Universal Remote for Videocon D2H - Suggestions


Active Member
Oct 11, 2012
Can you guys share a univeral remote that can work with Videocon D2H non-dvr model and TV/BD/AVR.

I heard people have problems configuring their STB.
Most TV brands, BD and AVR do work with popular remotes.

How about Logitech 650.
It would be great if you can suggest few options and share your experiences if you own one with D2H.
Is your stb the new one that uses RF remotes? If so, universal remotes won't work unless they can support RF also.
RF remote was introduced in the new white recently. Yours should be IR based and so a harmony URC can be used. The advantage of RF is that it does not need line of sight with the STB. It will work even from another room.
I Purchased the harmony 200. I added WD TV LIVE PLUS HD and Viderocon HD D2H (trained it). Although both of them work, but only very few options. WD medoa player goes only forward direction, i mean i cant come back on folders. I cant change tracks etc. With Videocon D2H, the volume dosent work.

Anyone who got this working for above combo? Pls help.

Thank You.

How did you configure this? Did you use any manufacturer and model type or trained the harmony? Pls let me know the details.


I too use the Harmony 200, it does all the basic functionality for the Videocon HD D2H. Volume works for me :)
hey guys recently got videocon d2h hd "white box". I can't seem to teach my Harmony 700 as it does not have RF.

seems the new "White Box" has RF. Is there a alternate way to teach the Harmony 700 a way to change channels ?
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