Yamaha receivers at Best price in Xcite,Bangalore

Global ebay quotes yamaha 665 for 29K + you may need to have a step up transformer not exactly know the price. But check whether it is having global warranty. My fear is about yamaha warranty, product bought at bangalore is not getting serviced at chennai, what will be fate of item procured from US?

Hmmm... Yamaha 6260 (same as 665) is quoted at 24.3k in Global ebay. inclusive of shipping to India and duties. Voltage is 110v and I don't think we will have warranty cover in India (similar to buying grey). If you don't mind 100v and can risk the warranty support, it can't get better. I ordered one last night. BTW, this is new in sealed box item, not refurbished.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.