Yamaha R N602


Sep 20, 2015
I want to purchase stereo system. I am inclined to Yamaha R N602. because it has bluetooth and streaming options, with Sub out.
My requirement is for music, but I cant ignore movies too. I mean should have Very very good music qualities and should be decent for movies too.
I cant take audition where I live. So I have read reviews related to it. It was mixed kind of reviews there.
Also I can consider CA AXR85 and Marantz PM 6007.
For music only Marantz name is comes in reviews and no one talks about Yamaha much.
I listen all kind of music not any particular taste.
In music I like if vocals are true and not recessed, cant tolerate harsh treble even a little bit. Not a fan of bass but it should have sufficient amount of punch and tight, should not under perform in low freq regions.
Also in reviews i came to know that for some Marantz is best for music for some Marantz sounds dull sometimes, for long listening some prefer CA and for some CA sound too bright sometimes, and no one talks about Yamaha, Denon and pioneer.
Thinking of connection Q 3020i (will purchase with the amplifier) with the system and my Old yamaha Hometheather subwoofer (If required).
So I need a piece of advise should I go with Yamaha if I prioritize music. Or should consider CA and marantz.

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I want to purchase stereo system. I am inclined to Yamaha R N602. because it has bluetooth and streaming options, with Sub out.
My requirement is for music, but I cant ignore movies too. I mean should have Very very good music qualities and should be decent for movies too.
I cant take audition where I live. So I have read reviews related to it. It was mixed kind of reviews there.
Also I can consider CA AXR85 and Marantz PM 6007.
For music only Marantz name is comes in reviews and no one talks about Yamaha much.
I listen all kind of music not any particular taste.
In music I like if vocals are true and not recessed, cant tolerate harsh treble even a little bit. Not a fan of bass but it should have sufficient amount of punch and tight, should not under perform in low freq regions.
Also in reviews i came to know that for some Marantz is best for music for some Marantz sounds dull sometimes, for long listening some prefer CA and for some CA sound too bright sometimes, and no one talks about Yamaha, Denon and pioneer.
Thinking of connection Q 3020i (will purchase with the amplifier) with the system and my Old yamaha Hometheather subwoofer (If required).
So I need a piece of advise should I go with Yamaha if I prioritize music. Or should consider CA and marantz.

Have you checked the Marantz NR1200? It should meet your expectations. Read the reviews and decide. The Yamaha is also a decent Stereo Receiver! Compare specs, performance and pricing and take a call.
I want to purchase stereo system. I am inclined to Yamaha R N602. because it has bluetooth and streaming options, with Sub out.
My requirement is for music, but I cant ignore movies too. I mean should have Very very good music qualities and should be decent for movies too.
I cant take audition where I live. So I have read reviews related to it. It was mixed kind of reviews there.
Also I can consider CA AXR85 and Marantz PM 6007.
For music only Marantz name is comes in reviews and no one talks about Yamaha much.
I listen all kind of music not any particular taste.
In music I like if vocals are true and not recessed, cant tolerate harsh treble even a little bit. Not a fan of bass but it should have sufficient amount of punch and tight, should not under perform in low freq regions.
Also in reviews i came to know that for some Marantz is best for music for some Marantz sounds dull sometimes, for long listening some prefer CA and for some CA sound too bright sometimes, and no one talks about Yamaha, Denon and pioneer.
Thinking of connection Q 3020i (will purchase with the amplifier) with the system and my Old yamaha Hometheather subwoofer (If required).
So I need a piece of advise should I go with Yamaha if I prioritize music. Or should consider CA and marantz.

Have you checked the Marantz NR1200? It should meet your expectations. Read the reviews and decide. The Yamaha is also a decent Stereo Receiver! Compare specs, performance and pricing and take a call.
Thanks for your kind support. But Now I am in MP near bhopal. Cant take audition.
Also My budget is fixed around 40 to 45 K.
Is there anyone in forum who put some light on Yamaha R n602 audio quality.
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Thanks for your kind support. But Now I am in MP near bhopal. Cant take audition.
Also My budget is fixed around 40 to 45 K.
Is there anyone in forum who put some light on Yamaha R n602 audio quality.


