Wharfedale Linton heritage with Marantz Model 30! Or...

Extending the analogy, isn’t finalising on the media center a bit like shopping for a wedding gown before deciding whom you’d marry? 😊

Seems like there’s a trend especially when high power is needed. But Linton isn’t a power hogger like say the ATCs.

If you are considering class D, ensure that the Lintons’ strength (musicality and emotional experience) remains unabated.
LOL.. but was sure to get married hence the wedding gown LOL
I have cancelled the order for BDI cabinet and waiting for official confirmation!!! :(
I don't want to bore you guys with the thought process for the purchase decision.. (I am overwhelmed with about a million tasks moving a new home) But briefly: ... Since Marantz model 30 was almost final and BDI seem to have very good features like castors (it's really heavy unit), shelves made for audio gear etc. etc. and since they take 5 weeks to deliver I had to make a decision. I already have Panega Rack but with new scheme of things/aesthetics hanging wires behind the racks is unacceptable to the better half (and I agree too). Let's see.
BDI while very functional had one drawback which I realized only recently. One has to keep doors open to actually see the audio equipment. Somehow it feels odd to visualize a listening session with doors open (not sliding ones). Although remote signal can reach with doors closed, not being able to view your own beautiful audio gear is a bummer.
So now theoretically I am open for class A amp comparison with Marantz model 30 (and now I am back to square one about media cabinet :( )
Try listening to the gear and doing an A/B test before deciding. I have recently auditioned a Class A amp (Indiq) vs my Class D Marantz - and i cannot swear to any major differences (or to put it another way, I would have to listen very carefully to tell the difference, to the point that i would be listening to the sound and not the music).
I would have to listen very carefully to tell the difference, to the point that i would be listening to the sound and not the music).
well said!
Quick Updates/Queries:
1. I am seriously considering Denon PMA-A110 (110th anniv. model amp) instead of Marantz Model 30 (it is 1K USD more)
2. I will try to audition if not will use the 30 to 60 days trial of vendor(s)
3. Can someone confirm if Denon pma-a110 is class a/b and if hifi rack like one from Pangea Rack will be alright considering how warm/hot the amp will get?
4. Many thanks to @kib_reddy for replying to my DMs to clarify certain comparison questions (Denon vs. Marantz models above)... Has anyone actually bought the Denon pma-a100?

Another update:

will try to take advantage of black Friday sale (after 20th Nov) to make actual purchase.

Current contenders:
Wharfedale linton : Final decision as of now LOL
(Having said that, as they call the 'endgame', I don't think am ready for wharfedale elysian for that leap of faith without audition as they are almost 3 to 5 times more expensive depending elysian 2 or 4.... but it does appear from reviews and what I like that will be really my forever speaker)
For Amp:
Denon PMA-A110
Rotel RA-1572 MKII
Willsenton R8 Tube Integrated Amplifier
Marantz Model 30 (still in the race)

Meanwhile, was talking to a crutchfield guy and explained him current setup and about Denon PMA-A110. To my surprise, he recommended Rotel RA-1572 MKII. He said "it's cleaner and warmer than Denon" and that "Rotel has one of the cleanest toroidal transformers out there. Plus they provide way more power for those wharfedales". This was surprising. According to zero fidelity video it is neutral and seems the reviewer was not energetic/thrilled with the performance (just it does what it's supposed to do type tone).
Any experience of audition/ownership will be appreciated. Thanks.

Worth considering the Denon PMA 2500NE.

From what I can tell, its the previous generation of what is now called the PMA-A110. Looks almost identical.

Because its their 110th anniversary year, Denon has broken the consistentcy of their model numbering scheme.
Another update:

will try to take advantage of black Friday sale (after 20th Nov) to make actual purchase.

Current contenders:
Wharfedale linton : Final decision as of now LOL
(Having said that, as they call the 'endgame', I don't think am ready for wharfedale elysian for that leap of faith without audition as they are almost 3 to 5 times more expensive depending elysian 2 or 4.... but it does appear from reviews and what I like that will be really my forever speaker)
For Amp:
Denon PMA-A110
Rotel RA-1572 MKII
Willsenton R8 Tube Integrated Amplifier
Marantz Model 30 (still in the race)

Meanwhile, was talking to a crutchfield guy and explained him current setup and about Denon PMA-A110. To my surprise, he recommended Rotel RA-1572 MKII. He said "it's cleaner and warmer than Denon" and that "Rotel has one of the cleanest toroidal transformers out there. Plus they provide way more power for those wharfedales". This was surprising. According to zero fidelity video it is neutral and seems the reviewer was not energetic/thrilled with the performance (just it does what it's supposed to do type tone).
Any experience of audition/ownership will be appreciated. Thanks.
Since you are also considering the Willsenton amp which is supposed to be very good and vfm, this video could also open up 1 more option at a similar price.
Pls don't underestimate the modest 75 watts per channel power, as this entry level Aria can run Magnepans without any issues as per the users who own BA.
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Hi All,

