The Wharfedale's had been lying unattended for some months now so I decided to rotate them into the system. Brought the big 6 cuft cabinets down from the lift room on the terrace .Boy was my wife
Fitted the Wharfedale's in the cabinets and fired up the system. Instantly I realized that one speaker was distorting and it sounded like a voice coil rub.:sad:
Running some test tones and at the same time gently moving the cone to realign it I figured that the distortion was not a voice coil rub but some vibrating/buzzing as if something had come unglued.
Checked the surround, spider and cone and found them to be OK.Only thing left to check was the joint of the voice coil to the cone. Dreading the worst, I cut open the dust cap, and there lay the fault.
The voice coil former (paper) had become brittle after nearly 50 years and had developed a rip. A trip to Ali on Ritchie St. or Babu in B'lore seemed inevitable.
Before making the trip to the speaker repair guys I decided to try and fix this myself. I cut small strips of masking tape and put it on the former so that it would hold.
I played the test tones thorough the driver and there was no distortion. :yahoo:
I connected the drivers sans cabinets and a pair of Lafayette/Toa HW7 tweeters and ran them for quite a few hours last night.
The Wharfedales sound wonderful .Superb TONE.They are one of the best full range /wide range drivers I have heard.
Forum members are welcome to listen to these wonderful drivers.