was there for a few hours...
Fyne Audio 502 + NAD M10 - i like the way the speakers stand tall and handsome.. and i guess they will sing with better amplification
KLH speakers & Peachtree electronics
PMC - very good sound in that room.
Kii 3 - excellent - beautiful music
Lyravox - very nice indeed... very impressive solution to discard all those boxes and go for 1 large - everything - very nice sound too.. and so very WAF ( if you can afford it

). The logic is to sell all your cdp and amps and streamers and speakers - bridge the gap and go for this !!
Kin Mini with wireless music - sad the turntable could not be used..but nice setup and quite modern
Monitor Audio and Roksan K3
Nagaoka Cartridges - in India - at the show
Focal speakers - static display ( sadly no major Naim electronics to pair with Focals - which is a missed opportunity i think )
SB Acoustics - Ara ( with Be tweeter - very nice ) and Rinjani floorstanders - they say bigger floorstanders are on the way in 2 months as well..
Marshall speakers - very interesting
heard all these and overall it was a nice experience.
last year i could not visit so from that perspective - i guess the show has grown in maturity
Much thanks to all the hosts for playing music for me for a while and being so hospitable.
Hope all the distributors get good business and the show visitors get good experiences and good choices..
met a few folks from HFV as well - so nice to see you all in person again.
maybe i missed a few but thats all i had time for today..
PS : I had carried a CD with me and felt old fashioned as many of the rooms have wireless music and not many CDP's but in the few rooms that had a CDP - it made a difference IMO.