Most welcome and thanks a lot to you too General Sound. My main intention of going there after your nudge was basically to see what I could be possibly missing in my setup and see other setups and experience the sound of the brands beyond my budget tooNitin K. Thanks. Good you went there and posted the photos. Beyond me, maybe I'll learn someday. As I said in another post, ears may be giving up but I went again today and somehow the Sonus Faber combo at two rooms with different amplification and the Acoustic Portrait room kept drawing me back again and again. The Acoustic Portrait sound had an undefinable sweetness, though the cost at approx 12 l for the system on demo, is far beyond my range of affordability. Unfortunately the smaller system was not on demo, though, sadly, as this costs much less and would have, I am sure , give a taste of Acoustic Portrait sound at a more affordable price point. Interesting to see the Jamo 909 speaker , open back design, on display. I had heard this a decade or so back, it was good.
Here I would like to say something. While the above systems were in the region of 10 l + ,maybe much beyond, let me reiterate that amps and speakers by Norge, Telome, Sonodyne ,Cosmic, Pulz and many other Indian manufacturers sound/sounded astonishingly good at much lower price points and made many of us so happy. Let the music play on play on.

Many popular brands were missing there. I too missed seeing and hearing some setups over there which I am sure others can fill in
But what I felt could have helped a lot of folks is to have the demo of mid level amps/speakers and other components too since most of the gear connected were the super expensive ones. A lot of prospective buyers are in this mid level segment. The super expensive ones can no doubt be played on request.
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