What's your electricity bill ?

On an average of Rs 1200- 6000 ( higher side only if I use the A/c all the time)

6k-10k.. ac used about 8hrs a day. 3bedroom, 2 kids home appliances plus all the av stuff in my sig. i'm thinking of getting my meter checked.

Also can someone help me with this--

if i put a load higher than the sanctioned load - does the meter start overreading / get damaged -for eg if my sanctioned laod is 4kva and i put, say a load of 6kva occasionally, will the meter function normally? will it overread, will it get damaged?

I am not an electrician but I don't think that will happen. Mine is a very old(read more than 38years old) electric wire setup. The wires in my home are of aluminium and I don't think they are designed to handle loads of todays appliances.Usually the plug point melts or the fuse blows off , if I run something with say 2500-3000watts load. But I never had issue with the meter.

Please list your appliances, that will help figure-out the variation in the bill. Especially if your AC/fridge is an old one it might be the real power guzzler.
I am not an electrician but I don't think that will happen. Mine is a very old(read more than 38years old) electric wire setup. The wires in my home are of aluminium and I don't think they are designed to handle loads of todays appliances.Usually the plug point melts or the fuse blows off , if I run something with say 2500-3000watts load. But I never had issue with the meter.

Please list your appliances, that will help figure-out the variation in the bill. Especially if your AC/fridge is an old one it might be the real power guzzler.

thanks for the response - i was thinking on the same lines and just swapped out my old samsung frostfree for a 5star sharp fridge - it's made no difference.

all my acs, though pre star rating have an EER of 9 or above. (BTU/watt). wiring is new.. maybe it's earth leakage somewhere. will install an ELCB and see?
6k-10k.. ac used about 8hrs a day. 3bedroom, 2 kids home appliances plus all the av stuff in my sig. i'm thinking of getting my meter checked.

Also can someone help me with this--

if i put a load higher than the sanctioned load - does the meter start overreading / get damaged -for eg if my sanctioned laod is 4kva and i put, say a load of 6kva occasionally, will the meter function normally? will it overread, will it get damaged?


Hmm... are you planning to celebrate deepavali early this year?
Hmm... are you planning to celebrate deepavali early this year?

Hi sajith,

you are forgetting mumbai's hot humid weather. MSEB in it's wisdom has given us a sanctioned load of 4kva. If there are houseguests we soemtimes have more than 3 acs running which means 5+ kVA. hence my question.

I somehow think it's not a easy (or inexpensive-- read undeer the table) to get one's sanctioned load increased.
As I understand it, one AC per phase is ok --- although the engineer who replaced one of our main fuses the other day (an EB guy) seemed to think two would be ok.

We have a small house (<1,000 sq ft), and are just two people. We have ACs in the two bedrooms and the hall, but seldom use more than one at a time, with some overlap while I do my night-bird thing and my wife is asleep. The bedroom AC is used every night, but the hall AC is only used for the hottest months.

So... around 1,000 to 3,500.
Hi sajith,

you are forgetting mumbai's hot humid weather. MSEB in it's wisdom has given us a sanctioned load of 4kva. If there are houseguests we soemtimes have more than 3 acs running which means 5+ kVA. hence my question.

I somehow think it's not a easy (or inexpensive-- read undeer the table) to get one's sanctioned load increased.

Better get a 3phase connection (to avoid any accidents) coz' the meter and the wires dont know they are being used in mumbai and the weather is very hot.:). Also the issue will not happen immediately. Please understand that this is one of the reason for most of the fire accidents due to short circuit.
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PC on 4 hours on average, 48 hours on weekends. :thumbsup::ohyeah:


Rs 8000 per month

Welcome to haryana corruption in gurgaon.

Some people I know here get bills of up to 20,000 Rs.

NCR is the worst cess pool of corruption and failure of public infastructure I've seen in this country.

I am slightly late to ask. Can u please elaborate on this corruption part and its link with your electricity bill?

