Which DAC to buy?

Audiosector offers a good NOS DAC in kit form that I use-they have two models a standard one and a premium one. Details are available on the diyaudio site.
Thanks for the sound advice. I was thinking along the same lines but never having heard either the 0202 or the 0404, I wasn't sure how much was hype and how much real. I will hold on till we get a used or refurbished 404, because currently the new one is out of my friend's budget.
If anyone else owns a 404 and can vouch wholeheartedly for its stellar performance, it will be helpful as well.

Thanks to everyone else who responded to my query so far as well.

That's actually an excellent DAC. I heard it quite some time back (a year, give or take) and it had a very musical sound. Not the last word in detail, but not the typical fuzzy NOS sound either.

It's actually a clone of the Kusunoki DAC, which is why Peter does not offer it for sale on his website, only through forums. It is available both as a kit and assembled, though I fear both ways it might be out of budget.

Great to hear your impression on the dac. I think it costs around 280$ unassembled and 380 assembled.
Its so unfortunate that we havent been able to pull through the Gamma 2 dac build.
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