Topping TP20 tripath 2020 amplifier (versus NAD C320BEE)

Well, it is something like this ....... when one is getting 90-95% of the SQ (some people claim it is 100-110%) at 10% of the cost, then what is the need to invest so much for an 'outdated' technology which has been in use for donkeys years?
Class T a new technology? Class AB has been there since donkey years and outdated?

I beg to differ. I find that statement misleading like other statements.
There are people who say tube amps were better then solid state amps. But if that is the case then every hi-fi amp manufacturer or at least majority of manufacturers would be making only tube amps and not solid state amps .
Many premium solid state amps use Class AB design. If Class A/Class AB is outdated and class T is better/new technology then every manufacturer would be switching to only Class T or some new technology designs.

The company which manufactures Class T chips is closed long ago. The day we all talk Class T existed donkey years ago is not far away.:ohyeah:
It doesn't matter for many who owns Topping as long as it serves their purpose.

Yes, Class A, Class AB, Class B etc. may have existed since donkey years and will still exist even donkey years from now. New topology names may come but the basics remain the same like for eg. CA calls their 840 series amps Class XD which is nothing but Class A operation at low levels and Class B operation an higher levels but they may not last donkey years.

I still don't get how the technology used in an amplifier matters as long as the amplifier is sounding good to the end user.
I didn't know what topology was my Nad amp built on when I bought my amp. I bought it on a 10 days home trail and just kept it as I liked it and the dealer offered it for about 8k cheaper than market price which tempted me more. In fact I bought the Nad amp just with in 4 weeks after I first heard in my life about the brand NAD. :D

So you think the Topping is just 5% -10% inferior to a proper well built integrated amp in SQ?
Yes, the difference may be just 5% as an amplifier is designed to reproduce the source properly. Its not that a costly amp few times the cost will and more details on its own.:D
Also some of the money in an integrated amp you pay go for the features/ convenience than only SQ.

Upgrading from a 40k amp to an amp 4 - 5 times its cost you will be lucky to see a huge improvement in it as an amps goal is to reproduce the recording as close to original as possible and nothing more.

To make the point clear my requirement is an integrated amp putting about 80W/ch output (as I initially thought of a getting floor standers) and I bought an integrated amplifier I liked in my budget. Its not that a 2L amp is just 5% better than the budget Nad amp and settled with the later. When I graduate from the present set-up and ready to explore that 5% more then I will for sure buy such an amp few times the price of present one or wouldn't mind going to some other unknown new technology as long as I find it an improvement to the present one.

It definitely does not mean shooting down the AB amplification route. But, people ARE averse to change ... happens everywhere. Moreover, when someone has already procured an expensive route, psychologically, he finds it very difficult to accept that his investment has gone down the drain. So, that individual keeps on contemplating that his procurement is superior to the other equipment ........ thats a normal human attitude. Nothing wrong with that.
If every smart bloke starts thinking like that all budget amplifier companies should shut their business. But for their sake there are some unlucky people who can't think that smart and hence such companies are surviving. That is life smart people are smart always.

There is a huge difference between saying my requirement is Topping and bought it and saying no set-up till 70k can beat it and hence bought it.
No offence but In fact I may be wrong but that later statement sounds like more of a defensive statement which few don't want to accept psychologically or is it smart way of telling it. Yes as you said its just normal and nothing wrong.

The same thing happens at the stock markets too. Quite a few of us do 'blind' buy deals. Blind buy means, without doing a company survey, just by momentary intuition, one buys. Once 'bought' the buyer keeps on thinking the share value HAS to go up even when the stock moves south.
As I said the company producing that new technology went south donkey years ago. No point thinking about it now. May be it could have made a reference quality CD-P for peanuts before going south.

No offence to anyone in here ........ to each his own
I like that statement. Happy ending finally.:clapping:
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With due regard to all those who have posted here,
I opine that the thread title is a tad misleading
Comparing a tripath to a NAD, or vice versa is like comparing chalk to cheese, or vice versa (and we shall never know which is which). Both are great amps in their own different ways but then a good hatchback is a good hatchback and a good sedan is a good sedan. To compare the two against each other amounts to meting injustice to both.

Well said Trittya:clapping:
Having "good products in the company stables", JUST does not guarantee neither the profitable existence nor sustainability of any company ...