Few updates (there was no action and sometimes no bandwidth for research so didn't post earlier):
1. Ideally would have loved to try class A amp but because of some logistics and budget constraint i will opt for class D amp for now (Yet to try any tube amp which might be in comparable range).
2. So, recently I have bought the following and will inevitably return what I don't like
* Marantz model 30 amp
* Wharfedale Linton speakers
* Denon pma-a100 anniversary edition amp (yet to be delivered).

Marantz Model 30: Frankly, this is a huge disappointment and I was absolutely not ready for it! On paper it is such a wonderful (& logical) upgrade to my Marantz PM6005. Even after considering that there might be a 'break-in' period required I observed the following issues:
* High mid is bright. It gives fatigue very quickly and not at all musical / in harmony with other frequencies being played. This was the biggest surprise because it's so different from the Marantz sound that I am familiar with.
* No soundstage
* No lower bass. There is no body to the bass at all.
* There are more details but they are delivered in dry/mechanical/non emotional way.
* It is very unforgiving to a mediocre recording
Wharfedale Lintons: As expected (lol) , I immediately fell in love... looks are nice & unique. Bass is wow (sure it could have been tighter). Mid range is soothing sweet but vocals do justice to the original so not so much color as such. Some details are lost or at times it may sound even muddy with certain recording but the overall delivery of sound immediately touches your heart... will post more after few more listening session.
Very eager to listen to Lintons with Denon (to be delivered next week).
Thank you all again for your suggestions and comments and it was a pleasure interacting with some of you on chat. Cheers!

p.s.: Would have loved to try Sugden but with no solid dealer (for any issues / warranty etc.) i.e. just some guy in LA who 'can deliver in few weeks' and no reply from the customer support of Sugden, I decided not to pursue. I mean US is a huge market, not sure if they are serious about it or they just focus on UK/Europe and keep a low profile by choice.
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Hi All,

Few updates (there was no action and sometimes no bandwidth for research so didn't post earlier):
1. Ideally would have loved to try class A amp but because of some logistics and budget constraint i will opt for class D amp for now (Yet to try any tube amp which might be in comparable range).
2. So, recently I have bought the following and will inevitably return what I don't like
* Marantz model 30 amp
* Wharfedale Linton speakers
* Denon pma-a100 anniversary edition amp (yet to be delivered).

Marantz Model 30: Frankly, this is a huge disappointment and I was absolutely not ready for it! On paper it is such a wonderful (& logical) upgrade to my Marantz PM6005. Even after considering that there might be a 'break-in' period required I observed the following issues:
* High mid is bright. It gives fatigue very quickly and not at all musical / in harmony with other frequencies being played. This was the biggest surprise because it's so different from the Marantz sound that I am familiar with.
* No soundstage
* No lower bass. There is no body to the bass at all.
* There are more details but they are delivered in dry/mechanical/non emotional way.
* It is very unforgiving to a mediocre recording
Wharfedale Lintons: As expected (lol) , I immediately fell in love... looks are nice & unique. Bass is wow (sure it could have been tighter). Mid range is soothing sweet but vocals do justice to the original so not so much color as such. Some details are lost or at times it may sound even muddy with certain recording but the overall delivery of sound immediately touches your heart... will post more after few more listening session.
Very eager to listen to Lintons with Denon (to be delivered next week).
Thank you all again for your suggestions and comments and it was a pleasure interacting with some of you on chat. Cheers!

p.s.: Would have loved to try Sugden but with no solid dealer (for any issues / warranty etc.) i.e. just some guy in LA who 'can deliver in few weeks' and no reply from the customer support of Sugden, I decided not to pursue. I mean US is a huge market, not sure if they are serious about it or they just focus on UK/Europe and keep a low profile by choice.
Nice to see you’ve warmed up to the Lintons. I believe those are speakers that grow on you. Unless you keep comparing on detail/clarity with other options, one can truly enjoy their engaging musicality.

Sorry to know the amp didn’t work out though. Hope the Denon-Linton provides the sound that you can enjoy for longer durations and time. Usually Brit amps would go well with Brit speakers and Croft/Sugden has worked well with Linton if you go by forums online.
Nice to see you’ve warmed up to the Lintons. I believe those are speakers that grow on you. Unless you keep comparing on detail/clarity with other options, one can truly enjoy their engaging musicality.

