Topping TP20 tripath 2020 amplifier (versus NAD C320BEE)

Any further reviews on the Topping from other users who've heard it? Quite curious to know how people find the sound on average.
its sounds gud man but i hvnt compared with any othr amp as i dnt hv. I wil be using this with my lcd tv. Planning to buy matching spks.
the wndering thing is it costs nly <2k, i order without power supply, using with dth power supply(300 rs). So now psycho has to edit his first post4k->2k.
Can you provide the eBay Item link? Because when I searched for Topping TA2020, the lowest I could find was $45 + $25 shipping :confused:

The one Psychotropic has - Topping TP20 MKII from Indeed Hi-Fi Labs, which comes with power supply is nearly $60 + $30 shipping.

I would suggest you buy from the same dealer as physchotropic. I paid $67 for mine with free shipping from another dealer (szclever88), but didn't receive the power supply as mentioned in the picture. The seller in your link (indeed-hi-fi-lab) seems to have a pretty good rating of 99.8 and you should pay a little premium for that as this is ebay. In any case, the price difference is actually not that much if you include shipping cost, all things considered. The construction quality of the amp is also pretty decent.
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Yes akinkya I took from the indeed-hi-fi-lab and 2024 not 2020. (Did not notice the difference.)
The seller has 99.8% Positive feedback.
I hooked this up with Sony bookshelf speakers yesterday and it sounded amazing.
I took this for LCD TV actually I was not satisfied with the sound from my Sony Bravia and I was using my existing Sony mini hifi 120w *2. Now with tripath I am pretty happy. It can realize the different between sony and sounds from tripath. The only thing I was missing a remote.Not for reducing the volume, for increasing the volume) It filled my 11*13 ft room even though volume knob was at 6 O clock.
My source is Airtel DTH setup box and I am using rca cables only.
Haan, there are many permutations and combinations but after much research I can assure you that what i Bought is probably the cheapest no-compromise (or should i say no major compromise) option among the cheap tripath amps. But if you have your own power supply or have access to one, then by all means by the one without the PSU, but go for the 2020 and not the 2024, that one watt extra power per channel makes a difference when it's such a small amp.

I am still waiting for more feedback. None of the guys with 'serious hi-fi' setups want to take a chance on this? I should really do some kind of road show. Travel around the country with the topping, plonk it into people's high-end setups and see if they like it :) Like Edison's "Tone Tests"
It would be nice if budget av sources are also discussed which could go with this amplifier.

Manoj Sharan
Psychotropic, I think the Topping tp20 would have one a lot of fans, if you had been able to make it to the chennai meet. But since that didnt happen, you should think about doing a road trip just like you said, after all its for a good cause.
I have put my purchase on hold due to other reasons.

mksharan, Budget av sources? It would be pretty much the same as for any other stereo amp. A used cdp or a new entry level cdp would be the best bet. Next would be something like the dv89/99. Else a computer paired with Pico dac( 4700rs) through usb.
Forget using anything through a Y splitter cable, it s useless.
Haan, there are many permutations and combinations but after much research I can assure you that what i Bought is probably the cheapest no-compromise (or should i say no major compromise) option among the cheap tripath amps. But if you have your own power supply or have access to one, then by all means by the one without the PSU, but go for the 2020 and not the 2024, that one watt extra power per channel makes a difference when it's such a small amp.

I am still waiting for more feedback. None of the guys with 'serious hi-fi' setups want to take a chance on this? I should really do some kind of road show. Travel around the country with the topping, plonk it into people's high-end setups and see if they like it :) Like Edison's "Tone Tests"

Hey man - I thought we were still on for that meet up :). Not that I have a 'serious Hifi' setup or claim to know what that means :)
hehe hey vortex, we definitely are, unfortunately i've been getting buggerred with work the past few weeks. Weekends included. As soon as things get a bit free I'll pop over with the little amp and we'll see how it does :)

Hey man - I thought we were still on for that meet up :). Not that I have a 'serious Hifi' setup or claim to know what that means :)
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