All In One Active system or Separates Route for 45K Budget


Dec 19, 2020
Navi Mumbai

I am looking to buy a budget Hi-Fi system within 45 K budget for my home based out of Chennai which is currently under renovation.

I am currently having a budget for max 45K at the moment. While going through various posts, have short listed below three options :-

All in One Active Systems :-

1) QAcoustics M20 HD (seen lot of rave reviews on online posts as well as this forum)
2) Edifier R2850DB (having 8 inch woofer, haven't heard much reviews regarding the same, not sure if a subwoofer is needed in the future)

Separates Route :-

1) Norge Concerto Gold 1000 + Mission LX2-MKII speakers
(Including DAC + cables might touch the 50K mark)

Primary Usage is for music (70%) and movies (30%). Music mainly covers Western Classical / 80's and 90's pop, rock, blues and heavy metal.

While the size of my hall is 18 ft by 9 ft, my listening area is 9 ft X 7 Ft (distance b/w the wall panel and my sofa) which probably might qualify for nearfield listening.

The active system route seems attractive with DAC / AMP matching with the speaker all built into a single unit with minimal wiring, plus I can always upgrade to include sub-woofer and streamers like Allo Digione Siganture in the future once additional budget is available to further elevate the experience.

What would the experts recommend for such a small listening area ? QAcoustics M20 HD seems to be a compelling option considering drop in price to 40K as well as fantastic reviews. Having strong bass is necessary for me and as mentioned I can add an additional subwoofer later (like Yamaha SW50) in the future if needed but not sure if M20 HD will be more than adequate for my listening area in terms of bass and room filling sound.

Help needed from the group for below queries :-

a) Where can I audition M20 HD in Chennai ? Would like to audition before buying if possible.

b) Edifier R2850DB also seems to be a good buy for 29K but haven't heard any reviews regarding the same ? Would this be a cheaper alternative without compromising on sound quality ?

c) Are there any specific cables / additional wiring that needs to be bought for the above mentioned options or are the stock cables provided more than enough ? For Inputs which Optical / RCA cables would one recommend ?

d) In my area power cut-offs are common and might be prone to voltage fluctuations. Would going for a servo stabilizer (Maxine/ Vertex) help in such a scenario ? Have seen some folks in the group opting for double conversion online UPS with isolation transformer built in (Luminous / Legrand) though these are expensive. Which option would the experts recommend ?

e) Finally if separates route is to be chosen, does the Norge Concerto Gold 1000 + Mission LX2-MKII seem like an viable alternate option. DAC might be either Topping E30 or Allo Boss Player 2 ? Are there excellent Amp + Combo alternatives at this price point as well ?

Apologies for the long post ....

Thanks in advance...
I would wait for the more experienced folks to pitch in.

But just to share my experience, recently purchased the M20 HD and very happy with it. In the market for a subwoofer now.

But my room is fairly small compared to yours, it's 10x11 ft.
I am currently having a budget for max 45K at the moment. While going through various posts, have short listed below three options :-

All in One Active Systems :-

1) QAcoustics M20 HD (seen lot of rave reviews on online posts as well as this forum)
2) Edifier R2850DB (having 8 inch woofer, haven't heard much reviews regarding the same, not sure if a subwoofer is needed in the future)

Separates Route :-

1) Norge Concerto Gold 1000 + Mission LX2-MKII speakers
(Including DAC + cables might touch the 50K mark)
I have some experience with the M20 HD, Mission LX-2 Mk-ii and the Topping E30 so i might be able to share some bit of what I subjectively think of these components.

The DAC inside the M20HD is comparable in fidelity to the E30. With budget speakers, one won't be discernably better than the other, if at all.

Amongst the speakers that i have, the Mission LX-2 Mk-iis are my least favorite. While they image really well and they have pleasing bass weight and never sound harsh, they are slightly unrefined uptop and lack dynamism.

This is the one speaker that never got my foot tapping, no matter how much i tried to like them. I tried them with different amplifiers (Cambridge Audio CXA81, Marantz PM6006, Marantz SR6013, SMSL DA9, SMSL DA8s and FX Audio D502), different DACs (RME ADI 2 DAC FS, Chord Mojo, Topping E30, Ifi Zen DAC, internal DAC of abovesaid amps), different cables, different positions in my room, heck different rooms with room treatment and no room treatment and I've simply not been able to make them sing.

And while the Mission LX-2 Mk-ii have pleasing bass weight at low volumes, they do not dig very deep and distort rather soon when pushed to loud volumes in bass heavy songs.