Suggest you visit this thread which is dedicated to Yamaha owners...they will comment promptly on your post

This may help in making up your mind.
I want to purchase stereo system. I am inclined to Yamaha R N602. because it has bluetooth and streaming options, with Sub out.
My requirement is for music, but I cant ignore movies too. I mean should have Very very good music qualities and should be decent for movies too.
I cant take audition where I live. So I have read reviews related to it. It was mixed kind of reviews there.
Also I can consider CA AXR85 and Marantz PM 6007.
For music only Marantz name is comes in reviews and no one talks about Yamaha much.
I listen all kind of music not any particular taste.
In music I like if vocals are true and not recessed, cant tolerate harsh treble even a little bit. Not a fan of bass but it should have sufficient amount of punch and tight, should not under perform in low freq regions.
Also in reviews i came to know that for some Marantz is best for music for some Marantz sounds dull sometimes, for long listening some prefer CA and for some CA sound too bright sometimes, and no one talks about Yamaha, Denon and pioneer.
Thinking of connection Q 3020i (will purchase with the amplifier) with the system and my Old yamaha Hometheather subwoofer (If required).
So I need a piece of advise should I go with Yamaha if I prioritize music. Or should consider CA and marantz.

So Ashh i will try to give you my perspective.

I too was in the same dilemma last year before purchasing my Marantz PM-6007.

I had a yamaha AVR V685 ..a mid ranger prior to this which had electric potential on its body giving small tingling shocks.Hence i got rid of it and then decided to go for 2 channel.I visited Yamaha showroom in my state and as i tested i found that all their AVRs and stereo amps have this potential on them.Something that you can very well ground but still.

Hence i cancelled Yamaha from my list and started looking at cambridge AXR100 and Marantz PM6007 series.

With cambridge i heard there is this heat sink fan that makes a bit of a noise but the real reason i decided against it was the fact that once a fault creeps in it could be difficult or time consuming to get spares for it for repair in India.

Hence in my budget the only thing left was marantz.

Now you could also look at the Audiolab one i guess.I heard its good.


Yamaha is kind of on the brighter side i feel but there are parts of a song that i heard from my AVR i didnt know existed prior to that.In that sense i would say the yamaha was more revealing.Remember it was a mid range AVR.A stereo amp from yamaha at the same price must be far better.

Once i bought the marantz i heard the same song but that parts of teh song never hit my years making me say WOW.Its there but recessed.You have to look for it to hear it.After a few months of burn in(i trust this thing now though many say its snake oil) the sound has become better and opened up a lot but yet this detail is missing.Marantz is warm.To get good sound i would prefer COAX from a cd player.The difference is a lot while playing cds.

I never heard the yamaha.I should have auditioned it that day but the potential on the body was a deal breaker as the previous AVR had given a slight shock to my niece and my folks wont allow me having another similar one.

With yamaha surely you get a lot more in terms of connectivity options but i would say build your sound system as people here suggested me when i started tis journey.spend on a good amp and then when money permits add a seperate netwrok streamer/add a cd player.Trust me once you start listening to the CDs you will understand what you have been missing all along.I too was hell bent on buying a streamer as soon as i got the money but now i dont feel the need any more.

Added to that the less of such added components u have,the lesser the chances of any defects later on and also you will have a better amp at the same cost that you are spending on one with all the stuff together.

I hope some yamaha AMP user in this forum may be able to help you.If the pandemic hadnt been there i would have auditioned a yamaha(have to travel 4 hrs to get to the dealer) and let you know the comparison between it and my marantz.

As i mentioned in the other thread you posted the hum mentioned here
is there on PM6007 as well on coax and opt out but nothing to be worried about if you arent too picky.its mild very mild as i had to look for it after seeing this video,otherwise i wouldnt have ever noticed it(so you can ignore).
listen all kind of music not any particular taste.
In music I like if vocals are true and not recessed, cant tolerate harsh treble even a little bit. Not a fan of bass but it should have sufficient amount of punch and tight, should not under perform in low freq regions.
For that taste, Marantz can be good choice.Marantz has fuller vocals than Yamaha most of the time. Marantz sounds more rounded with highs. Yamaha sounds more flat and detailed.With good speakers, it can shine too.Yamaha and wharfedale combo sounds musical to me. Marantz can go with most of the speakers.Try demo before you buy.
I want to purchase stereo system. I am inclined to Yamaha R N602. because it has bluetooth and streaming options, with Sub out.
My requirement is for music, but I cant ignore movies too. I mean should have Very very good music qualities and should be decent for movies too.
I cant take audition where I live. So I have read reviews related to it. It was mixed kind of reviews there.
Also I can consider CA AXR85 and Marantz PM 6007.
For music only Marantz name is comes in reviews and no one talks about Yamaha much.
I listen all kind of music not any particular taste.
In music I like if vocals are true and not recessed, cant tolerate harsh treble even a little bit. Not a fan of bass but it should have sufficient amount of punch and tight, should not under perform in low freq regions.
Also in reviews i came to know that for some Marantz is best for music for some Marantz sounds dull sometimes, for long listening some prefer CA and for some CA sound too bright sometimes, and no one talks about Yamaha, Denon and pioneer.
Thinking of connection Q 3020i (will purchase with the amplifier) with the system and my Old yamaha Hometheather subwoofer (If required).
So I need a piece of advise should I go with Yamaha if I prioritize music. Or should consider CA and marantz.

