel its well spent so be it.
So we finally agree on a few things!!!!
I agree! The purpose of a forum is for people to learn from others through discussion. If your mind is closed to begin with, then you might as well not be here.
I agree! The purpose of a forum is for people to learn from others through discussion. If your mind is closed to begin with, then you might as well not be here.

Hi again,
Different people would view this forum from different angles. The world would be a boring place if only like minded people existed. I do not know who are the people u are referring to (closed minds et all) but even so u or I are nobody to select who should and who shouldn't be here!!!!

Best regards
I'm saying that one should have an open mind. If one comes to a discussion with a closed mind with statements like "cables make no difference", etc., what purpose is that going to serve? Has nothing to do with people being like minded or not.
Well, everyone is entitled to an opinion. Everyone is free to spend his money in the way he deems fit. No body can stop anyone from spending money, even if it is on things that don't add value or don't add enough value. Be it a number plate or a mains cable.

If the difference is in someone's mind, no one can help it. Human psychology, if someone spent 20-30k on an IC, will he ever accept it was a bad purchase?

Trouble begins when such people go and announce publicly that they find difference that either don't exist, or are imperceivable or immeasurable. The trouble begins when such people begin with arrogant statement challenging others' hearing capability or buying capacity. I am against that display of arrogance. If those people who think these things make as much difference as they claim then I dare them to prove. If they just want to shout at the top of their voice saying they *hear* a difference, my message to them is - go back and enjoy your sound, rather than telling others how foolish you are to have spent ridiculous amounts of money on things that barely return perceivable difference rather then spending on components where it would have given much bigger and perceivable return.

It is being said repeatedly that some people are saying "cables don't make difference". I still have to see if anyone said that on this forum. Anyone cares to quote? Or they are here just to have a pointless argument?

It has been said umpteenth time that cables do make a difference. How much difference is the question? Is that difference perceivable, measurable, is the question. Is that difference worth the money is the question. Could that money have been spent to improve the sound in a better way, is the question.

My message to the newcomers and innocent buyers is - find a cable that will transfer the signal without doing anything to it. Don't buy a cable someone says will brighten the sound, or smoothen out the edginess of trebles or add weight to the bass. Stay away from these cables. Because, if you buy this cable, you are spending money on curing a disease, which resulted from buying a wrong source or a wrong amp. Don't try to cover that up with an expensive cable. Just change that erring component. That way when you upgrade, your cables (which is a transparent medium) will still hold good. If you bought a cable which was covering up for another component, you would need to change cables each time you change any component in your system.

If you go down the route of using fancy cable that colors the sound in a way it covers up for another component, probably you don't need an advice from others. You know your sound and are a guru in your own right and can decide for yourself. The best thing for you is to buy and try every cable that appears on the market. That way you will be happy spending your money, have a sense of gratification and fulfillment. Just be sure to not pollute these forums with the noise afterwards, we can do with a bit of peace here.
"Trouble begins when such people go and announce publicly that they find difference that either don't exist, or are imperceivable or immeasurable." Yes, all the millions of doctors, scientists, lawyers, businessmen, etc., who buy audio cables are actually hearing things and Yes, everything in life is measurable.

The speaker cable I currently use cost me 1/4 of the cable I had earlier. I changed it because I heard it in my setup and preferred it. Yes, I admit it sounds better than the one that cost 4x more and Human Psychology had no part to play in it!

I was only making a point. Anyways, I couldn't care less if you agree or not... To me a cable is as important as the equipment it connects. We have different view points on this and it's pointless arguing about it. You seem to think you know more than everyone else on this subject so I'll leave you with that. Happy listening!
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