There is something that is known as 'marketing effort' ... countering the submersive efforts by the competition ..... other than obviously, the operational capabilities ... to name a few, that have to be looked into.

It is quite clear that Mr. Tripathi (inventor of the Tripath chip) had some things missing ... hence the bankrupcy. But, I believe the 'original' company is now owned by Texas Instruments or Cirrus ... am forgetting it.

So, the 'product' exists still.
Having "good products in the company stables", JUST does not guarantee neither the profitable existence nor sustainability of any company ...

There is something that is known as 'marketing effort' ... countering the submersive efforts by the competition ..... other than obviously, the operational capabilities ... to name a few, that have to be looked into.

It is quite clear that Mr. Tripathi (inventor of the Tripath chip) had some things missing ... hence the bankrupcy. But, I believe the 'original' company is now owned by Texas Instruments or Cirrus ... am forgetting it.

So, the 'product' exists still.

From what I read around on the forums the inventor of Tripath chip is a good engineer but a bad business man.
There was a rumour that the OEM companies who manufactured Tripath chips for Tripath are making them secretly and hence the growing number of Tripath based products on ebay. But not sure what is right.

To build a hi-fi system you need speakers an amp and a dedicated CD-P which are made for hi-fi use. You choose decent speakers based on your room size and an amp to power that and a decent CD-P for a source. And good speaker cables and interconnects to get the best of those components.

The T-amp is in fact a good product but it may not make its way as a part of the main hi-fi system for many as there are no other components to complement the T-amps at similar prices.
When you buy your favourite speakers you wouldn't want to compromise going with a cheap speaker cable or place it on those vibrating cabinets/tables or hang it to the walls.
Sometimes you end up buying a speaker cable which may cost more than the T-amp an interconnect would cost close to that. A speaker stand may cost few times the cost of a T-amp.
Being crazy for collecting those genuine CD's you wouldn't want to play them via a cheap DVD player.

Yes, in that case it may be tougher for those to welcome the shortfalls and accept an amp cheaper than their speaker cable and with a CD-P and speaker stands costing few times the price of the amp at the cost of sacrificing the build quality reliability and the convenience of multiple inputs and a remote of a well built budget integrated amp.
Unless there is a solution for all these shortfalls a T-amp will not make its way as a replacement in a proper hi-fi system. If these short falls are covered then the T-amp wouldn't be affordable as now.
There is no comparison between an integrated amp and a T-amp other than its a personal choice whether if you want to trade off those features like convenience/build quality/reliability/ multiple inputs/better performance for monetary benefit or wanted an integrated amp with out inviting those shortfalls.
>How about using the TP2020 without a DAC for a while ? As I mentioned, I had same >concerns and thought that a DAC would be a must. So far I do not require it, and I am >on stock Mobo Soundcard, cheap wires, cheap RCA cable + 3-way RCA switch etc.

btw how do you hook up the tp20 to a laptop?

i ordered the tp20 yesterday from indeed-hifi btw. hope it comes through fine.

appreciate the feedback.
hey all, i ordered the topping tp20 from indeed-hifilab on may 11th.

their tracking information says : The item (RB161923315HK) left Hong Kong for its destination on 14-May-2011

but i haven't received it yet. does it usually take this long?
@nandac - I had also ordered the topping from indeed on May 5th. It got shipped-out from Hong Kong on May 11. It has just reached customs at Kolkata yesterday (May 24), and I am waiting eagerly!

So just be patient an give it a few days :-)
(edit) You can track it here after it has left HK.

From whatever I have heard on this thread,it should really be worth it.

BTW, I am planning to pair it with the (almost default by now ;-) ) JBL C1s. So any pointers on where to get these in Bangalore would be welcome.
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BTW, I am planning to pair it with the (almost default by now ;-) ) JBL C1s. So any pointers on where to get these in Bangalore would be welcome.
You should be able to find the C1s at your local JBL store. Aim for a 5-10% discount on the MRP of Rs 7,500/-.
JBL India - Where to Buy?
You can also order them direct from JBL India.

