The cynicism and hopelessness amongst the proponents of FDI is disturbing. I am all for foreigners coming and doing business here; the world is about give and take. However, only for the right reasons. Are we so bad that we can't even run stores and we need foreigners to help us out?
Some parallels have been drawn with 1991. What happened in 1991 wasn't just FDI. FDI was a small part. What Manmohan/Rao did was to remove restrictions on local entrepreneurs. The rupee became convertible (ask me, I had taken an IEEE student membership in 1989. To make a payment of $11, which was the fee for student membership, I had to make multiple rounds of banks and grovel at the feet of so many petty officials asking invasive questions). Quotas and licenses were made redundant.
Liberalization in aviation sector brought flying within the reach of the middle class. No foreign help needed.
We need more of that. Give the Indian entrepreneur some room to operate before giving up.
What really worries me about the Indian economy is how any forward movement is stalled by vested interests. Too many people have veto power. When one of the biggest business houses isn't able to find a place to open a factory (because one b*tch was having pe**ods), we are in trouble. Airports and metros take decades to build, steel plant never gets built (POSCO). In fact it is shame that the world's top man in steel is an Indian and he has no Indian presence.
When rabid Jihadis from Pakistan can attack our financial capital at will (and our response is to do nothing), the economy gets f***ed. Chidambaram went around with a file to all *foreign* countries asking for help. What did they do?
FDI in retail isn't even relevant. To me, it is an annoying digression from real issues facing us.
I guess it was GB Shaw who said, in a different context - "We have as much right to enjoy happiness without producing it as we have of enjoying wealth without producing it." A people who want to ride Honda cars while they make Indicas, who want Cyrus and Marantz but can only produce Norge are destined to perish sooner or later. There is no other option. My plea is, give yourself another chance; try a little harder before calling it quits.
/End of midnight ramble