Thankfully, here the electricity is cheap...err...dirt cheap. Dont even bother to check. may be Rs100 or 200. Now a days in summer 2 ACs (2Ts each) on most of the day. On top of it, six months here and no power failure till now :licklips: In India, buying AC not a very big issue but paying the electricity bill for AC is...here its other way round.
well whats the luminescence of a 1 watt led source as compared to cfl?
i own a independent house in indore. 4000 sq ft. 2+2+2 members(parents us n kids). bill ranges from 1500-2500
we have
2 tvs cumulative 8-10 hrs a day
3 coolers. accounting for higher bills during summers 25-30 hrs daily cumulative
avr,dvd,projector barely 6-10 hrs a mth.
tt, amp 10-15 hrs a mth
5 fans.
10 cfls
1 pc avg 2 hrs/day
washing mchn daily 1 hr approx.
fridge , earlier 280 lts videocon 10 yo. changed this week to 260 lts lg 5 star
microwave 15 mins daily avg.
geyser-1 used for 3 members.
and big big daddy of them all.. a 3 phase 7 stage 5 hp submersible motor for borewell. avg 45 minz a day.
i guess living in flats may account foir lower bills overall.
however i strongly feel that my architect designed house has better light n wind planning and doesn t eats up that much power the similar sized houses use. construction being 4-5 yr old definitely helps.
HIFI DEALERS - Just imagine, if the power rates in Delhi/NCR go down to the other parts of India levels, think of the sales of hi end gear you guys can achieve in Delhi!!!!!!!!!!
Time to start a hifi lobby in Delhi
If one has to keep a/c on for 16 hours a day, what are the precautions which one has to take other then keeping moderate cooling with regular auto tripping and servicing?

Please guide.


Last month I got a Bill of Rs.3500/-:mad: The A/C was on almost day N night!
My bill is around 600-800 pm. I don't think affordability is a issue for me, i can very well manage with a bill of 5K, however money in this world is unlimited, natural resources are not, hence conserve. Most of the power in this country is still created by burning coal.

Some tips :

1. Differentiate between use and waste. do you really want all the lights on ? do you really want the ac to run 8 hours when you can manage with 6 ? If a little inconvenience helps save this planet, do it.

2. If you are a download freak, get a low powered netbook or a low powered chip like AMD Sempron. The power consumption on high end Intel Chips like QuadCore and etc is very high and its not needed for downloading.

3. PS3 is a power guzzler.

4. Be consious of switching off when not using something. Standby power of an appliance takes 5%-20% of power a appliance would us if fully running.

5. Air conditioners are power hungry too. Ideally room temperature for humans is 26. Do you really want to keep it at 18 and then use a blanket ?

Some here are so totally ignorant about global warming. Its such a serious issue but their monetory affluence has made them blind to such happenings in the world. Stop being selfish and think about your kids, they will be the ultimate suffers. Is this what you want to leave behind after you leave ? a debt of your mis doings burdened on your children ?

Remember, Use...Do not waste.
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Comes to around 3.5K average during peak summer. Goes down to 1.2K average during winters. (There are folks in the house all day, even when we push off to office.)
I am slightly late to ask. Can u please elaborate on this corruption part and its link with your electricity bill?

Thankfully, here the electricity is cheap...err...dirt cheap. Dont even bother to check. may be Rs100 or 200. Now a days in summer 2 ACs (2Ts each) on most of the day. On top of it, six months here and no power failure till now :licklips: In India, buying AC not a very big issue but paying the electricity bill for AC is...here its other way round.

Umm and where is here?

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I read many posts about using CFL. Stop buying them! The are going to poision the earth with mercury after the millions of used ones are dumped in landfills over the next many decades. The children who sift garbage are the ones going to suffer obviously, but the mercury is also going to seep into groundwater and travel miles into you drinking water supply. Not to mention the water life suffering poisioning silently because they cannot talk English. Vested interests are promoting CFL sas a greener alternative.

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My bill is between Rs 2000 and Rs 3000 per MONTH most of the year.

This is for a smallish flat with the regular appliances for 2 people. Till a few years ago this was my BI MONTHLY bill so it has gone up steeply:mad:
5. Air conditioners are power hungry too. Ideally room temperature for humans is 26. Do you really want to keep it at 18 and then use a blanket ?

True. Many people do this.
They think the purpose of owning an AC is to create an artificial 'hill station effect' in their home. But they don't understand the strain their body undergoes by constantly shifting from say 22 degrees in their bedroom and 40degrees in the outside world.

The samsung bio-sleep feature in thier ACs function like this.
It starts cooling the room at 24degress for an hour.
By this time the room is cooled and it slips to 26
and an hour before we wake up it gradually peaks to 28deg.
That way you wake up refreshed.

but my wife disagress and always wants the AC at 24.
No wonder my current bill went down by 40% when she
had left to her mom's home for delivery.
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