What speakers do I buy next?

I am trying to build systems that sound significantly different from each other and have distinctly different strengths

Currently my lineup includes (along with what their strong point is)-
Accuphase+Harbeth M30 - Rich, musical - excellent for vocal, jazz, etc
ATC SCM40+Hegel (earlier had active ATCs) - Transparent, dynamic - excellent for almost all well recorded stuff
Genelec 8040+Freya+ pre - All the advantages of an active system, excellent for rock and metal
Harbeth P3+Leben - night time low volume casual listening

I want to replace the P3+ Leben because the Accuphase+Harbeth M30 does pretty much the same thing (and does it better in most ways) with something else markedly different. Options I am evaluating are:
1. Leben+Zu Audio - more dynamic lively sound of high efficiency speakers
2. Leben+ big JBLs - more dynamic lively sound of high efficiency speakers
3. Leben+Tannoy Prestige/Audio Note - a bit more toned down compared to the JBL and Zu options (but will it sound too similar to the Harbeth?)
4. Replace the Leben with a SET amp + one of the above high efficiency speakers
5. B&W 8xx diamond series + McIntosh - typical sparkly hifi sound different from what I have with any of my combos
6. Rethm Saadhna + SET amp
7. Something high end with an ribbon tweeter?
8. Go higher end to Wilson Audio/Avalon/TAD etc (used availability will be a challenge)

Any thoughts on any of these options or other suggestions I have not considered?

The main criteria as I mentioned above is to put together something that presents music in a markedly different way than my existing systems. Budget is flexible within reason.

Thanks in advance :)
I used Wharfedale before but currently using q acoustics 3050i as primary speakers. I am returning back to some new Wharfedale floorstanders for sure. 3050i is good speaker but it does not have the smoothness of the Wharfedale .
Wow these 3 setups are all under one roof ? What's the Accuphase driving the M30 ? Is it a class A SE or a AB ? If it's the former you are pretty close to the SE sound already . If you are looking for different sound given the kind of money you have already spent , I would say save up (unless you are already loaded ) and get Avantgarde horns or something in that family because you should hear the horns with tubes once , they are significantly different from others speakers. I personally would suggest to first finalize a speaker in your case for you already have Hegel, Accuphase and Leben to drive things , even in a good listening room in India you may struggle to find such a diverse variety of Amps ready for demo.
I used Wharfedale before but currently using q acoustics 3050i as primary speakers. I am returning back to some new Wharfedale floorstanders for sure. 3050i is good speaker but it does not have the smoothness of the Wharfedale .
When the Adanis and the Ambanis are having a meeting we take several steps back and watch from far.
Get the Wharfedale EVO 4.2 3-Way Standmount Speakers at a Special Offer Price.