Whats the courier protocol?


New Member
Nov 20, 2008
Do you ask the courier guy to wait while you open the parcel/package and then sign only after u are satisfied with the content?

I get stuff from flipkart very often, and since i trust them, i blindly accept their packages and sign the delivery sheet before opening the package. But after reading the ebay thread here, I'm a bit sceptical about ebay deliveries. Should I open packages and sign only after I'm satisfied? All the while keeping the courier guy waiting?

Need some advice on this.
Sounds like the Seinfeld episode about coma etiquette.

"KRAMER: Ah, what kind of a man are you? The guy is unconscious in a coma and you dont have the guts to kiss his girlfriend?

JERRY: I didnt know what the coma etiquette was.

KRAMER: There is no coma etiquette. You see thats the beauty of the coma, man. It doesnt matter what you do around it." :lol:

Regarding courier etiquette, yeah it is alright to make him wait if it is something really expensive. That helps in two ways. One that you know that whatever is supposed to be there is there inside. Second, if there is any transit damage, the courier guy can see it himself and claiming damage charges/insurance would be a lot easier. It will put you in the clear at least.
In business, I always used to write "Unexamined" before the signature. Made me feel better, probably didn't do much else good.

So far, I've only bought books from Flipkart. Their packing is excellent. One could see easily, before opening, if there was any potential problem. Probably the same wouldn't apply to something like a phone.

I received an expensive CPU Cooler from Amazon.com, USA, that had the outer box completely cut open. Customs, I guess, although they really ought to re-seal. I did check the contents carefully before signing.
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