What is LED LCD TV ?


Active Member
Dec 14, 2007
Hyderabad/Chennai, India
I wanted to research for my purchase and i gone through LG and Toshiba websites for LED tv ... both of them mention LED tv as "LED LCD" TV ... what is that ? Hybrid or what :)
primarily, commercially in india there are only 2 kinds of flat panels TVs available- Plasma and LCD. This refers to the display panel.
LCD requires a light source to light up the pixels or liquid crystals (Liquid Crystal Display - LCD). In basic LCD (the ones that were available earlier) the light source was a CFL kinda thing and now its done using Light Emitting Diodes (LED). Both use similar LCD panels as the main display. LEDs are more efficient and last longer - apparently :rolleyes:

The term LED TV is a misnomer. They are nothing but LCD TVs with LED as backlight. For 'ordinary' LCD TV CCFL is used as backlight.
Also check these threads out




The display is LCD but the difference is i the backlight. It can be either 1) Traditional CCFT 2) Edge Lit LED or 3)Full LED backlight

If you are going for full backlight LED then well and fine otherwise there is not much difference between the forst two ones , the edge lit one will be bit more thinner and consumes bit less power.

Then if you wait for another few months OLED TV's are coming (which will be expensive intially as always) which gives you true LED and not just backlght
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