Well I don't know how well this will be taken
But i was previously running a seperate roon core, on an fanless Intel NUC i5, powered by a LPSU. The source were flac rips from a NAS, again running off a LPSU. All going into a network switch again running off a LPSU. And tidal streams fed by a router again, and as you can guess fed by a LPSU

And I also ran a seperate roon end point via Ethernet...this had inbuilt power regulation and reclocking too...so probably saved me some moolah on another LPSU, and a external clocker.
I just got tired of it all in the end, soooo many boxes plus so many boxes of LPSU's to nail the sound. So I just junked everything, and now only running a Google chrome cast via gaana HD subscription, fed by a 5V LPSU again. Sounds good enough to me