Workshop on Genelec Speakers & Loudspeaker-Room Interaction

Hi all,

Those who have not yet confirmed their presence for the meet, kindly do so today, as have to inform the organisers for the number of people attending, so that they can keep the lunch/refreshments for them.

Need to inform them latest by 1500 hours, today. Hence appreciate quick replies.

It was another day well spent. Thanks to Denom for organizing the meet. It is not often that you get a chance to learn and listen to some great technology in hifi at the same time.

Clifford is a truly down to earth person with immense knowledge in sound technologies. It was really amazing to see him going on for hours continuously with lot of stamina, explaining in a lucid and interesting way those beautifully laid out slides, spewing out plethora of information, patiently answering all questions fired at him, proudly presenting the Genelac brand, treating us with maximum dignity though we may not be his customers in the near future, it was a nice experience being his audience. Heartfelt thanks to the hero of the day.Thanks to Pandam audio too for accommodating us.

Genelac monitors are marvellously engineered to perfection with a no compromise design and everyone must listen to it atleast once in their hifi journey. Amazingly flat response curve with advanced dsp that takes into account several factors including reflections, acoustic loadings, room notches, distance and angle, these monitors are the closest you can get to the recording stage. The all metal enclosure with patented wave guide and bevelled edges, they ensure smear free reproduction of sound. They have unbelievably big sound stage for its size and superb imaging I could never visualize before. Mind you, it delivers superb clarity even with a cheap PC source and a sound card, with all the following totally eliminated: dac, preamp, power amp, speaker cables, bass traps etc.. The cables used were of cheap Ahuja!

Not to mention about the sub, they pack a punch and they seamlessly integrate into the stereophonic sound from the monitors, thanks to the dsp calibration. The waves could easily penetrate two rows of sofa and flap my Jeans trousers during the explosions in the bond movie. Only issue is the sub I am talking about, is about the size of a sofa cum bed!

I can keep typing only if this was a desktop keyboard. Just wanted to conclude stating that it was a memorable day. Only sad thing to state is that many who confirmed their attendance did not turn up which threw the arrangements out of gear. Those who were present were, hemantwaghe, sonosphere (thanks for coming all the way from Pune), rohit, thecoolestone, hari Iyer and vijayan.

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It was a day well spent indeed in such great company. We all were so engrossed that the whole day passed by and we didnt even notice it.

A special thanks to Clifford from Genelec for taking out the time from his busy schedule to accomodate us on a Sunday especially since he just flew in from Norway a day before.
Clifford painstakingly took us thru the presentation, gave us great insights into the subject and helped busting quite a few myths for us especially with reference to speaker placement and rear ported speakers, and enlighting us on the technical aspects of angles, acoustic loadings etc. The presentation itself touched upon almost every aspect we thought necessary and started from right at the base of the subject. Cliffords deep knowledge and understanding is really commendable and so his is patience in answering our queries in detail. We definately could see his passion for the subject.

Thanks also to Prashant for hosting us at the Pandam Audio and we surely missed his presence.

A special thanks to Denom for organizing a great event once again and also to all those who participated and made it for the meet. It was really unfortunate that many confirmed attendees did not turn up. For the guys who couldnt make it, where else would we get an opportunity to interact with an engineer for the whole day from one of the best brands in the business.

Denom, looking forward to more meets.
Hello everyone, sorry I have been travelling a bit and could not be back in Bombay for the meet, but my staff seem to have done well with the necessary arrangements in the showroom. Clifford is indeed a genius in the subject and can deliver an interesting seminar when the audience shows interest and enthusiasm. Thanks to him for making it inspite of returning from his long & tiring Finland travel just the previous night.

Thanks to all of you who attended from far & wide, and to the HiFiVision team that painstakingly organised the event and made it successful. We will be only too happy to host more such seminars in other parts of the country if desired by you.
It was fantastic experience , time well spent
Hats off to Clifford ,for his enthusiasm , knowledge and stamina.
The speakers have some technology which some audiophiles may not like ( dsp , active speakers etc) but Clifford explained purpose behind it ,scince supporting so it was not snake oil
Guys it is difficult to explain what you have missed

-PS Got a fantastic item to dream about.
Hi all,

Been wanting to write about the workshop experience since yesterday but had been kept busy with work.

I would like to start off with a huge vote of thanks to Clifford of Genelec for conducting a superb workshop, Prashant of Pandam Professional Audio & his team for taking good care of us & the meagre few FM's :sad: who actually turned up & were passionate enough to attend this workshop. Pity that the ones who confirmed earlier & did not turn up, as they truly lost out on a good thing.

Inspite of Clifford being jetlagged post returning from Finland the night before the workshop, he showed up on time, enthusiastically greeted us & went on almost non-stop like a duracell bunny :lol: for close to 6 hours, painstakingly explaining the foll:

1) Interaction between loudspeakers and rooms, the problems and solutions

2) Placement of loudspeakers for stereo and surround monitoring in a room

3) Importance of room symmetry and furniture symmetry on reflections

4) Detail explanation of all Genelec technologies and how they work

The Genelec waveguide technology
The Genelec electrodynamic driver technology
The Genelec enclosure technology
The Genelec port / vent technology
The Genelec amplifier technology
The Genelec crossover technology

5) How to implement monitoring for various multichannel surround formats

6) Recording studio control room layout & acoustic design

7) Subwoofers and the use of LFE channel & bass management systems

8) Implementation of room mode notch filtering with Genelec DSP technology

9) Discussion with question and answer session on all loudspeaker technical topics

10) HiFi stereo listening session analog & dsp systems with computer audio from Foobar through Motu with discussion on computer pure audio paths

11) Multichannel surround sound demonstration

12) Various anecdotes, theories, philosophies of the audio centric people/inventors & what not!!!

All this with us FM's constantly bombarding clifford with noob questions, related to audio/computers & jokes too!!!

This was 1 heck of a workshop that I felt so very happy to attend :)
Contrary to what most thought would be a boring & dull workshop, it turned out beyond most of our expectations :licklips:

Besides a PPT presentation, clifford also made generous use of the whiteboard, with drawings illustrating the break down of various audio related terminologies made easy for us to understand & attain precious knowledge.

:clapping: Santy, coolestone & hemant have been kind enough to sum up their views on the workshop. Thanks for doing so & supporting me with your encouragements as the point of having such meets is for our knowledge to be enhanced in this wonderful hobby & passion of ours. The byproduct of doing so is meeting up more often & enjoying each others company. Thanks to Hari, Vijay & Rohit for also coming & being part of the meet. Rohit, it was nice to meet you finally! Glad that you all enjoyed as much as i did ;)

I will now touch upon what all i thoroughly enjoyed.

1)Learning about the problems related to a loud speaker & on the solutions found by genelec to these problems.

2) The technology used to make the genelec speakers.

3) Listening to fantastic music being reproduced so effortless at all vloumes by the various speakers of genelec.

4) enjoying the seamless integration of a sub woofer in a 2 channel set-up. In fact the presentation on the integration of a sub woofer in a 2 channel set-up discussed in point no. 7 mentioned above was a real eye opener for me as had never liked the concept of a sub woofer in 2 channel set-up. Realising the benefits of having 1 in the set-up when done properly was truly super knowledge gained.

5) Having a live demo of DSP enabled speakers calibration done in front of us & which took not more than 5 minutes!

6) Watching a full blown action scene from casino royale a second time was 'keedagiri' as this time i planted myself next to the 'coffin' sub :p

above all of this, attaining the level of knowledge shared by clifford was truly priceless.

I shall stop now lest people think that i have joined the marketing division of genelec:D
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