Xtz Calibration


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2018
I have a Xtz 10.17 for audition. It has a lot of calibration settings which i am experimenting. But there is one setting i am not able to understand and i hope some one can explain it. In the image i have highlighted cross over and low pass witch. If i turn it on the cross over works and if its off the cross over doesn't work. So ignore when its in off mode. As i have mentioned when the low pass witch is on the crossover works. when set at zero there is no bass from the sub and as i gradually increase the crossover the bass also increases.


  • xtz.PNG
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The best would be to go through the owners manual..if not provided, based on the model, download the same and check....
The best would be to go through the owners manual..if not provided, based on the model, download the same and check....

This is what is mentioned in the manual

"The low pass filter cuts away high frequencies at a certain point and over, the frequency point is set by the crossover variable. We recommend that when using LFE signal to turn the low pass filter off, as most receivers are handling filters internally"

so if i keep the cross over in the sub at 60 what happens?
This is what is mentioned in the manual

"The low pass filter cuts away high frequencies at a certain point and over, the frequency point is set by the crossover variable. We recommend that when using LFE signal to turn the low pass filter off, as most receivers are handling filters internally"

so if i keep the cross over in the sub at 60 what happens?
If you're using the lfe preout from the avr, skip the crossover and filter in the sub. The avr manages it internally.
This low pass filter and crossover is for the stereo listening where the input from the source is fed to the sub and the output is taken from the sub to the amp.
If you're using the lfe preout from the avr, skip the crossover and filter in the sub. The avr manages it internally.
This low pass filter and crossover is for the stereo listening where the input from the source is fed to the sub and the output is taken from the sub to the amp.
Ok I knew there is no need to use it was just wondering were it applies
Ok I knew there is no need to use it was just wondering were it applies
Low pass filter (also known as high cut filter) is a filter in the sub's processor which cuts anything above the crossover point. If the crossover is set at 80hz, it allows only up to 80hz to pass through.
So, when a full range stereo signal is fed to the subwoofer, the subwoofer's processor applies the low pass filter and takes 80hz and below in to it's amplifier and leaves the rest of the signal as an output from the sub to the power amplifier where the other speakers are connected. This way, anything below 80hz goes to the sub and the rest goes to the speakers.
Low pass filter (also known as high cut filter) is a filter in the processor which cuts anything about the crossover point. If the crossover is set at 80hz, it allows only up to 80hz to pass through.
So, when a full range stereo signal is fed to the subwoofer, the subwoofer's processor applies the low pass filter and takes 80hz and below in to it's amplifier and leaves the rest of the signal as an output from the sub to the power amplifier where the other speakers are connected. This way, anything below 80hz goes to the sub and the rest goes to the speakers.
Ok calibrating this sub is such a pain lol with so much so much options.
Well it turns out the sub was 12.17 and not the. 10.17. After doing side by side comparison wit the xtz 12.17 and bic in my room the performance was marginal not tat xtz is a slouch it’s just that the bic pl 200-ii is that good. Some times I had to get up from my place nd look at the back of the subs to check which sub is actually playing. So I asked the dealer to loan me the 10.17 edge and wella a brand new sealed 10.17 edge :) any edge owners in the forum? This is the Matt black and it’s way cooler then the gloss black


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The xtz 12.17 has 10.5 inch woofer nd the 10.17 has 8.5 but both uses the same amp. Power is 500w rms nd peak 700. So what will be the difference in output? Can some one please explain?
I believe if the same amp plate is used....the difference will be obviously the size and the bass low frequencies emitted during playback. A bigger cone in most cases will deliver more excursion and better bass......(some may debate on cabinet design, cone material, placement etc).
I believe if the same amp plate is used....the difference will be obviously the size and the bass low frequencies emitted during playback. A bigger cone in most cases will deliver more excursion and better bass......(some may debate on cabinet design, cone material, placement etc).
Ok. Previously I had the 12.17 nd now the 10.17 edge. It’s overpowering everything but the 12.17 blended better. Considering every factor the bic does a better job blending with the room and speakers.
The xtz 12.17 has 10.5 inch woofer nd the 10.17 has 8.5 but both uses the same amp. Power is 500w rms nd peak 700. So what will be the difference in output? Can some one please explain?
Where did you get the spec? The official website says 12-inch and 10-inch woofer in 12.17 and 10.17, respectively.
There is no way that the BIC can sound better than the XTZ unless you have tuned the sub poorly and placed the sub in a bad location. XTZ is in a different league compared to the BIC .
XTZ can play loud without distortion and can dig way deeper than the BIC. May be it is that you prefer the distortion coming out of the BIC to the cleaner bass.
Moreover, the XTZ is having so much tuning option, which will be of great use to those who know how to use it, and the PEQ and the added 200W on the Edge version is Icing the cake.
There is no way that the BIC can sound better than the XTZ unless you have tuned the sub poorly and placed the sub in a bad location. XTZ is in a different league compared to the BIC .
XTZ can play loud without distortion and can dig way deeper than the BIC. May be it is that you prefer the distortion coming out of the BIC to the cleaner bass.
Moreover, the XTZ is having so much tuning option, which will be of great use to those who know how to use it, and the PEQ and the added 200W on the Edge version is Icing the cake.
Yes the xtz is in a different league compared to the bic on paper. When it comes to performance there are lot of factors such as your speakers, room dimensions and acoustics that contribute to achieve the so called league of its own performance. The thump, punch nd the power in 10.17 edge is indeed amazing but it’s over whelming nd spoils the sound stage. So here the problem is not the sub but my room nd set up which makes the bic shine better. Previously I had the 12.17 that was better in my room. In the dealers set up it was indeed in a league of its own. He has a proper set up with all the room treatments done paired with xtz tower speakers nd marantz 8012. Put the bic in that set up Nd it will fail. Simple way to say this u put a Ferrari engine in a polo and can’t expect the league of its own performance.
  • CEA-2010 Max Burst
BIC PL2008496.2102.5107.7110.4108.1106.5105.3103.8
XTZ 12.17 Edge98104113115116115115116

So, it will take 5 Bic to match the Xtz at 20Hz and 2 to 3 BIC to match at 25Hz and 4 Bicz to match the XTZ at 31.5 Hz and so on.
  • CEA-2010 Max Burst

BIC PL2008496.2102.5107.7110.4108.1106.5105.3103.8
XTZ 12.17 Edge98104113115116115115116

So, it will take 5 Bic to match the Xtz at 20Hz and 2 to 3 BIC to match at 25Hz and 4 Bicz to match the XTZ at 31.5 Hz and so on.
I think you didn’t understand my point. My room doesn’t deserve a xtz edge is Wat m saying. Bic blends better. How can u compare a sub that has a Mrp of 83k to a 49k sub? Nd 700 watts rms to 250 wats rms? But if a room can’t handle 700 watts rms the sound stage will be very bad. Trust me I have had the 12.17 for a week and it blends better then the edge. Xtz edge is for dedicated HT rooms or pple who set a HT in their big open living room
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