Topping TP20 tripath 2020 amplifier (versus NAD C320BEE)

Question from a noob. How is the bass performance from the TP20 amplifier and say a Cambridge S30 speaker combination. Since these are bookshelf's and not having a dedicated sub-woofer, will the bass be below par?

I am looking for great detail and punchy bass from a stereo setup.
Yet to place an order for the TP20 on ebay.

Please advise.
Vixfx: I havent heard with S30 but with Axiom and Wharf, the bass was adequate and nice. Again it depends on each person's taste. Whats adequate for me might be less for you. if you looking at window shattering deep bass dont expect it from TP20.

COmpared to NAD i found tp20 bit less.
Extreme detail ..... but, not puncy bass.

Topping is more treble specific, and with compatible speakers (in my case, JBL) bass is adequate, but again, not punchy.

The music has no colouration, again, with the right speakers. It is reproduced just ..... as the source output.
I am looking for great detail and punchy bass from a stereo setup.
Yet to place an order for the TP20 on ebay.

If you like detailed and tight bass, you will like the combo of tp20 + ushers 520 that I am using right now. For me the bass is just adequate, but again someone else might not like it.
How is the bass performance from the TP20 amplifier and say a Cambridge S30 speaker combination. Since these are bookshelf's and not having a dedicated sub-woofer, will the bass be below par?

I am looking for great detail and punchy bass from a stereo setup.
I don't know about the S30, but I am very happy with the JBL Control Ones. The bass tight and clear - no muddling or booming.

IMO, it is not "punchy". If you are looking for knock-their-socks-off kind of output, you need to look at bigger amp & speakers.

Thanks for the responses and feedback. I am planning to visit Audio Planet and ARN systems to check out Cambridge S30 and Usher S520 respectively. Are there any stores in Bangalore where I can try out Axiom and Wharf?

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If iam not wrong S30 are discontinued.
U can try Wharfes at Vector

True - Mr. Palani from Audioplanet mentioned that they are discontinued, but he does have a demo pair which he has kept for customers to benchmark other similar speakers, as the S30 was well known and lot of people still look for it.
ALSO, kaushik, what things are you looking at when you say , " upgrade the board "

tripath can be modded many times changing caps with premium ones ,change of toroids,regulators, powerbank,supply section ...normally full upgrade may require spending 2-3times the cost of basic board.

there is LEPAI tripath DIYA thread for mods .one can refer that
Ordered my Topping today just to see if it lives up to the hype :D

As my listening is at low volumes let me give it a try if it lives up to the expectations. May be I should sell my Nad amp before the buyer suspects he can get something much better for peanuts :lol:
If you are based out of London as of now, you can also get the Temple Audio Bantam Gold (UK made) D class amp. Comes for @ 180 pounds. As per recent reviews it pips the Topping TP20 in sound quality.

Anyway, the Topping would do justice with a compatible speaker only. Try oiut the discussed JBL speaker with it. Thats the cheapest available.

Already started to feel sorry for your NAD / MS combi ..... ;)
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If you are based out of London as of now, you can also get the Temple Audio Bantam Gold (UK made) D class amp. Comes for @ 180 pounds. As per recent reviews it pips the Topping TP20 in sound quality.

Anyway, the Topping would do justice with a compatible speaker only. Try oiut the discussed JBL speaker with it. Thats the cheapest available.

Already started to feel sorry for your NAD / MS combi ..... ;)

Yes, I'm based in London. I'm expecting the Topping delivery tomorrow. Oops! The Bantam is as costly amp as other bigger amps and has one input and no remote.

The speakers I have can work with an amp with power as low as 15W/ch till 120W/ch and are rated at 89dB sensitivity (better than JBL control 1) and have impedance of 4 - 8 ohms. Though they don't look that impressive on paper but they have better impedance characteristics than my old Mission M32i which look impressive on paper with 90dB sensitivity and 8 ohms impedance.
Also they can respond from 48Hz to 22kHz as against 100Hz to 18kHz for JBL Control 1. There is lot of music below 100Hz and I don't want that to be skipped.
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If you are based out of London as of now, you can also get the Temple Audio Bantam Gold (UK made) D class amp. Comes for @ 180 pounds. As per recent reviews it pips the Topping TP20 in sound quality.

Anyway, the Topping would do justice with a compatible speaker only. Try oiut the discussed JBL speaker with it. Thats the cheapest available.

Already started to feel sorry for your NAD / MS combi ..... ;)

Why and how could u say that u started feeling sorry for his NAD/MS combi?

elaborate please?