This was rather surprising as my experience with Mission has generally been fantastic, especially the Mission QX-2 which is a stonker of a loudspeaker.

If you want to go the passive route, the PSB Alpha P5s are a much better bet if you can find them below 25K.
While the size of my hall is 18 ft by 9 ft, my listening area is 9 ft X 7 Ft (distance b/w the wall panel and my sofa) which probably might qualify for nearfield listening.
Both the Mission LX-2 Mk-ii, M20 HD and PSB alpha P5 will be plenty loud for personal listening, just not party loud unless a subwoofer is employed.
The active system route seems attractive with DAC / AMP matching with the speaker all built into a single unit with minimal wiring, plus I can always upgrade to include sub-woofer and streamers like Allo Digione Siganture in the future once additional budget is available to further elevate the experience.
This is a common misconception depending on the intended objective of having fewer cables compared to a passive loudspeaker system.

While an all in one active system will use lesser cables, it's actually messier and more difficult to manage when you place the speakers on stands, especially when you add digital sources like your streamer, TV, computer and what not.

It's much easier to hide away cable clutter behind an Amplifier (speaking from plenty of experience here :p ) than having numerous thick wires running into the back of one speaker which is in plain sight. It is a real eye sore unless you manage to figure out how to hide them, in which case, plese do share those tips and tricks for the benefit of all.

This can be got around by placing active speakers on a media Console or desk but then, you'll never experience the true magic of any speaker unless you place them on stands and position them as optimally as your living circumstances allow.

What would the experts recommend for such a small listening area ? QAcoustics M20 HD seems to be a compelling option considering drop in price to 40K as well as fantastic reviews. Having strong bass is necessary for me and as mentioned I can add an additional subwoofer later (like Yamaha SW50) in the future if needed but not sure if M20 HD will be more than adequate for my listening area in terms of bass and room filling sound.
Strong bass with a Yamaha Sw50? Oh Boy, are you gearing yourself up for disappointment or what.

If you want party loudness and great bass without a subwoofer, the Mission QX-2 should be on your shortlist. Forget about the Sw50, these Missions are capable of embarrassing the bass on the Yamaha SW200.
b) Edifier R2850DB also seems to be a good buy for 29K but haven't heard any reviews regarding the same ? Would this be a cheaper alternative without compromising on sound quality ?
I would strongly advise you to audition loudspeakers from Edifier and Hivi/Swan before buying them blindly. They have a rather flat response across the spectrum which may be great if you dig that kind of response or are going to use them for mixing but in a home environment without room treatment, they might be a bit bright/sharp (though not necessarily unrefined).
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I have some experience with the M20 HD, Mission LX-2 Mk-ii and the Topping E30 so i might be able to share some bit of what I subjectively think of these components.

The DAC inside the M20HD is comparable in fidelity to the E30. With budget speakers, one won't be discernably better than the other, if at all.

Amongst the speakers that i have, the Mission LX-2 Mk-iis are my least favorite. While they image really well and they have pleasing bass weight and never sound harsh, they are slightly unrefined uptop and lack dynamism.

This is the one speaker that never got my foot tapping, no matter how much i tried to like them. I tried them with different amplifiers (Cambridge Audio CXA81, Marantz PM6006, Marantz SR6013, SMSL DA9, SMSL DA8s and FX Audio D502), different DACs (RME ADI 2 DAC FS, Chord Mojo, Topping E30, Ifi Zen DAC, internal DAC of abovesaid amps), different cables, different positions in my room, heck different rooms with room treatment and no room treatment and I've simply not been able to make them sing.

And while the Mission LX-2 Mk-ii have pleasing bass weight at low volumes, they do not dig very deep and distort rather soon when pushed to loud volumes in bass heavy songs.

This was rather surprising as my experience with Mission has generally been fantastic, especially the Mission QX-2 which is a stonker of a loudspeaker.

If you want to go the passive route, the PSB Alpha P5s are a much better bet if you can find them below 25K.

Both the Mission LX-2 Mk-ii, M20 HD and PSB alpha P5 will be plenty loud for personal listening, just not party loud unless a subwoofer is employed.

This is a common misconception depending on the intended objective of having fewer cables compared to a passive loudspeaker system.

While an all in one active system will use lesser cables, it's actually messier and more difficult to manage when you place the speakers on stands, especially when you add digital sources like your streamer, TV, computer and what not.

It's much easier to hide away cable clutter behind an Amplifier (speaking from plenty of experience here :p ) than having numerous thick wires running into the back of one speaker which is in plain sight. It is a real eye sore unless you manage to figure out how to hide them, in which case, plese do share those tips and tricks for the benefit of all.

