Class A Amplifier – Hype or Reality?

Yes, of course the Elekit TU8200 sounded " pale. "

You are comparing a cancerous amplifier implementation............ to perhaps a polio audio amplifier.

Several months ago you were P.M.ed.
It was suggested to you that the Elekit TU8200 was built to a price point, and that it's resistors in KEY spots ( Ra and Rk - as a great example ) sorely needed upgrading.

This greatly improves the audio performance / listening result.

WHY swap gear all the time.....fix and optimize it !!! DIY.

Apply thought please .......and obtain your money's worth and listening satisfaction.


Let me enjoy my hobby..

Kindly keep your views with yourself. I will swap, switch, dump an amp, maybe add another amp, another speaker and what not. I am qualified to understand common engineering, some electronics, physics and a specialist in EE (power systems, SCADA, high voltage, regulations, grid codes), am free to spend my money .

I had written back why I don't want to swap the resistors to higher wattages (read larger size than required)as suggested by you but you retorted what the heck was partial discharge. I thought that ended it. From others I know you are a senior citizen and perhaps you know EE better than me and know what is PD and what effects it can have in confined spaces like the PCB of an equipment with HV inside. If not please Google for it. You may hear some new noises in your amp.

Please don't despise other's design or work with such names. Who knows you'd get back your Karma (the way you West understand it) someone may call your amp something even worse.

Even if you don't like Elekit or Pass amps who cares? There are plenty of folks who buy them, build them and enjoy listening - even in this forum.
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Let me enjoy my hobby..

Kindly keep your views with yourself. I will swap, switch, dump an amp, maybe add another amp, another speaker and what not. I am qualified to understand common engineering, some electronics, physics and a specialist in EE (power systems, SCADA, high voltage, regulations, grid codes), am free to spend my money .

I had written back why I don't want to swap the resistors to higher wattages as suggested by you (higher sizes) but you retorted what the heck was partial discharge. I thought that ended it. From others I know you are a senior citizen and perhaps you know EE better than me and know what is PD and what effects it can have in confined spaces like the PCB of an equipment with HV inside. If not please Google for it. You may hear some new noises in your amp.

Please don't despise other's design or work with such names. Who knows you'd get back your Karma (the way you West understand it) someone may call your amp something even worse.

Even if you don't like Elekit or Pass amps who cares? There are plenty of folks who buy them, build them and enjoy listening - even in this forum.

" and know what is PD ".

What does PD stand for that I can understand you ?????

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Enjoy your hobby. I can see you really are. I wrote that post not to point you out at all !!! I wrote - for the benefit of HFV audio enthusiasts in general.

To OPEN their minds. For them to consider improving what they have, when there exists obvious upgrade paths, they can take on their own, easily.

In my post's instance.......... here is what I had in mind :

Every amateur and their uncle will spend BIG bucks to get a better sounding vacuum tube brand, that may make their entire system sound better. Its called " rolling tubes ".

What audio enthusiasts need to realize is............... the tube in a tube amplifier is only a SMALL part of what you hear - at the speaker end. Possibly, probably, of equal sonic importance is :

b) the signal developed by tube's PLATE RESISTOR, and the interaction of the tube with it's ultra critical application of it's Plate Resistor ( " Ra " ). The two parts together, form the amp's sonic palette.

c ) same can be said for the CATHODE RESISTOR, ( "Rk " ) and the parts preceding it.

So my friends, we are listening largely from an unmodulated B+ supply voltage, THROUGH the Ra, THROUGH the tube, and finally, THROUGH the RK.

Yes, through all three of these parts. They co-exist in series, a path from B+ to ground.

I am trying to point out that these parts and their implementation needs to be first-notch. All three are highly audible, and worth-while applying thought and attention to, to obtain better fidelity.

Fail to optimize the Ra and Rk, and this is like playing cards with only one third of a deck. WHY do that ?????????

Do a search on HFV ( or elsewhere ) and see how little discussion we see, or even general awareness, of such matters. It is herein where I am trying to raise awareness and knowledge bases among fellow audio enthusiasts.

An interesting Forum topic could be " How to improve performance when using Resistors. "

Nice going on your EE and power systems background. Useful. We rely upon you !!

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