Yamaha A-S500 Amplifier Group Buy Offer

My apologies for not confirming earlier but I was travelling home. If this is still on, please count me in for this offer.

I am based in Bangalore, so please do let me know how, where etc. Thanks!

I must commend you for this wonderful effort - and just when I was looking for a stereo amp!! Wooooohooo!!!

Here is an update, I will be working with him to get a final price but the distributor will now ship the product from Delhi to your respective places HYD > Guwahati > Bangalore.

I will come back with the pricing in evening post my discussion with the distributor.
Dear All,

Revised Price for the Amplifier: Rs. 19,500/- by the distributor...:yahoo:
Shipping Cost: Rs. 500/- per box through TnT...:)

New Revised cost: Rs. 20,000/- for outstation members
New Revised Cost: Rs. 19,500/- for NCR members

Delivery period remains the same.

Please confirm if interested, you need to transfer the amount to my account and will pay to the distributor or direct transfer to the distributor.
Hello imgene,

Nice effort. Count me in to take advantage of this offer. Woohooo!! :yahoo:

Will PM you for more details.
So will u/admin shifting this discussion to the official-Group Buy section of hifivision ?? or is it directly from this thread only... If A New Thread is alloted by admin/Hifivision in the Group Buy then it can become more secure and reliable.. nywayz how many hav committed to this Yamaha Amp buy..?

or if we r dealing here,, which distributor @ delhi are you talking about.. please elaborate...thanks
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No one has confirmed as yet apart from myself.

SP Krishna, yourself, and Naveenroy have showed interest so far. One more member had showed interest in A-S700 but no confirmation so far. The distributor is universal trading house.
offbeat comment....No worries, I am also thinking of starting my research for a future AVR, not just decided from where to buy india or abroad.
He he he, once we get confirmation on number of folks, we shall try to arrange local pickup in your respective cities in your case Hyderabad.

No advance is needed just plain old gentlemans commitment...:)

@Imgene: I have been following your updates since few months however have joined the community today. I need your help in buying AS500 in Ahmedabad for a discounted offer...My budget is around 20K....Will I be b able to get it in that price and also is it possible to pick it up frm a local vendor in gauhati, Assam?

Thank you and am glad being a part of this Audiophiles forum
I am not sure you can get A-S500 at this price now. These prices are before the price hike. Yamaha has revised the price (15-20%) in last September. The most recent price is 27500 which is good. Many sellers are asking for more than 30-32K for Yamaha A-S500. Even in 20-23K A-S300 would be difficult to find.

@Imgene: I have been following your updates since few months however have joined the community today. I need your help in buying AS500 in Ahmedabad for a discounted offer...My budget is around 20K....Will I be b able to get it in that price and also is it possible to pick it up frm a local vendor in gauhati, Assam?

Thank you and am glad being a part of this Audiophiles forum
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