Sorry to know the amp didn’t work out though. Hope the Denon-Linton provides the sound that you can enjoy for longer durations and time. Usually Brit amps would go well with Brit speakers and Croft/Sugden has worked well with Linton if you go by forums online.
Hi All,

Few updates (there was no action and sometimes no bandwidth for research so didn't post earlier):
1. Ideally would have loved to try class A amp but because of some logistics and budget constraint i will opt for class D amp for now (Yet to try any tube amp which might be in comparable range).
2. So, recently I have bought the following and will inevitably return what I don't like
* Marantz model 30 amp
* Wharfedale Linton speakers
* Denon pma-a100 anniversary edition amp (yet to be delivered).

Marantz Model 30: Frankly, this is a huge disappointment and I was absolutely not ready for it! On paper it is such a wonderful (& logical) upgrade to my Marantz PM6005. Even after considering that there might be a 'break-in' period required I observed the following issues:
* High mid is bright. It gives fatigue very quickly and not at all musical / in harmony with other frequencies being played. This was the biggest surprise because it's so different from the Marantz sound that I am familiar with.
* No soundstage
* No lower bass. There is no body to the bass at all.
* There are more details but they are delivered in dry/mechanical/non emotional way.
* It is very unforgiving to a mediocre recording
Wharfedale Lintons: As expected (lol) , I immediately fell in love... looks are nice & unique. Bass is wow (sure it could have been tighter). Mid range is soothing sweet but vocals do justice to the original so not so much color as such. Some details are lost or at times it may sound even muddy with certain recording but the overall delivery of sound immediately touches your heart... will post more after few more listening session.
Very eager to listen to Lintons with Denon (to be delivered next week).
Thank you all again for your suggestions and comments and it was a pleasure interacting with some of you on chat. Cheers!

p.s.: Would have loved to try Sugden but with no solid dealer (for any issues / warranty etc.) i.e. just some guy in LA who 'can deliver in few weeks' and no reply from the customer support of Sugden, I decided not to pursue. I mean US is a huge market, not sure if they are serious about it or they just focus on UK/Europe and keep a low profile by choice.
Hello. Did you manage to test the Wharfedale Linton - Denon PMA-A110 combination. I’m considering these two and was after what your personal impressions were of them together. Thanks.
Hello. Did you manage to test the Wharfedale Linton - Denon PMA-A110 combination. I’m considering these two and was after what your personal impressions were of them together. Thanks.
Hey sorry for the late reply.. Yes, I finalized Wharfedale Lintons + Denon PMA-A110 combination which is very musical, warm, with enough bass (for me and for now) as I had a budget consideration I had. This is a definite upgrade for me although I don't think it is the 'endgame' setup as they say.
Like the audiophiles tend to do I also think about constant experiments and possible upgrades so am wondering how the wharfedale Elysian 4 compare to the lintons (wrt clarity / details because obviously overall sound and bass will be bigger of course). But if it perfectly fits your budget and you like warm sound and you are not keen about chest pounding bass as such then go for the combination! Happy listening..
My honest opinion of the Linton is that it has an easy listening speaker signature. It doesn't do anything badly but at the same time, it doesn't do anything exceptionally well. It's more of a homage to the old school speakers which were primarily for casual listening or ambient music rather than for critical listening. One can live with it for decades if one is not super fussy about everything. It used to be super value when it launched. However price creep has caused it to only become somewhat good value now.

If you are looking for a really neutral, audiophile type speaker, this is not it.

When you go to the elysian range which is quite a bit expensive, lots of options new and old open up. Don't restrict yourself to just the elysian.
My honest opinion of the Linton is that it has an easy listening speaker signature. It doesn't do anything badly but at the same time, it doesn't do anything exceptionally well. It's more of a homage to the old school speakers which were primarily for casual listening or ambient music rather than for critical listening. One can live with it for decades if one is not super fussy about everything. It used to be super value when it launched. However price creep has caused it to only become somewhat good value now.

If you are looking for a really neutral, audiophile type speaker, this is not it.

When you go to the elysian range which is quite a bit expensive, lots of options new and old open up. Don't restrict yourself to just the elysian.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, some of which I can instantly agree with. Could you (or anyone reading 😊) please suggest speakers which can be viewed as high-end or end-game speakers according to you for example for me it would be $3k and above (up to say around $10K). Basically I never explored speakers this expensive so was curious.
By the way there is Elysian 3 also now and just viewed a rave review about it. I of course will be doing months of research for something this expensive and possibly will be upgrading amp also to class A so it will really help to know the brands & models. TIA. Cheers!

