Universal Record Stabilising Ring

I finally received my heavy record stabilizing ring for my VPI classic TT .It is a great relief to see that it fits perfectly and the TT as a whole doesn't have any problem spinning with the added 2.5 Kg of weight. It does the job brilliantly on a warped record. The really warped Time Out vinyl I got now plays like a charm like a new record. Thanks to magma for completing this difficult project with ease. Other than sonic benefits this ring will also help me in doing weight training. Pretty handy thing to have.
Hi Magma,

I have a question about the periphery ring is what sizes (thickness) do you have? My turntable has a large platter and from the max space from the surface of the record to the platter is max 6mm so not sure what you might have. Second I don't live locally so I would need it mailed to me in Canada. Can you tell me what it would cost with the ring and and approximate cost to Langley BC Canada. I hope you can help thanks. :)

Now its my turn to say something about this ring from Magma.

Thanks to magma for his patience in listening to my troubles with first URSR which was standard measurement. This was touching to power button of my technics 1200. I returned it and got new one with reduced diameter. This got too less weight to be effective. Magma got me third one. :clapping:
This is smaller in diameter, thicker and heavier of the lot, weighs ~680gms (magma, pl correct me), nice example of workmanship.

Now I have this ring from almost a week and I spend through different set of records - Gulaam Ali, Lt. Jagajit singh, Lt. Pt. Bismillah Khan to Iron maidon, Metallica, 80's Bollywood.

In one line this sweeps the noise (scratchiness) out of music. Music is clearer in terms of clean vocals, more distinguished sound of instruments like guitar, flute, crash plates of drums, and all mid-high range instruments which I can list here. If these instrument are in background with low sound then they used to lost without ring. With the ring notes can be differentiated and recognized distinctively.

Big thanks to Magma for his help through out.
a new batch of rings are ready
these are the MK2 versions

will PM you the costs with shipping soon

thank you for the kind words
im glad the newest ring matched your expectations
heres a couple centre weights developed for a dealer
weighs 760gms
Stainless steel and Al composite construction with damping matt

its an aluminium and Stainless steel combo
Only the damping matt is a polymer

its designed along the lines of the oyaide centre wt hence the multiple columns
Very fancy looking. Didn't know a center weight could be made in so many ways:)
760 gms means it would have to be used on a real torquey 'table.

I think your next one should be of Delrin.

delrin is a useless material.i hate it
in any case delrin would be too light
the same thing made in delrin would probably weigh not more than 200gms

760 gms - would require a normal TT ( well not extreme budget one)

some VPI's take a 4 LBS weight!
so 760 gms is pretty good

you should try it

there are polymers that are better than delrin that can be used
i.e shock resistant ( non brittle) and ones that offer a better finish when machined
the other reason is the weight as i mentioned

a polymer may be used in conjunction with a metal but a weight made entirely out of a polymer will weigh to less to have any real effect on the record

there are polymers that are better than delrin that can be used
i.e shock resistant ( non brittle) and ones that offer a better finish when machined
the other reason is the weight as i mentioned

a polymer may be used in conjunction with a metal but a weight made entirely out of a polymer will weigh to less to have any real effect on the record

Could you let me know the names of some of them so I can read up a bit? Also, are the others easily available in our country?
I found this thread and forum by googling about lp stabilizer rings. I am interested in finding out about the cost of your lighter ring, but apparently as a new member I do not yet have PM capability. Can you pm me?

Hi Magma

i'm so impressed by your RSR & centre weight .its so heartening to know that you have undertaken the task of producing this for vinyl lovers which are increasing on a daily basis!
i have a Marantz Direct Drive Servo control TT model 6170, i've added the link of a pic with the TT specifications below

kindly PM me info & price of the specific RSR & centre weight that would suit my TT.

Legendary Audio Classics: Marantz Model 6170 Turntable

since you are a new member you have no PM facility
i cannot PM you yet
please contact me via my website listed below

@ sean
we appreciate your encouragement

you may contact me by filling the form on
Sound Foundations - Homepage

or at my cyber home

If you have not read through the whole thread
heres a recap

We built the original USR based on this
The Universal RSR: Lp Stabilizer Disc Ring Outer Record Periphery Clamp, Warped Records, Damping, Resonance, Realistic Sound Reproduction.

Dimensions: outer 13.520" Diameter x .125 thick. (3.0mm )

wt : 450gms
Material : High nickel alloy Non Mag StainlessSteel - density 0.29 lbs/in3 OR 7.99 g/cm3

this was the
USR MK 1 ring - 460 gms dia 345mm

later on the feedback of users we found a 200gms increase in the weight gave much better results on all TT's
this was how the MK2 was born

USR ring new MK2 version - 650gms/ dia 345mm/thicknes 4.85mm -

Note : we have also discontinued the acrylic centring disc on advice of users
Many users found the disc actually catches dirt/dust and transfers this onto the record also since it contacts the record grooves it tends to scratch the grooves.Hence it does more bad than good

im pretty sure most of us have steady hands and can make do without the centring disc

Later we made the monster USRs for the VPI turntables
these are close to 18mm thick and weigh a cool 6.5lbs

As for centre weights ( pics can be found on this thread)

Centre weight - Thorens Replica - 2650 Rs
Centre weight - Scheu inspired - 3850 Rs (550gms)
Oyaide inspired composite weight - (750gms)

i advice heavier weights.I think many weights availble internationally weigh 2-3 lbs
some weighing 5 lbs for VPIs
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