Vu launches affordable 98-inch smart TV

Sony bottom range TVs are a money grab.

A FALD can generate much higher contrast than 5000:1 as it can generate true blacks. Theoretical max can be infinite like OLEDs if the white and black are in different zones.

3 lakh X85k makes no sense as around 4.5 you can get X95K 85”
No one bothers about blacks among average day to day customers like housewives, old retirees, casual viewers and so forth. The price tag is a major filter among that segment. 4.5 lakhs to a 2.9 lakhs is a huge diffefence to those. Besides an IPS FALD has not gone well even among those who know a thing of two about TV technology or else nano LG tvs (QNED) would have been the talk of town here. Your choices may be strictly your deciding factor and not a general concensus. Price plus brand plus bells and whistles makes those TVs go to a niche orbit and not all folks can be so selective. 5000:1 is good enough for many.
No one bothers about blacks among average day to day customers like housewives, old retirees, casual viewers and so forth. The price tag is a major filter among that segment. 4.5 lakhs to a 2.9 lakhs is a huge diffefence to those. Besides an IPS FALD has not gone well even among those who know a thing of two about TV technology or else nano LG tvs (QNED) would have been the talk of town here. Your choices may be strictly your deciding factor and not a general concensus. Price plus brand plus bells and whistles makes those TVs go to a niche orbit and not all folks can be so selective. 5000:1 is good enough for many.
You’re contradicting yourself. Saying day to day folks don’t care about blacks. Okay agree there. But then they’ll be more than okay with IPS FALD as well.

In fact, day to day users will look at a 1000 nit FALD and go for it over a 500 nit VA. Or they’ll just go for a 1 lakh TV and not even spend that much.

I don’t see a single target consumer for a 3 lakh 85” non FALD.

  • you just care about screen size: get a Chinese 75”-85”. You’ll get it for around 1 lakh.
  • You want really really big screen size: get a projector. Much cheaper
  • You care about picture quality: go for OLED or miniLED like X95L or a 77” OLED/QDOLED
  • You care about PQ and on strict budget but want size: this VU

If you don’t care about PQ, why the hell would someone spend 3 lakhs on a TV. You can get a projector or a cheapo 85” for much much cheaper. And X85L isn’t much of an upgrade from a basic cheap Chinese tv anyway. Even my 40k rupee Toshiba did 6000:1 contrast and it has FALD on top.
What a coincidence! My 2016 model Vu TV 55" which I was using as a computer monitor got repaired yesterday and since I needed to print some important documents, I called in a mechanic to try and repair it. He said if the TV is out of warranty, they dont have spare parts and it has to be thrown away. I got 1200 Rs offer in exchange thats all.

One person's thrash is another person's treasure. I will never opt for Vu 85" spending 3 lakhs unless they have spare parts post warranty period for this product.
What a coincidence! My 2016 model Vu TV 55" which I was using as a computer monitor got repaired yesterday and since I needed to print some important documents, I called in a mechanic to try and repair it. He said if the TV is out of warranty, they dont have spare parts and it has to be thrown away. I got 1200 Rs offer in exchange thats all.

One person's thrash is another person's treasure. I will never opt for Vu 85" spending 3 lakhs unless they have spare parts post warranty period for this product.
I had to throw my 2013 Sony for 1500 as well as Sony also doesn’t have spare parts for it.

Should I swear off Sony TVs too, as by your logic Sony also doesn’t have spares?
I had to throw my 2013 Sony for 1500 as well as Sony also doesn’t have spare parts for it.

Should I swear off Sony TVs too, as by your logic Sony also doesn’t have spares?
I was able to find spare part for my Sony 9300 though repaired it and enjoying the 3D TV. It depends. Sony has unauthorised service specialists willing to repair the set for a modest fee but a Vu will not generate interest among them as cost of TV is equal to spare parts.
I was able to find spare part for my Sony 9300 though repaired it and enjoying the 3D TV. It depends. Sony has unauthorised service specialists willing to repair the set for a modest fee but a Vu will not generate interest among them as cost of TV is equal to spare parts.
Mine I tried everywhere and the panel is gone which isn’t available.
I don't understand. if 85 inch is 3L, how is 6L a justified price for 13 more inches ? for VU brand, I wont call this affordable at all
13 inches in diagonal. If we double the size of 85 inches to say 170 inches. It does not mean the TV is double in size. It is actually 4 times with doubling in diagonal. So to double the size my calculations says its 21 inches extra. Means if we double the price from 3 lakhs to 6 lakhs screen size should be alteast 106 inches to justify the double price. Also increasing size may need more processing power and better components. So I think it could be priced at 4.5 lakhs for 13 inch increase when compared to 85 inches.
Mine I tried everywhere and the panel is gone which isn’t available.
There is a Richie street here, which helps secure any part only if it is worth it. Maybe you are right I am right too. Lets agree to a draw here! (One man's opinion is different to another).
Because the TV value is 3Lakhs, we may scramble a spart part for 25k even for a Vu(panel gone means nothing can be done though. New TV only as they are rarely available for 85" and all). But for a TV I spent 47k in 2016, I would not have repaired it for Rs.23k that I spent for my 9k series i bought in 2016 for 1.5 lakhs. Sony 9k series is okay to repair as it is top brass in product line.
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