Update : the beauty / magic of Lintons (even with 'imperfections') along with Denon amp is that, am listening to a song right now for the first time and it sounds just sooooo fantastic (Blackbird - Lady Blackbird) so I am wondering how much of an upgrade in sound quality will it be ultimately after spending 2.5 times the money. (Also the challenge always is not to be constantly unhappy with the current system desiring 'something better' but at the same time one should be curious about the possibilities..what is the best available there if one stretches the budget within reason)
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Thanks for sharing your thoughts, some of which I can instantly agree with. Could you (or anyone reading 😊) please suggest speakers which can be viewed as high-end or end-game speakers according to you for example for me it would be $3k and above (up to say around $10K). Basically I never explored speakers this expensive so was curious.
By the way there is Elysian 3 also now and just viewed a rave review about it. I of course will be doing months of research for something this expensive and possibly will be upgrading amp also to class A so it will really help to know the brands & models. TIA. Cheers!

Update : the beauty / magic of Lintons (even with 'imperfections') along with Denon amp is that, am listening to a song right now for the first time and it sounds just sooooo fantastic (Blackbird - Lady Blackbird) so I am wondering how much of an upgrade in sound quality will it be ultimately after spending 2.5 times the money. (Also the challenge always is not to be constantly unhappy with the current system desiring 'something better' but at the same time one should be curious about the possibilities..what is the best available there if one stretches the budget within reason)

You are in a good place - enjoying music is what this hobby is all about. At this stage, DO NOT pay attention to online reviews etc. If you get to hear a speaker in your room and setup, do that. That’s the only way to judge if it would really improve your enjoyment of music. This is a subjective hobby and everyone would have a different view of “better”

On your question of speakers to consider eventually, I’d add some of the BBC speakers (Harbeth, Spendor, Graham etc), Kef R3 Meta and Rethm speakers to that list. Each has a different presentation and setup requirements
Update : the beauty / magic of Lintons (even with 'imperfections') along with Denon amp is that, am listening to a song right now for the first time and it sounds just sooooo fantastic (Blackbird - Lady Blackbird) so I am wondering how much of an upgrade in sound quality will it be ultimately after spending 2.5 times the money. (Also the challenge always is not to be constantly unhappy with the current system desiring 'something better' but at the same time one should be curious about the possibilities..what is the best available there if one stretches the budget within reason)
If you are love what you are hearing, please do not switch until and unless you get to hear the new equipment *in your room*, at your leisure. If you are convinced after multiple listening sessions that yes what you hear is better, then pull the trigger.

Do not fall for marketing tropes or online reviews. These are like quicksand - they will drag you down into a hole and getting out will become super difficult.
Hi RahulP. Like you, my father fell in instant love with Lintons when he heard it at one of our relatives place. I hence purchased one for him while using Audiolab 6000 int amp to drive it. He loves every moment of listening on Qobuz through wiim mini on this system. If you already like the sound signature of the combination of Linton + Denon, go for it.
Hi RahulP. Like you, my father fell in instant love with Lintons when he heard it at one of our relatives place. I hence purchased one for him while using Audiolab 6000 int amp to drive it. He loves every moment of listening on Qobuz through wiim mini on this system. If you already like the sound signature of the combination of Linton + Denon, go for it.
Like I am mentioned I have already bought lintons plus Denon and enjoying it very much. I have a Cambridge Audio 851 N streamer and Qobuz.
You are in a good place - enjoying music is what this hobby is all about. At this stage, DO NOT pay attention to online reviews etc. If you get to hear a speaker in your room and setup, do that. That’s the only way to judge if it would really improve your enjoyment of music. This is a subjective hobby and everyone would have a different view of “better”

On your question of speakers to consider eventually, I’d add some of the BBC speakers (Harbeth, Spendor, Graham etc), Kef R3 Meta and Rethm speakers to that list. Each has a different presentation and setup requirements
This is interesting.. you suggested Kef R3 Meta to consider 'eventually' which makes me believe that you meant it as an upgrade. Now, interestingly, because I saw so many rave reviews about Kef R3 metas I have ordered it to try and should get it tomorrow. I had a vague plan of course but if I really like them I was going to consider them for bedroom meaning as a secondary setup! (so definitely not an upgrade) now am really curious how they perform compared to the Wharfedale Lintons in AB test. Will update the thread....
Hi RahulP. Like you, my father fell in instant love with Lintons when he heard it at one of our relatives place. I hence purchased one for him while using Audiolab 6000 int amp to drive it. He loves every moment of listening on Qobuz through wiim mini on this system. If you already like the sound signature of the combination of Linton + Denon, go for it.
Thumbs up!!. Nothing greater than keeping the father happy....
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.