This can be got around by placing active speakers on a media Console or desk but then, you'll never experience the true magic of any speaker unless you place them on stands and position them as optimally as your living circumstances allow.

Strong bass with a Yamaha Sw50? Oh Boy, are you gearing yourself up for disappointment or what.

If you want party loudness and great bass without a subwoofer, the Mission QX-2 should be on your shortlist. Forget about the Sw50, these Missions are capable of embarrassing the bass on the Yamaha SW200.

I would strongly advise you to audition loudspeakers from Edifier and Hivi/Swan before buying them blindly. They have a rather flat response across the spectrum which may be great if you dig that kind of response or are going to use them for mixing but in a home environment without room treatment, they might be a bit bright/sharp (though not necessarily unrefined).
Resurrecting this thread since my audio setup is yet to be completed for my Chennai home. Now that I am in Chennai (keep shunting b/w Mumbai & Chennai every 3 months) , I was looking to get my budget system completed.

As mentioned in this thread earlier my listening distance b/w my wooden wall panel and sofa would be 6-7 feet from the picture attached.

Regarding placement of speakers, am looking at two options
- Option 1 - Place the speakers below the sound bar (above the cabinet) with IsoAcoustics Mini Puck or isolation stands subject to speaker height.
- Option 2- Buy Nexus Speaker Stands and place them on either side of the wall panel with fairly good toe-in.

Looking to fellow FM's for advice on speaker choice under 25K. I will not be purchasing Active systems as I have the pre-amp / power amp from AIYIMA already purchased. I have the following chain in mind

Source (Flac / Wav Files played via Mobile (USB Cable / Bluetooth)) --> FIIO BTA30 PRO (DAC to be purchased) --> AIYIMA A3 Tube Buffer Pre-Amp (Already purchased) --> AIYIMA A07 Power Amplifier (Already Purchased)

Per listing on HifiMart, following are the speaker options that are available :-

- Mission LX2-MK11 (@DB1989 suggested against buying this speaker - however listing them here considering budget constraints)
- Fyne Audio F300 (Small speaker but lot of good reviews)
- JBL Stage A130 (Reviews on ASR call these speakers best bang for buck)
- Elac Debut 2.0 B5.2 (Lots of posts on the forum regarding requiring high power amplifier and higher burn in. Is this a good choice ? Had spoken to Anil last week who suggested to go for this speaker. Will the AIYIMA A07 drive these speakers comfortably ?)

Listening tastes are mostly Western Classical / Pop / Rock & Heavy Metal.

As always, looking for valuable advice from the group regarding speaker selection.



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Which speakers did you finally go for?
I landed on this thread because I too was looking for matching the Aiyima A07 with the Elac B5.2
Different take : How about Amazon Echo Studio (2 numbers ~ 23k each ) in stereo configuration?
Versatile, Controlled by Voice Commands, Tone control and subtle room correction built in? Heard it only once ; it was impressive, for casual listening. Can voice control Alexa compatible devices as well.

Echo Studio- Our best-sounding smart speaker ever - With Dolby Atmos, spatial audio processing technology, and Alexa (Black)
Different take : How about Amazon Echo Studio (2 numbers ~ 23k each ) in stereo configuration?
Versatile, Controlled by Voice Commands, Tone control and subtle room correction built in? Heard it only once ; it was impressive, for casual listening. Can voice control Alexa compatible devices as well.

Echo Studio- Our best-sounding smart speaker ever - With Dolby Atmos, spatial audio processing technology, and Alexa (Black)
Thank you folks for your replies.

I went ahead with purchasing Elac Debut 2.0 B5.2 speakers.

Very well balanced speakers across mid range and very good amount of bass for a 5.25 inch woofer.

I have been running these speakers with LDAC Bluetooth with BTA30 Pro DAC with Aiyima T3 Tube Buffer as the Pre-Amp & Aiyima A07 as the power amp now for the past 2 weeks with no issues (heard that these require a longer break-in). So far I am very happy with this budget combination. (Using Stock Op-Amps for both A07 and Aiyima T3 Tube buffer and Stock Power Supplies)

Moving these speakers to Nexus speaker stands tightened the bass and improved clarity. The stands have been placed very close to the walls considering the bass is front ported.

Musically I felt these speakers are slightly forgiving if the source recording is not upto the mark.

Thank you folks for your replies.

I went ahead with purchasing Elac Debut 2.0 B5.2 speakers.

