which is the lightest beer in india

I once went to a German brewery and one of the items was a sampler menu which had from the lightest of beers to stouts a total of 12/18 beer shots. It was truly a nice experience.

Don't have them anymore,but planning to borrow a set of Traffic from a cousin.

Well ajay124,

don't do that -

you will be in receipt of YOUR Traffic (2 cd set) on friday or saturday.

we all make mistakes - but for this, have no fear - suri is here!

no regrets - only smooth happiness!:)
You don't have to do that.I can easily rip my cousin's CD.I was only recommending Traffic to you,not regretting the sale.
But Thanks for the generous offer.:)
You don't have to do that.I can easily rip my cousin's CD.I was only recommending Traffic to you,not regretting the sale.
But Thanks for the generous offer.:)

if that cd does not reach you (sent from kannur) - it will be a matter of regret for me.

so, ajay124 - (this being a desperate situation) - please help!:)

i have heard that - in Arabia -

if you are the guest of the bedouin - if you express appreciation of anything in his tent -

he is obliged to give it to you - even the (favourite) wife.
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if that cd does not reach you (sent from kannur) - it will be a matter of regret for me.

so, ajay124 - (this being a desperate situation) - please help!:)

i have heard that - in Arabia -

if you are the guest of the bedouin - if you express appreciation of anything in his tent -

he is obliged to give it to you - even the (favourite) wife.

Be careful,someone reading your words may express appreciation for your witches,and then what would you do?
If the cd does make it's way to Chandigarh I will find suitable ways of recompensing you with a return gift of music.:)
Reminds me of a Traffic song I used to sing in those days
Sitting all alone by the fireside
Listening to the wind blow in the chimney top
Haven't slept for days
But I'm still wide eyed
Trying not to think
But my mind won't stop
Evening shadows make my heart sink down
With the setting sun
Turning leaves to brown
Wish I had a lover
Who's heart was true
Wouldn't be alone with
These Evening Blues....
Nice words...can relate to in my present situation :rolleyes:

A newcomer accidentally,drifting on to this thread marked (The lightest beer in India) may wonder how single malts,bourbon,commodes,Simla,Winwood came into the picture:)
Since,the master of ceremonies (Moktan) is on holiday,and the rest of the posters are apparently high on light beer,this thread is meandering and taking it's own course.Hopefully the scenery is better this way and we will eventually find our way back to the OP's original destination.:)

This drift is nice in its own way...kind of offbeat posts!

i have heard that - in Arabia -

if you are the guest of the bedouin - if you express appreciation of anything in his tent -

he is obliged to give it to you - even the (favourite) wife.
Remember reading about that gifting tradition of bedouin in one Harold robbins novel. As for favorite wife part...policy wouldnt hold i guess ;)
Nice words...can relate to in my present situation :rolleyes:

This drift is nice in its own way...kind of offbeat posts!

Remember reading about that gifting tradition of bedouin in one Harold robbins novel. As for favorite wife part...policy wouldnt hold i guess ;)

Harold Robbins,brings back memories of my school days.A Stone for Danny Fisher.Where Love Has Gone.Carpetbaggers.Mario Puzo/The Godfather.Jacqueline Susann/Valley Of The Dolls.Jeffrey Archer/Kane & Abel.The glories of pulp fiction!Used to find this stuff quite enlightening and engaging...until I discovered Henry Miller,Philip Roth,Norman Mailer,John Updike,Gore Vidal...compared to these guys Harold Robbins and company started seeming like dreary old spinsters:)
Gore Vidal's Myra Breckenridge,killed Hollywood and pulp fiction for me.After Myra,I could never take a Hollywood/Bollywood film seriously again.Vidal's satire was devastatingly powerful and funny.The 'stars' didn't seem so 'hip' and desirable anymore.Looked at through Vidal's lens they seemed silly,square and boring.
I went a couple of times for the conducted tour of the Anheuser Busch main plant in St Louis where Budweiser is made.It.s an interesting tour. Their Michelob is ok, but Bud is crappy stuff.
Has anyone tried a german beer called hefenweiser? I used to really like it at one pt of time, but its been some time since I have tasted it.
thanks all for keeping this thread alive..i thought the lightest beer was Dansberg Green ( disclaimer: a friend who thought it tasted like water is struggling with a serious liver ailment..not life threatening but he can't drink more beer..did i say not 'life' threatening???..) ..i am not so sure if it is available currently.. the other alumnus of Yuksom Breweries are Dansberg Blue and the noxious HIT..interestingly these Beers are sold as much on the strength of the 'imported hops' as the 'clear sikkim spring water'..about the later, i believe....

