Usher Audio V601

Nice review and a nicer song selection, Alcy! Have you tried Wings For Marie I and II? They have a ton of layers and detail that should bring out the best in your system.
Nice review and a nicer song selection, Alcy! Have you tried Wings For Marie I and II? They have a ton of layers and detail that should bring out the best in your system.

heh, yes, which tool album/song doesn't have layers and immense details ? :) But now that you mention it, I have an excuse to listen to them again !
Haha, many thanks for the review ! I honestly kept thinking that I asked you for it, but kept doubting myself ! will go through the review :)

This is coming from "Better late than never department" :D: Your patience has been well rewarded. In case you have missed it see the mini-review here >>

Here's one entry-level combo that can make the Usher V-601 sing better than anything at its price-point IMHO...

Analog out of Asus Xonar ST soundcard modded with AD797 BRZ opamps (@10k~) fed straight into power-amp section of NAD 326 Integrated amp* (@ 32k ~) or Norge power amp (@ 22k~). Use digital volume control of Xonar to control volume. (FM's may contact me for clarification /details if reqd)

*This NAD's power-section is stonking great (especially bass -heft) at its price! it's pre-section is a let-down in low-level details.

For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!