what price to pay?

Hi Arijit,
Have no experience with ur speaker.
First decide if u want to go for the Stereo set up or an AVR. Obviously to get an AVR to sound like a decent stereo amp ull have to spend big bucks.
Secondly why are u going for a sonodyne pre power @ 130 WPC? Buy a decent integrated from the usual suspects(Nad,Marantz ..........) In budget seperates a pre/power maybe inferior in every way to an integrated of the same price. And in my opinion Sonodyne is going the wrong way in the recent past.
Lastly the denons are great for budget AVR s but i truly feel they do no justice when asked to reproduce music, while excelling in the AV experience. So its always a compromise.
Its better to ask the questions now than be disillusioned later!!!
Now over to the EXPERTS!!!
Best regards
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Hi all, would really like to thank all of you (specially Dinyaar) who have been posting your opinions on this thread to help me put together my system.
What did I finally get.
Musical Fidelity A 3.2 amp (second hand...thanks to the forum)
Cyrus CD 6s CD player (from Singapore)
Monitor Audio RS 6
VDH revolution cables and Kimber Timbre interconnect (second hand)
All under 1.5L
I am off to press the PLAY button.
Thanks again.

Congrats! So wheres the party tonight.
Hey people,

The Sonodyne 2605s (old model) were available for a only 17 K as opposed to the new ones that are going for 23. I bought the last available pair, so am stuck with them. They sound good, have a good midrange, and for the size of my room, they are an overkill.

So, speakers are settled.

Now for the amp. What do the purists feel about what one needs for music? Simple Sonodyne 2-channel pre and power amp combo costs about 26 K, and delivers 130 w per channel at 8 ohms. Awesome sound.

Going by my ear, that's what i need. But some are suggesting I go for a surround amp, JUST IN CASE i want to add more speakers later and start watching DVDs. That has to be a choice I will have to make on my own.

If I go for surround ones, I already mentioned the CA Azur 540 R, which some of you have endorsed. There are also the Denon AVR 1708 and 1508. The 1708 has bi-amping, which is missing in the 1508. What is bi-amping?

Anybody knows about the Denons?

Sorry if I am asking too many questions. These are important decisions, and I can't go without expert advice.

Thanks so much,


Hi Arijit,

Try asking a fresh question in the Amp section.

Go for a stereo amp for the time being. Temptation for a multichannel amp is understandable but in a long run buying a stereo amp now would be beneficial.

Do not worry too much about bi-amping right now. Bi-amping is not beneficial at all levels. You need to go over INR 50K per component to really be able to take advantage of biamping.
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Red Mahogany finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.