Well-Known Member
Dr. Bass
Accepted. The nearest good vinyl based system I know of is Manav's. Sooner or later when I listen to itand find it better than a CDP based system, I will be DELIGHTED to admit the superiority of vinyl. It would be great to discover a better sound than anything I have heard before. Isn't that what the pursuit of high fidelity is all about?
I will still keep listening to CD music, because the collection I have now is my final one. It will last me till the grim reaper comes along and starts singing This Is The End. Beyond the fact that the music I like is only available on CD, I have no loyalty or special affinity for compact discs. Ego and hardened opinions are a heavy load to carry, therefore I have tried to shed them. It is easier to admit that you are wrong about something, than to stubbornly carry the load of ignorance for the rest of your life!
It is possible that the trend which began in the 80's towards digital music may be part of a cost cutting, profit maximising trend at the cost of sacrificing sound quality. But the exercise seems to be backfiring on the music industry because vinyl was a 'closed' technology where it was not easy to duplicate recordings. Whereas with digital music it is open season.
Good to hear this Ajay. Please do listen to some hi-end turn table setups and do post back your views. I too do not own a hi-end turn table now. I used to own one when I was in college. It was my first exposure to hifidelity sound. Believe me; you may just like one over the other because of your priorities or taste. With your exclusive interest in western classical, I have this feeling that you will stay with digital due to massive collections which are available on cd / hd tracks.
Most sensible audiophiles who have ACTUAL EXPERIENCE with hi-end versions of analogue and digital understand and appreciate the value of both. They respect the intrinsic value of both but may prefer to live with either or both.
Very rarely I come across a sensible audiophile that has actual experience with both but tries to put down the other unless they are provoked and attacked about their preference.
Once a friend told me:
Vinyl It is like sex. Glorious and real !
Digital It is like sex but with rubber. Nice and fun too !
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