Very well balanced speakers across mid range and very good amount of bass for a 5.25 inch woofer.

I have been running these speakers with LDAC Bluetooth with BTA30 Pro DAC with Aiyima T3 Tube Buffer as the Pre-Amp & Aiyima A07 as the power amp now for the past 2 weeks with no issues (heard that these require a longer break-in). So far I am very happy with this budget combination. (Using Stock Op-Amps for both A07 and Aiyima T3 Tube buffer and Stock Power Supplies)

Moving these speakers to Nexus speaker stands tightened the bass and improved clarity. The stands have been placed very close to the walls considering the bass is front ported.

Musically I felt these speakers are slightly forgiving if the source recording is not upto the mark.

Congratulations. Very good speakers and good decision picking Aiyima. Do post pictures of your setup.

Congratulations. Very good speakers and good decision picking Aiyima. Do post pictures of your setup.

Thx MaSh.

As requested posting pictures of the setup.

Power Bank is used to power the FiiO BTA30 Pro and using LDAC Bluetooth codec to play the music from my android mobile via VLC Player

Speaker Cables used are DAC OFC 14 AWG (bare connections), RCA Interconnects used are DAC ARX01A.

I was not able to use banana plugs on the AIYIMA A07 speaker terminals.

For my listening position which is 6-7 feet away, had to toe-in the speakers (walnut finish with grills) as can be seen from the setup.

Next project is tube and Op-amp rolling for both AIYIMA T3 & A07 after couple of months post enjoying this sound signature.

As always thanks to everyone who has provided me valuable guidance in my beginner journey to Hi-Fi.



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Thx MaSh.

As requested posting pictures of the setup.

Power Bank is used to power the FiiO BTA30 Pro and using LDAC Bluetooth codec to play the music from my android mobile via VLC Player

Speaker Cables used are DAC OFC 14 AWG (bare connections), RCA Interconnects used are DAC ARX01A.

I was not able to use banana plugs on the AIYIMA A07 speaker terminals.

For my listening position which is 6-7 feet away, had to toe-in the speakers (walnut finish with grills) as can be seen from the setup.

Next project is tube and Op-amp rolling for both AIYIMA T3 & A07 after couple of months post enjoying this sound signature.

As always thanks to everyone who has provided me valuable guidance in my beginner journey to Hi-Fi.

Wonderful. Very nice and simple setup. What are the next upgrade plans? A Streamer?

Any change after the break in?

Planning to go for Allo Digione Signature player once availability issues are sorted. Currently seems to be unavailable on most of the sites.

Not sure how many hours of break-in is required but am seeing a difference in sound signature now after 3 weeks.

Not sure how to describe it but bass is tight, adequate and punchy. Earlier when playing music, I used to hear harshness at the higher end for some of the recordings, but now that seems to be subdued. Instrument separation and sound stage is very good, very room filling sound.

The EQ that I use on my VLC Player is a bit bright but the filter settings used to color the DAC is on the warm side. Probably the Tube Buffer also adds extra warmthness.

For Genres like Smooth Listening / Jazz / Pop / Western Classical / Blues - they sound really great and non fatiguing. For Rock / Heavy Metal, they are really bright and needs tweaking on the EQ side to have an enjoyable experience.
Planning to go for Allo Digione Signature player once availability issues are sorted. Currently seems to be unavailable on most of the sites.

Not sure how many hours of break-in is required but am seeing a difference in sound signature now after 3 weeks.

Not sure how to describe it but bass is tight, adequate and punchy. Earlier when playing music, I used to hear harshness at the higher end for some of the recordings, but now that seems to be subdued. Instrument separation and sound stage is very good, very room filling sound.

The EQ that I use on my VLC Player is a bit bright but the filter settings used to color the DAC is on the warm side. Probably the Tube Buffer also adds extra warmthness.

For Genres like Smooth Listening / Jazz / Pop / Western Classical / Blues - they sound really great and non fatiguing. For Rock / Heavy Metal, they are really bright and needs tweaking on the EQ side to have an enjoyable experience.
Thats Excellent. Yes the signature smoothens out after a few hours of running. Best way to Burn in a speaker is to hook it up to your TV Audio chain. Within 2 weeks you'll have perfectly burned in speakers. Especially with IPL every day. Easy 2-3 hours of running every day.

I would suggest you skip the Allo Digione signature. Availability is really poor. Unless you can find one in the pre used market. I recently sold my Digione Signature + Shanti setup. Moved to a Wiim Pro and I am loving it. So see if you can find something like that. A wiim pro or mini or even an ifi Zen Stream.

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