Well-Known Member
wakaw! 5000 posts, congratulations dude. that's a hell of a lot of keystrokes 

Thanks to all & hope to continue the same.
Just realised that this is my 5000th post & so putting it here.:yahoo:
My posts are mixed with some silly Questions,some welcomes & perhaps less informative than super posters here.
Thanks for tolerating me.
I wish HFV to grow faster & better with same speed.
About four decades ago (my student days), there used to be a magazine called Competition Success Review (I don't know whether it still exists) which used to publish every month a couple of articles, one about the right things to do to succeed in an interview (eg: dress neatly, wear a tie, say good morning sir...) and the other the wrong ones to do (be in a jeans, unshaven, sit without being asked...). (Not ashamed to admit, I used to enjoy the latter more!) Then there used to be a magazine in Tamil (I think it was published by one Thamizhvanan) which was full of questions and answers on practically every subject one can think of, but all answered by the editor/publisher, a living encyclopaedia! Expanding the canvass a bit wider, I had read several similar magazines with bewildering and confusing answers to questions posted by readers, especially given by those who knew nothing.
The point is that in a forum like this, when one shares his or her views, experiences and beliefs, and still keeps an open mind to change them if someone proves otherwise, participating will be interesting and meaningful. Once this becomes a showcase for persons to exhibit their knowledge they consider superior or believe they know everything about audio and video or become cynical and sarcastic on others' views, then, well, I leave it to you.
As long as we enjoy this forum and help and be helped, the show should go on. Also the moment one realises that he or she now knows everything, the rest are all idiots, it is time to quit the forum.
Good luck and happy listening.
Hi friends,its a real joy when you help others with your upmost knowledge.(mine moderate)