Also, though I haven't heard them myself, the Cambridge Audio S-30 speakers are supposed to be a perfect match for the TP-20.
CA S-30 on
i got the topping tp20 and it is pretty good i must say.

don't have a udac yet and so hooked it up using the headphone jack on my laptop. got some usher speaker cables from arn systems.

using pinnacle quantum sattelites (they cost $200 each and are great speakers) and their nominal impedence is 8 ohms and their sensitivity is only 86 db (which apparently is lower than what is considered good for the topping). but they sound great!!!

initially when i hooked it up nick drake was playing on my itunes in shuffle mode. the sound was so low that i had to turn on the volume on the topping to 90% full to get good sound. after nick drake CSN's 'song for susan' kicked in - that was ripped off an old CD and so the sound was low as well. then muddy water's came on with 'trouble no more' and sound slightly pepped up.

then i increased the volume on my laptop and that opened it up. roy buchanan, elvis costello, aretha franklin and elmore james were all sounding great.

i have set the volume on my laptop at half level and the volume on the topping to 40% and it provides decent volume in my 15 ft by 20 ft room.

the sound is way better than the two ipod speakers i have - a jbl radial and a boston acoustics one. but i dont think it can be compared with a full sized music system. but my intended use is to play audio files on my external harddrive and for that it serves the purpose admirably.

wonder if a udac will make it better considering that the output will be thru the usb. anybody heard of the 'dac destroyer' by hotaudio?
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@teja, @psychotrpic - compared the specs between C1 and S-30, and decided on S-30.
Have already ordered on The price seems to be slightly high (9250 incl. shipping), but since C-30s seem to be in short supply, I did not want to wait for a better deal.

Now, back to waiting...
upon consideration, given the lack of availability of reasonably priced udacs in india i think the topping tp30 with the built in udac is the better option than the tp20.

what soundstage/presence etc (tripath 2020 Vs 2024) at this price point and purpose?

if anybody knows of a reputed udac under Rs 6k in india pls let me know.

also given that postal reliability is getting better in india i might take a chance and order the udac destroyer from hotaudio from canada.
@nandac - I had also ordered the topping from indeed on May 5th. It got shipped-out from Hong Kong on May 11. It has just reached customs at Kolkata yesterday (May 24), and I am waiting eagerly!

So just be patient an give it a few days :-)

looks like i ordered it later than you did and got it earlier :D

did you order it from indeed-hifi?
@teja, @psychotrpic - compared the specs between C1 and S-30, and decided on S-30.
Have already ordered on The price seems to be slightly high (9250 incl. shipping), but since C-30s seem to be in short supply, I did not want to wait for a better deal.

Now, back to waiting...

heard jbl control in forum mall. wasn't impressed. too boxy sounding and lacked definition :p

anybody wants to organize a speaker shoot for the topping?

i can bring my pinnacles over. they are neutral sounding speakers but with good depth, warmth and definition (the ones i am using with the topping are brand new, unopened since i bought them 5 years back!).

best thing i can say about this setup is that i have been listening to it for over 2 hours now and i still want to listen more!
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Well, my luck I guess:sad:. Yes I did order from indeed-hifi(Peter)

don't worry man. i am sure you will get it.

it comes in a registered post. so somebody has to sign to receive it.

if there were times when you (or anybody) were not in the house check with the post office to make sure you didn't miss it. after coming to calcutta it took only 2 days to get here to bangalore.
don't worry man. i am sure you will get it.

.... after coming to calcutta it took only 2 days to get here to bangalore.

Well, I checked your package's history using the tracking number you had given, and it seems your package never went to customs! Mine has been lying at customs for 3 days now...getting worried now...
Finally got my topping yesterday:yahoo:
(@nandac - it seems we cannot depend on the trackin site, my package still shows at customs as per the site...)

Still waiting for my S-30s to arrive, so cannot post any listening impressions yet, but here are some initial comments:
1. Even after reading through this thread and seeing all the pics posted, I was still amazed at the small size of this thing!
2. On connecting to power, I feel a slight leakage current on the amp body. I think some other posts also talk about this. This is there even if the amp is switched off, it starts the moment the power brick is switched on. I changed the 2 pin power chord provided to a 3 pin, but the leakage current persisted. So the equipment may not be properly earthed (or, my home wiring may be at fault, so I need to check that too). I am planning to add a separate earth wire from the amp body to take care of this, if other checks fail.

More after I get the speakers.
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