What’s this? Ares 2 bashing?? How dare you, chaps???

All jokes aside, there are a few points I’d like to make.
I’m not sure how well versed the OP is wrt semantics, but ‘dumped’ is a pretty strong word to use in the headline. I believe it’s a disservice to our fellow FMs who are genuinely upgrading their DACs for the next model up or something different. Using the word ‘dumped’ implies that they’re being disingenuous with their sale ad.
I would request the mods,
@Nikhil or
@arj, to kindly change the same.
While there are a ton of reviews on the Ares 2, I found the one linked below to be the most helpful in making my decision. Both pros and cons are presented in an unbiased manner, and you’re invited to make up your own mind.
On the subject at hand, selling the Ares 2 within a year of purchase, I have to say I’m tempted to do the same. Why? Because I want
more of the same! Which is to say, I’m genuinely lusting after the Pontus II

I’ve been using CDPs for the last 32 years and my CDs have never sounded more analogue than with the Ares 2.
Aha! There’s that word again. So, does that mean my CDs sound like LPs? Thankfully not! I’m really not a fan of snap, crackle, pop, hiss, hum and rumble. What I
do mean is that there is no hint of digital glare. Music ebbs and flows in a lifelike manner, and the soundstage is wider and deeper.
Is the Ares 2 sound signature to your taste? That’s something you’ll have to judge for yourself, either by listening to one or by reading between the lines. I did the latter, and it worked out well for me. The only problem I have with the Ares 2 is that it’s a gateway drug!