Xtreamer 2.4 beta 18 firmware release note and firmware download link

The download link has been disable as per instructions of Xtreamer Global.

Those who have downloaded can enjoy the firmware - HD audio, Juke box, etc etc and be unofficial beta testers. :)

Please do not blame us for any bugs. Who want to blame us, please wait for the final release of the firmware. :)

sure.. I was also a bit surprised when you put it up. since the betas have been pretty closely guarded till now.

ah.. well.. it'll be all over the net now..

one question though.. do they finally have horizon on when the RTM firmware will be available?

same for me or please, i'm on xtreamer V1, just answer my previous question if your not willing to share the firmware.
Could someone please upload the fw b18 for XT1.
It would be greatly appriciated.
PS i don't care about getting banned or what ever so please someone upload the files.
Currently m @ beta 18....
Jukeboox getting a good grab online...
but when it comes to working around jukebox on XtreamerPro...
it's a bit sluggish as of now....
but i hope this will be addressed on 2.4 final

This what i posted on Xtreamer Global Forum after trying the firmware posted here......

the following is the response i got


You have been issued a warning for violation of forum rule: 3.C.1 - NON APPROVED BETA FIRMWARE USERS
You have been issued a warning for violation of forum rule: 3.C.1 - NON APPROVED BETA FIRMWARE USERS

is the response i got

Those guys on the global forum are a bunch of wankers if you ask me.
You did nothing wrong because you got the firmware from a official source.
There is yet another Xtreamer site that lets you download the fw but it's pass protected and the password is on the site but in Thai and doesn't translate in google or other translators.
nice, can you share it please? did you get it from xtreamer-th.com? if so can you give me the pass by pm?

I'm only able to get my hand on the xt pro version, if someone wants it pm me, if someone have the xt1 version, i'm looking for it.
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just donwload the 2.4b18 and take also the release 2.4b14 (someone upped it on thepiratebay and newsgroup) with jukebox, then copy the jukebox files "all but the firm 2.14b" on the usb key/ hdd where you put the 2.4b18. it worked for me and xlive is back again. But of course rtsp stream still don't work.
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