Class T a new technology? Class AB has been there since donkey years and outdated?Well, it is something like this ....... when one is getting 90-95% of the SQ (some people claim it is 100-110%) at 10% of the cost, then what is the need to invest so much for an 'outdated' technology which has been in use for donkeys years?
I beg to differ. I find that statement misleading like other statements.
There are people who say tube amps were better then solid state amps. But if that is the case then every hi-fi amp manufacturer or at least majority of manufacturers would be making only tube amps and not solid state amps .
Many premium solid state amps use Class AB design. If Class A/Class AB is outdated and class T is better/new technology then every manufacturer would be switching to only Class T or some new technology designs.
The company which manufactures Class T chips is closed long ago. The day we all talk Class T existed donkey years ago is not far away.

It doesn't matter for many who owns Topping as long as it serves their purpose.
Yes, Class A, Class AB, Class B etc. may have existed since donkey years and will still exist even donkey years from now. New topology names may come but the basics remain the same like for eg. CA calls their 840 series amps Class XD which is nothing but Class A operation at low levels and Class B operation an higher levels but they may not last donkey years.
I still don't get how the technology used in an amplifier matters as long as the amplifier is sounding good to the end user.
I didn't know what topology was my Nad amp built on when I bought my amp. I bought it on a 10 days home trail and just kept it as I liked it and the dealer offered it for about 8k cheaper than market price which tempted me more. In fact I bought the Nad amp just with in 4 weeks after I first heard in my life about the brand NAD.

So you think the Topping is just 5% -10% inferior to a proper well built integrated amp in SQ?
Yes, the difference may be just 5% as an amplifier is designed to reproduce the source properly. Its not that a costly amp few times the cost will and more details on its own.

Also some of the money in an integrated amp you pay go for the features/ convenience than only SQ.
Upgrading from a 40k amp to an amp 4 - 5 times its cost you will be lucky to see a huge improvement in it as an amps goal is to reproduce the recording as close to original as possible and nothing more.
To make the point clear my requirement is an integrated amp putting about 80W/ch output (as I initially thought of a getting floor standers) and I bought an integrated amplifier I liked in my budget. Its not that a 2L amp is just 5% better than the budget Nad amp and settled with the later. When I graduate from the present set-up and ready to explore that 5% more then I will for sure buy such an amp few times the price of present one or wouldn't mind going to some other unknown new technology as long as I find it an improvement to the present one.
If every smart bloke starts thinking like that all budget amplifier companies should shut their business. But for their sake there are some unlucky people who can't think that smart and hence such companies are surviving. That is life smart people are smart always.It definitely does not mean shooting down the AB amplification route. But, people ARE averse to change ... happens everywhere. Moreover, when someone has already procured an expensive route, psychologically, he finds it very difficult to accept that his investment has gone down the drain. So, that individual keeps on contemplating that his procurement is superior to the other equipment ........ thats a normal human attitude. Nothing wrong with that.
There is a huge difference between saying my requirement is Topping and bought it and saying no set-up till 70k can beat it and hence bought it.
No offence but In fact I may be wrong but that later statement sounds like more of a defensive statement which few don't want to accept psychologically or is it smart way of telling it. Yes as you said its just normal and nothing wrong.
As I said the company producing that new technology went south donkey years ago. No point thinking about it now. May be it could have made a reference quality CD-P for peanuts before going south.The same thing happens at the stock markets too. Quite a few of us do 'blind' buy deals. Blind buy means, without doing a company survey, just by momentary intuition, one buys. Once 'bought' the buyer keeps on thinking the share value HAS to go up even when the stock moves south.
I like that statement. Happy ending finally.:clapping:No offence to anyone in here ........ to each his own
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