True Audiophile

Hi all,

I have been following this thread from the beginning and waiting till my TT is up and running before putting in my views. This thread is very informative and may pull in few pure digital folks into serious Vinyl addicts!

I started liking Vinyls after a short session at Viren's place around 3 years back. The LP12 connected with Lyrita phono and SET amp created some magic moments which used to pop up frequently even I did not have serious plan/budget to get into Analog as I was in the process of tweaking my digital set up.

After few discussions with experienced forum members, I have decided to buy a pre-owned TT from one of the forum members and bought a Lyrita phono stage from Viren. Now what about Vinyls? I did not want to spend a lot on buying new vinyls and picked a few Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi and English LP's from Mohan musicals and another person in Kerala. Friends, the experience after listening these scratchy vinyls in an old Technics TT was amazing. Especially with few of Illayaraja's early to mid 80's film songs (like Sippikkul Muthu, Kadalorai Kavithakal, Thentralle ennai thodu,....). I have not experienced that liveliness in any other digital set up! This experience led me to get hold of a decent and better TT and decided to pick a Project Debut III from one of my visits to Austria and upgraded the cart to Ortofon 2Mred and got the Torn arm cables changed (with Cardas) recently and this is awesome! I don't want to use many audiophile terrms here and for me, this has a better slam, attack and liveliness than any good to excellent digital set up. {I do have a very good and the most neutral top of the line (not in brands)digital set up with the new DAC from Acoustic Portrait and I was told that this DAC has already beaten CDP/DACS costing $$$$$}

This may be my personal experience ... Any day I like a well set up TT than the artificial and coloured Digital set up. True personal opinion... No debate! The only problem I have is to source music which I like in good Vinyl pressing.

Hi venu,

Glad to see the tt up and running now. Maybe I'll drop in one weekend for a listen sometime November?


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This experience led me to get hold of a decent and better TT and decided to pick a Project Debut III from one of my visits to Austria and upgraded the cart to Ortofon 2Mred and got the Torn arm cables changed (with Cardas) recently and this is awesome! I don't want to use many audiophile terrms here and for me, this has a better slam, attack and liveliness than any good to excellent digital set up. {I do have a very good and the most neutral top of the line (not in brands)digital set up with the new DAC from Acoustic Portrait and I was told that this DAC has already beaten CDP/DACS costing $$$$$}

This may be my personal experience ... Any day I like a well set up TT than the artificial and coloured Digital set up. True personal opinion... No debate! The only problem I have is to source music which I like in good Vinyl pressing.


Ah, I missed it.

"This thread is very informative and may pull in few pure digital folks into serious Vinyl addicts!"

It is equally possible that this thread may help a few vinyl addicts to overcome their 'addiction' and develop a 'healthy' love for digital :)

Has anybody crossed over from one camp to the other after reading any comment on this thread?

I have not budged a microscopic inch from my position. I would love to listen to a good vinyl based set up like Manav's or Prem's. But my source will always be a cd player or high resolution files+dac :)
Has anybody crossed over from one camp to the other
as far as I know and I may be wrong but I have never seen any vinyl addict crossed over to Digital camp (atleast in our forum). Looks like they are happy with what they hear :). But still if any one has changed there listening preferences from vinyl to CDs kindly donate vinyls to me.
By the way Since you like western classical music I remember long back I read/heard interview of Sir Ratan Tata about his retirement plan. He said he will listen to his western classical record collection. He will also start a product design Co.
But my source will always be a cd player or high resolution files+dac :)

Always? Can you never see yourself owning both? I always think that owning both sources is the best (not the cheapest!) of both worlds. In my ideal stereo setup, I would have the convenience of digital with the magic of vinyl. In practice, I would like to use digital for most occasions and vinyl for those special sessions.

Well I have retired much before Ratan Tata with pretty much similar intentions of listening to my collection of western classical CD's. But instead of a design company I would prefer to start a 'symphony' bar serving single malts and old world wines, with orchestral music playing loudly on a state of the art hi fi system. Conversation will be allowed but not encouraged. The focus would be on enjoying the malts and the music. And I will use both a digital and an analogue source :)

Well I have retired much before Ratan Tata with pretty much similar intentions of listening to my collection of western classical CD's. But instead of a design company I would prefer to start a 'symphony' bar serving single malts and old world wines, with orchestral music playing loudly on a state of the art hi fi system. Conversation will be allowed but not encouraged. The focus would be on enjoying the malts and the music. And I will use both a digital and an analogue source :)

In all seriousness I will say really do it if you love doing it. Good food and music always go together. Quickly have also thought about name of the place "The suite" or "The Movement". How about "ensemble" or "serenades" ? :)
How about "Classical Singles"?

A damned good business idea, by the way. But I'm not sure if Chandigarh, or for that matter any other Indian city, would have the bandwidth for the "Classical" part.
Ken Rockwell's opinion of LPs:

LPs suck more. Analog master tapes are great, but LPs are awful. Audiophiles are often hoping that I'm endorsing LPs, but no. These "plastic dog plops," as one mastering engineer referred to them, are loaded with noise, wow & flutter, distortion, echoes, room feedback and even pitch changes from never being pressed on-center. LPs usually have their lows cut, or at least summed to mono. Some people prefer the added noise and distortion, much as a veil hides the defects in an ugly woman's face, allowing our brain to fill-in what we want to see. I never bought LPs. 16 bits as a release format, done properly, is more than enough to capture everything.

Original source: Everything New Sucks
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as far as I know and I may be wrong but I have never seen any vinyl addict crossed over to Digital camp (atleast in our forum). Looks like they are happy with what they hear :).
Everyone over a certain age grew up with vinyl. I have described why I am now in the digital "camp" earlier on in the thread. I never saw it as crossing over, though. It's just how things changed over time.

It is only when I came here a few years back that I didn't bother to connect the TT to the amp. There's a minidisk player unconnected too!

One of the worst recordings I ever bought (it was expensive, too: what a disappointment) was vinyl described as digitally mastered, or some such. I could not listen to it. It was not until a lot later that I came to understand that early stuff like this (quite apart from the mad desire of marketing men to stick the label "digital" on things, however analogue. digital headphones, anyone?) gave "digital" a bad name. It was, indeed, dead. I guess I still have it, but I'm not keen to drag it out. The CD I bought, of the same symphony, much more recently, is a delight.
To me, he seems to make some good points!
Consumers are easily misled and will buy based on features that have numeric specifications attached to them, since they lack the skills and experience to appreciate more subtle, but more fundamental, quality differences,
Bring on high-resolution digital audio!
Bring on high-resolution digital audio!

Thad, i might disagree with you on all other points, but this one I agree with...

i feel that as far as range goes the hi-res downloads will probably match up to the Vinyl... and be waaaaay more convenient.

hence, in the past few months I have built my system around a non-cd kind of set up... I will soon be putting my cds for sale and all digital will be solely through my new Squeezebox Touch + USB Hard Drive + DAC (currently experimenting this idea with a simple CA Dacmagic)...

and for critical listening I will continue using my TT.

but yeah, as a marketing/advertising person, I can see that hi-res downloads i s going to DOMINATE. Cd's will slowly die out like the compact cassette....
But... as mentioned already, how much of the high-resolution stuff is going to be real (as opposed to re-packed CD material) and/or actually worth the higher costs that will be charged for it?
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!