What's your electricity bill ?

400 bucks a month...
310 5star rated fridge 24 hours on.
42 in lcd 10-12 hours a day.
full size desert cooler 12-14 hours a day.
tubelights usha lexus ultra slim..rarely used. mostly cfls
pc for 2+ hours each day.
laptop 20-22 configured as a download machine now to save power.
fans (4) 1used at a time max 7-8 hours a day.

even i m quite happy and surprised by the same in hyd.. i was in a diffrent area few months back in hyd and one room with no cooler and no fridge it used to close to 800 bucks a month..

Thats wierd! I need to investigate my meter now ....:mad:

I'm quite pissed off with the haryana electricity situation. Gurgaon does not get power for 12 hours in a day. It's disgusting and pathetic. BEcause even after the city not having power for 12 hours a day the electricity bills are ridiculous.

Maybe you should shift to Kannur. A wealthy hi fi enthusiast is offering free electricity, ice-soda-vodka and some girls to electrify your mood. So you wont mind if the room stays dark for 12 hours.
17000 last month for 2 months and for May and June we are expecting a bill of 28000-30000....although there are 6 people in the house, it is still a ridiculous amount ...
No wonder you all have fancy hi-fi gear looking at the amount you pay for electricity..
350-400 before the TV. Then it become 400-450Rs.. Then cometh the PS3, it shot up to 500-550Rs. Along came an AVR with a Sub and a BD player later(this I think reduced the load as PS3 is not used that much for movies now) and now the bill is hovering at 600-650Rs per month.
Mostly CFL's for light (there are 3 tubelights but only 1 is used at the bedroom). Fridge is on all the time. Washing machine sometime(twice weekly on an average). And I live in an igloo (probably mine is the coldest place in Bangalore) so I don't need AC at all. Fan only runs sometimes during the hottest days.
Rs. 1,36,000/- a month - average for the last six months

but i run - an illegal ice-factory behind the house-
and also -
an illegal alcohol distillation plant (potatoes)-
from these operations i earn-
an average of Rs. 3,02,000/- a month -
so my average electricity bill is -Rs.1,66,000/- per month

Suri Sir, At his Best :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:. Mine averages around 600/- to 750/- per month. Power cuts are regular (3-4 hours per day) :mad:.
Mine is Rs.800-1000/month for all year round except for Apr,May when it shoots to 2500/month due to the A/c being turned on @ Night for 8 hour everyday.
The only power guzzler is my old BPL 185ltr fridge...which if I replace with a 5star rate one, I beleive my bill will come down by Rs.500

The splitup:
3 Fans
3x11Watta CFL
1x25Watts CFL
1 Microwave - use only to reheat tea/coffee
1 Front loader WM - runs every day
1 29" CRT TV - on for almost 8 hours a day
1 PS2 in standby mode
1 STB - consumes only 10Watts
17000 last month for 2 months and for May and June we are expecting a bill of 28000-30000....although there are 6 people in the house, it is still a ridiculous amount ...
No wonder you all have fancy hi-fi gear looking at the amount you pay for electricity..

dude switch to led lights, it brought our costs down by 40%
600/- to 700/- on an average..

4 tube lights (mostly 2 are used, 6 hrs)
4 fans (mostly 2 are used, 12 hrs)
1 room cooler (occasional use)
1 210 ltr 3 star fridge (24 hrs)
1 front load WM (alternate days)
1 microwave (occasional use)
1 water heater (occasional use)
1 42" plasma (4-5 hrs)
1 60 wpc stereo music system (4-5 hrs)
1 STB (1-2 hrs)
1 Xtreamer (3 hrs)
1 laptop (15 hrs)
1 modem/wifi (15 hrs)

( power cuts 2 hrs a day when not at home :) )

I think AP has cheap power..
Its scary to see power bills of NCR guys..
The light bills from NCR are scary as hell!! What is the pricing structure?

My bill says
1.00 for first 20 KW
2.00 for next 30 kw
1.85 for next 30 kw
2.90 for next 70 kw
3.90 for next 17 kw

The first 20 + 30KW are fixed charges!!

Around 500 per month.

CFLs and Fans all around
Washing machine twice a week
Music system. They are never on when not used.
LCD 40 inch. Only for movies, games and occasional sports and news. NO TV serials or reality shows in my home.
as Venkat said, there are load of people stealing electricity. I guess we have to pay up for them as well. Electricity in ncr is expensive as it has to buy from other states to keep up almost 24x7 supply (true for delhi, noida is also ok, but not gzbd, fdbd etc).

The light bills from NCR are scary as hell!! What is the pricing structure?

My bill says
1.00 for first 20 KW
2.00 for next 30 kw
1.85 for next 30 kw
2.90 for next 70 kw
3.90 for next 17 kw

The first 20 + 30KW are fixed charges!!

LOL. Thought you'd leave them ON since the stratos, I heard, needs ample warm up time?!

On weekends or other days I am at home, I turn on the amp in the morning and it stays on till I go out somewhere. Otherwise they stay off. I cannot trust the electricity :mad:

Yup, the stratos sound better if they are adequately warmed up. :)
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