What Hi-Fi Mumbai show, 6 to 8 March 2020

I’ve never attended this or any other audio show. Is it just Audio or Video too? And is the audio focused on HT or Stereo? Those who attended last year, which were the renowned/interesting new brands/DIYs that were on show? Also, how’s the ambience? Do they demo various equipment/speakers or mainly display? Given hat it’s a temporary setup, do the demos do justice to the equipment?

I tried searching for any comprehensive write up on previous years’ show on the forum, but couldn’t find any. Kindly share link if you know any. Thanks.
Pls do post of brands that would be exhibiting this year if and when this info is available . I know of Kii , Joseph audio definetly being there.
Based on my visit experience past couple of years, not expecting much for two channel audio. Most have reduced to just display and those that are connected can't play our music carried by us as source is not a CD but streamed.
Hope 2 channel music has something to show case else it will be another day wasted for me.
Confirmed for the Show: Nexus Audio will be showing PMC speakers in surround setup, playing Bluray concerts at the What Hifi Show this year. This will be something to seriously look forward to.
So i hear

From 2 channel high end perspective...It is sad that despite manufactirers having dealers distributors in india now therr is a neglible prsence at shows for prospective buyers to hear products. And then they whine that market is bad.
No 2 channel player in the show? I wish that some other dealers and distributors participate with 2 channel systems. Where is Harbeth, Spendor, Martin Logan, Dali, Fyne, Tannoy? Why are their D&D not taking part? All serious 2 channel brands and we don't get to hear them. It seems many D&D are not interested in the 2 channel market.
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