Very inspired by your builds!
Please do share some details about the locally made transformers, specifications, cost to get made, etc...
I got the transformers made locally by a old person who have 45 years experience in designing and winding transformers. They have lot of original winding data of various tube amplifiers like RCA, Mullard, Altec, Thordarson, etc., mostly used in theatres but all are push pull type. They do have very few designs for Single end amps(for EL84,EL34,6L6 tubes).
In my experience the local made push pull type transformers are close to performance of imported txrs,in aspect of frequency response, details, power but imported ones more smoother, precise, sweet. The difference is mainly due to the quality of core and copper wire. local person also using costlier materials available here. but those materials are not equal to imported ones.
Regarding power and choke the local transformers are very good.
we have tried few methods to improve the quality of power and choke and succeeded, the power and choke txrs now they are producing in much improved.
Push pull type designs available
20%, 43% screen tap
Power handling: 10W, 20W, 30W, 50W, 60W, 100W, 120W
Primary impedance: 3K, 3.5K, 5K, 6.6K, 7K, 8K, 9K, 10K
Secondary Impedance: 4, 8, 16 ohms.
Single end type
Power handling: 5W, 10W, 20W
Primary impedance: 2.5K, 3.5K, 5K,
Secondary Impedance: 4, 8, 16 ohms.
Cost of local made transformers(power, choke, OPTs) also higher and vary according to wattage. give your specifications they will calculate the cost and inform you.
For power and choke- local made transformers are fine and much better than hammond.
local made pushpull OPTs also OK.
if you are trying single end amp with tubes EL34, KT66, 45, 2A3, 300B then i strongly recommend imported OPTs.
My suggesion: local made power and choke with imported OPT.