Eagerly Waiting..............:)

I bought the Topping out of curiosity what this little thing can do and here are my impressions in comparison with my latest NAD c356bee. My NAD is no different from the amp the OP compared to as my amp can put out 80W/ch continuous when required and the OP's 50W/ch continuous when required. But for normal listening I heard you would be using less than 10W/ch power.

After trying the Topping for two days I have no reason to complain on its sound quality till normal listening volume. In fact it is driving my Mordaunt-Short Mezzo 2's with ease and the volume control at 12'O clock its loud enough in a room of size 16' x9' x 7.5' (L x W x H). It is not missing out on any details.

The Topping + M-S Mezzo 2 combo is working well. I'm surprised how an amp putting such low power 7W/ch driving these speakers. I read in a some review that 5W -6W/ch are enough for normal listening volume.

With the limited comparison with the latest NAD c356bee amp I'm surprised both have almost same sound signature and all the sounds felt the same. If you call Topping as neutral then I would say the NAD is also neutral. If you say the Topping is warmer then I would say the NAD is warmer too.
The vocals felt the same I felt it harder to differentiate. I feel the NAD vocals to be more lusher and to verify this I quickly swapped the amps and I find even the Topping is doing as good as the NAD.
In the lows the topping bass almost felt the same and was adequate. The NAD has tight punchy bass.
The highs felt more extended in the NAD.
Also I felt the NAD sound has more space between the instruments and the Topping felt little artificial. I'm sure few with those golden ears can find more differences.
What ever the differences I told so far were very slight differences at low to medium volumes.

As the volume goes up the NAD gets sweeter and sweeter but the Topping feels distorted after 11 - 12'O clock position on vol control.

Over all the Topping kept closer with the NAD till normal listening volume. I read somewhere with better components the minor issues on Topping may be ironed out. Though it kept close to the NAD I don't think its nowhere close to be called an upgrade. May be the newer NAD's are better than the older ones.

It's no wonder how such a tiny little amp kept up with the costlier counter parts. Ideally both can't be compared. Both were in different leagues.
The better Topping version the Temple Audio Bantam with the same chip retails at 99 + shipping which is equivalent to 7k INR.
If I were to ask Topping or Temple Audio to make a better version of Topping with a linear psu/ pre amp/ multiple in puts/ remote/better build quality etc. I'm sure it would cost as much as 17k -18k INR (UK prices) which is equal to the 50W/ch equivalents of Marantz PM6003 and NAD c326BEE but putting out 7W/ch which may not drive demanding speakers.
Or if Marantz were to make a stripped down version of PM6003 with out preamp/ remote etc but with a volume pot on the input I'm sure it would be a better version of Topping equivalent at the price same as the Temple Audio Bantam.

It all depends on what you want. Every feature comes at a price and you get what you paid for.
To cut it short I can say Topping is true audiophile quality and its worth it for its price. In small to medium rooms with right speakers it can do wonders. The good thing is it provides a quick platform for those getting into Hi-fi.

Here are the pics of the associated gear I used. Topping TP 20 pics
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Excellent side by side comparison ......... :clapping:

"As the volume goes up the NAD gets sweeter and sweeter but the Topping feels distorted after 11 - 12'O clock position on vol control".

The above is true, and would be true for 'most' near-compatible speakers. You need to have totally-compatible speakers for loudness. None of us here are speaker designers...... so, the only way left is to physically check out the compatibility.

My check ..... whatever it was worth, pointed at the JBLs to be giving out the 'loudest & distortion-free sound' .... can go up to 3' O clock on the Topping volume pot for deafening, yet clean music. Don't know what happens beyond 3' O clock. If someone gives me 'his' Control 1 speakers, I shall gladly try it out and report back here .... :p

wow ..... your speakers look sesky!
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Thanks. After trying out the Topping I'm quite confident what a class-T amp can do.
I was looking for a headphone amplifier and I'm interested in Little Dot MK III Valve Headphone Amp/ Pre-amp. But I thought it can be good as a headphone amp but the preamp section I can't use it as I can't get a suitable power amp.
After you pointed me to the Bantam Gold I quickly checked their website and was impressed with their monoblocks and immediately felt the class T amp as a monoblock will be good with a tube pre amp like Little Dot MK III.
I'm now confident of the Chinese brands after the Topping experience and ordered Little Dot MK III from an UK seller.

My next experiment soon would be using Little Dot MK III as a pre with DIY or Temple Audio class T power amp/ monoblocks :D:licklips::clapping:
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.