What poison are you having today ?

Please, next time, also include some Irish whiskies. Before I gave up all that stuff, I used to find that an "ordinary" Irish whiskey was equal to a much more expensive Scotch in flavour, smoothness, and general undiluted drinkability.


A big thumbs up to Irish whiskies, as a desi i was brought up to believe that scotch = whisky , and Black label was the top brand. The illusion was destroyed by a nice Tullamore Dew one fine day. I still like scotch but would rather have an Irish.
Thad, are you of Irish descent???

Have not been lucky enough to get the good fortune of trying some more of the Irish besides the Jameson & Bushmills. Redbreast 12 yrs is one which I would like to get my hands on, hopefully soon ;)
A big thumbs up to Irish whiskies, as a desi i was brought up to believe that scotch = whisky...

Even in England, that misconception is widespread. The Irish product has a minority audience, which, given its quality, is a pity.

Thad, are you of Irish descent???

A little, perhaps, but not really.

Before I gave up alcohol, my favourite "poison" had become sake, Japanese rice wine! Now I am more likely to spout a lecture on the fact that alcohol is poisonous ...but don't worry, I didn't join the thread to do that!

Favourite poison of a non-alcohol drinker? Well, sometimes I think of going to Pacific Islands for a holiday, and spending a whole week drinking kava kava! :cool: :ohyeah: :p

And been having some IPA's. Hop recipe. Sammy Adams. Micro brewery lot. Bit better but very enjoyable. Had a Corona in between, Actually felt it was water. :(
Three not so alcoholic drinks I had, courtesy of my friend. Amarula was okay. Wasn't a big fan of Advocaat.

Port wine was good and I hope the image given is the one I had (a faint memory of the brand name..bottle almost looks the same :confused:)




After posting this, I realized that the thread says 'today'. So, all I can post about is Bud Magnum, the only thing I liked available locally. Will post again when my friend returns with good stuff :(
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With ice, this could be better:
Grant's... Family reserve.


Quite smooth and fruity, lil high on effervescence.
Completely invalid ...if it wasn't a Blind test! ;)

Which is as good an excuse as any to go and do it all again :lol: :lol: :p

Please, next time, also include some Irish whiskies. Before I gave up all that stuff, I used to find that an "ordinary" Irish whiskey was equal to a much more expensive Scotch in flavour, smoothness, and general undiluted drinkability.

You also need to know this vital information, if you are going to be serious about such things :lol:


Thanks. Yes, I will! I have had some of the popular brands like Jameson's, Bushmills, and Black Bush; but never tried analyzing the taste seriously. For some reason, I now feel the need to better understand what I eat and drink, so I will try and do an A/B comparison of Irish whiskeys (thanks for the spelling tip too). I will also include Tullamore Dew to the above list.

Another intriguing brand I discovered in this thread (a couple of people mentioned it) was Redbreast. Never knew the Irish make single malts as well! Will have to try that too.

Yet another that I want to try is what many call the best single malt whisky - the Macallan. The best I have had so far was a Lagavulin 16, which I found quite magnificient.
Is there any chance of getting Bulmers Cider here in India?

Bulmers Original Irish Cider is Ireland's favorite cider and I tell you its awesome. They even serve draught in Ireland :). Also, I personally feel Guinness tastes best only in Ireland.
Cider and Youth Remembered...

Cider, in UK, is regarded as a light drink. It is even bought for the children if the family is having an outing to the pub garden. This is a really crazy thing, because if people bothered to read the label, they might find that the cider has more alcohol than the beer they are drinking!

Cider can indeed be a very delicious drink. A fine cider can be more enjoyable than wine, and will always be better value for money.

If one is in the cider-producing areas of UK, one might get scrumpy. This is basically the house's home-made. Sometimes, though, it looks like dishwater and doesn't taste much better ...but beware, beware, the effects. You don't feel it when you are drinking it, but it hits you all at once.

In my teens, we used to talk of the cider and sunshine effect. We would be drinking cider at the local pub in our college lunch hour, not feeling very much, until we emerged into the sun, and then, wham! It was pretty hard to stay awake through the next lecture! Actually, it wasn't so easy to even get to the lecture!

Some fairly mild ciders were sold in 2-litre bottles. One day, I bought one that I had not tried before. It's name was Olde English. This one was not mild, and I had an embarrasing time trying not to be horribly drunk at the house of my parents' friends who were putting me up during my first few weeks away from home, in London.

Cider and Youth Remembered...

Cider, in UK, is regarded as a light drink. It is even bought for the children if the family is having an outing to the pub garden. This is a really crazy thing, because if people bothered to read the label, they might find that the cider has more alcohol than the beer they are drinking!

Cider can indeed be a very delicious drink. A fine cider can be more enjoyable than wine, and will always be better value for money.

If one is in the cider-producing areas of UK, one might get scrumpy. This is basically the house's home-made. Sometimes, though, it looks like dishwater and doesn't taste much better ...but beware, beware, the effects. You don't feel it when you are drinking it, but it hits you all at once.

In my teens, we used to talk of the cider and sunshine effect. We would be drinking cider at the local pub in our college lunch hour, not feeling very much, until we emerged into the sun, and then, wham! It was pretty hard to stay awake through the next lecture! Actually, it wasn't so easy to even get to the lecture!

Some fairly mild ciders were sold in 2-litre bottles. One day, I bought one that I had not tried before. It's name was Olde English. This one was not mild, and I had an embarrasing time trying not to be horribly drunk at the house of my parents' friends who were putting me up during my first few weeks away from home, in London.


Indeed, very well said Thad. This is very close to how some of the locals described this on my long holiday in Ireland.
Gents - Its going to be Gin n Tonic this summer for me. Please can you suggest some good Gin that I can purchase here in Bangalore? Suggestions please...

A nice link - http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Gin-and-Tonic

Had a quick look at the Madhuloka site and ive shortlisted a few:

Finsbury London Dry Gin
Gordons Dry Gin - Got experience with this and its fantastic
Bombay Sapphire London Dry Gin
Tanqueray London Dry Gin

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suggest some good Gin that I can purchase here in Bangalore? Suggestions please...

Had a quick look at the Madhuloka site and ive shortlisted a few:

hi rp

B'bay sapphire is a great option.
I try and avoid madhuloka as much as possible. terrible service; insane prices. as you're in blore, do check out makemydrink.com. I've tried them a couple of times and they haven't disappointed yet.
Buy from India's official online dealer!