anyway the reason for the light beer quest is..i like the taste of beer...unlike other alcoholic concoctions , beer (at least when i last drank it) is just drunk with lots of beer (high fidelity)..i just like the taste..the bitter, frothy explosion in the palate.. the idea hence was to discover something that allows you to consume copious quantities without the usual after effects....
end note: i am sure this is an urban legend..a friend told me the best way to get rid of a hangover was to inhale a mouthful of pure unadulterated oxygen..
a friend told me the best way to get rid of a hangover was to inhale a mouthful of pure unadulterated oxygen..

nopes - moktan -

the best way to get rid of a hangover -

is to go bungee jumping at 0745 hours the next morning.
well i don't know if one hyperventilates during a bungee jump..though there is a possibility that he may leak...

some other friend told me that hangover episodes become less frequent with age..
hangover according to his theory was when nerve cells (neurons, synapses..god only knows what else get dilated with excess water and push at the cranium)..with age everything shriveled and decreased in size except the skull of course...
anyway to get a positive out of this weird story...

your vulnerability/susceptibility to hangover decreases with age ...

wait till you hear his theory about the liver....
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Budweiser is probably the lightest beer available in India at the moment.It's detractor's would probably call it a weaker version of water:)
I find it the best out of the Bottled In India beers.
Indian liver's hardened by copious doses of macho beers,popular only in India,would spurn to even acknowledge a Budweiser:)
I don't drink beers very often but today being a holiday and having decided not to post for a while, due to dropped f's, I gave a friend of mine a visit picking up a couple of bottles of the New KF Ultra @ 100/- a bottle.

The first thing that I noticed is that the King has now become the Emperor.

As I am not very good at describing most things, I will only say that it's different from the other beers that I have had. It's a light beer, full bodied, not too bitter, not sweet (I don't like sweet tasting/strong beers) and quite pleasant to drink.

I like the packaging. It's pull ring crown makes it quite convenient too.

Kingfisher Ultra - The Emperor of Good Times



ps: Yes Mr. Mallaya, can I expect the cheque in the mail ?
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so kingfisher has decided to call its lightest, most drinker friendly beer the ULTRA.....
You all are lucky.
In Kerala if you have to buy any alcohol you have to go stand in a queue for atleast half an hour infront of everybody.Because even the retail sale of liquor is monopolised by the government.And the govt employee will not answer or give what you want.You are lucky if you get any beer let alone what you want.

Just like USSR.
You all are lucky.
In Kerala if you have to buy any alcohol you have to go stand in a queue for atleast half an hour infront of everybody.Because even the retail sale of liquor is monopolised by the government.And the govt employee will not answer or give what you want.You are lucky if you get any beer let alone what you want.

Just like USSR.

I call up the shop that I regularly buy from,discuss with the manager what is available at 'special' discounts,tell him to home deliver what I want,and pay up later when I go to the shop.The administration has made getting a license easy,most departmental stores stock good stuff and the prices are probably the cheapest in the country.Consumer friendly.

Just like the U.S of A.:)
I call up the shop that I regularly buy from,discuss with the manager what is available at 'special' discounts,tell him to home deliver what I want,and pay up later when I go to the shop.The administration has made getting a license easy,most departmental stores stock good stuff and the prices are probably the cheapest in the country.Consumer friendly.

Just like the U.S of A.:)

yeah!:) - that would be the way.
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