Post in thread 'Need Stereo amplifier for Mission QX-2' https://www.hifivision.com/threads/need-stereo-amplifier-for-mission-qx-2.83544/post-935360.

My views attched in the link above.
It is a taste differs person to person.
Would suggest ,better go for audition once the pandemic situation improves.
@Ashh, Did you decide on which amplifier to buy? I am contemplating between Marantz 6007 & Yamaha RN602.. Yamaha is feature rich & Marantz has good raving reviews about its Sound Quality... I am confused too
I purchased Yamaha RN-602 last week. They sound good. I paired with with new set of Pioneer SP-BS22-LR. I have connected to an Yamaha Subwoofer SW-50. They sound better without a subwoofer on my Pioneers. But whenever I need extra punch I turn on the subwoofer and the subwoofer vol at 9 o Clock is more than enough. Source I use is PC via FiiO e10K dac coaxial out. Then I have FiiO DAP connected via Line in and an iPod touch 5th gen connected via USB. I also stream my FLAC files through the Server option available on Yamaha music cast.
Anyone has experience with the R-N803 network amplifier. I came across many rave reviews for this amp and it supposedly has an audiophile-grade power amplifier. Of course with digital sources, a lot has to do with the quality of the source but otherwise, the amp seems to pack a lot of modern features. May be the wrong place to ask but how is the phono section?
Anyone has experience with the R-N803 network amplifier. I came across many rave reviews for this amp and it supposedly has an audiophile-grade power amplifier. Of course with digital sources, a lot has to do with the quality of the source but otherwise, the amp seems to pack a lot of modern features. May be the wrong place to ask but how is the phono section?
As an amp it’s very good. Slightly laid back character. Doesn’t do well with 4 ohm loads though. He digital section is ok but not as good as the amp. Never tried the phono stage
Anyone has experience with the R-N803 network amplifier. I came across many rave reviews for this amp and it supposedly has an audiophile-grade power amplifier. Of course with digital sources, a lot has to do with the quality of the source but otherwise, the amp seems to pack a lot of modern features. May be the wrong place to ask but how is the phono section?
As a user excellent amp >Works very good with 4R also. See audiosciencereview. Very good THD and Sinad
I dont use phono but check the link i mentioned
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As an amp it’s very good. Slightly laid back character. Doesn’t do well with 4 ohm loads though. He digital section is ok but not as good as the amp. Never tried the phono stage
I have used 4R spkrs - no issues at all. The amp section is from AS701 and AS801 !
As a user excellent amp >Works very good with 4R also. See audiosciencereview. Very good THD and Sinad
I dont use phono but check the link i mentioned
Very good volume steps at 0.5db ,YPAO works very well for low volume listening , variable loudness is useful . The amp is nuetral !
Yamaha RN-803 Amplify section is good. Not all Streaming Services works. Connected 6 ohms speaker. Sound is lively
Whenever I look for an amp suggestion, everyone suggests Marantz. Maybe they are good amp, but most of the time the person who is suggesting Marantz have never listened to Yamaha.
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Whenever I look for an amp suggestion, everyone suggests Marantz. Maybe they are good amp, but most of the time the person who is suggesting Marantz have never listened to Yamaha.
Thats true. The Yamaha amps are equally good and some models even better than the Marantz.
Where the Marantz scores over the Yamaha almost in all their models and components ie compact systems, cd players, amps, receivers and even dvd players is their Musicality.
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.