New Member
Got it. Wish the prices in Indian followed the trend in US/UK
Cheap and hi-fi should not appear in the same sentence
...I know one thing for sure- whatever speaker or amp I buy, I want rega apollo to be the source.
Hey Sridhar,
I am guessing u forgot abt the pms u sent me earlier abt usher X-718. I have been reading good things abt usher. I was wondering if I can come by tomorrow.
There is something of a mental block with me- I have always kind of wanted floorstanders. I know good bookshelves can be as room filling as floorstanders. But somehow dont like the idea of having to spend extra for the stands with bookshelves.
Dynaudio I need to demo...but i hear they are pricey. Jamo I havent found a good place to demo in bangalore. I went to cinebels at Garuda Mall. The place is kind of cramped and they dont have a good demo setup. Seemed they are more into HT.
The cheapest cyrus is 6vs2 for 60K. I am not sure if its 40watt output will drive floorstanders well. I could be wrong though.
Usher/MA/MS ....i havent fixed my mind yet....I am going for a second round of hunting to decide on the spkr and amp. First round i found out that budget may not be good for the long run.