Which type of cable has the most impact: Power, IC (Interconnect), or Speaker?

For me, its the first power cable from the wall to the power distributor. I've tried a few power cables, but all in the reasonable to entry level price range from Kimber, Audioquest, Pangea and Triode labs. They all did small things differently, like tighten the bass here and there. But nothing big enough to justify the expense, till I tried an Ansuz Mainz A2. This thing was a very noticable change, and head and shoulders above the rest. And the noise floor of the entire system did drop noticably, with just one cable from the wall to the generic distributor Iam using. This reduction in noise, made everything stand out more. The added resolution, and quiteness made the smaller details seem easier to pick out in the mix. Like the reviewers favourite phrase, I think I was hearing new things in familiar tracks. The bass became the tightest, most impactful and hardest hitting I've ever had in my room.

At any point in time, it takes atleast 10 power cords to get the system running, as it is composed of all separates. Without touching anything anywhere else, such a big change was wrought by one single cable, placed at the head of the chain.

This made me a convert to the Nordost theory of cabling heirarchy. Which starts with the very first power cable from the wall, so that the benefit of filtering provided by this cable, perculates to benefit every single component down the chain. So the best cable should be the first up the chain, be it power or interconnects. My best interconnects connect the Dac to the preamp, and next best from preamp to power amps....and so it goes.

I found the least benefit with interconnects and speaker cables in my system. The differences were tiny for the huge asking price. But then all these cables are at a similar price and performance range. So Iam not suprised. Your mileage may vary of course.
I respect those who prefer a high quality cable to the distribution box. Ofcourse, we will have to spend much to get this kind of an outcome by cables.
Instead of spending in excessively high priced cables, can try with suitable UPS and that will give a distinctive clean power. IMHO.
Instead of spending in excessively high priced cables, can try with suitable UPS and that will give a distinctive clean power. IMHO.
Well everyone doesn't need to run a UPS for their audio gear. People from Mumbai are blessed as we run a Distributor/Coditioner directly from the wall socket.
Power cable is the most "Capricious" when it come to a system very dependent on so many things in and outside the house. but important to get the power right as thats the foundation of the system

If you do not consider them then for me Digital -IC ( source to pre-power) and speaker in that order. Also since its a cascading effect need to get all of the above right in order to get the system right ie if you source to pre is slightly dark then a brighter sounding cable is not the solution as that distorts it even more.

Common problem is in order to balance that you could even end up changing the amp calling it boring and that's where on goes down the rabbit hole
Having a neutral-ish cable like one of the beldens helps in keeping that compass
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