Experiments in speaker design for cardioid radiation pattern

Yet another flawed attempt to capture the sound using my mobile phone from the listening position.
But let this be here :)
Need to get a binaural mic diyed :D
Job kurian :) great work by the way, apart from the tech, it looks supercool too. And this by far is the best DIY attempt I have seen on this forum with lot thinking out of the box. I know some real companies who kind of does half of the effort what you do and call it a day.
Job kurian :) great work by the way, apart from the tech, it looks supercool too. And this by far is the best DIY attempt I have seen on this forum with lot thinking out of the box. I know some real companies who kind of does half of the effort what you do and call it a day.
Not only the best DIY attempt, but also the most elaborate DIY thread in its true spirit in this forum.
I like this plan better. This time the coner wont be in a sort of "tunnel" but rather relieved a bit from close-walled-reflections--I think it's got a chance have that hunk of spectrum to be a bit more free of "box sound" than the LF in the last one. I may be wrong, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it...

Man, you have it bad, now Vineeth :) Good thing you stashed all those drivers up-front!

Oh yeah, does this go with the big BMS?
I like this plan better. This time the coner wont be in a sort of "tunnel" but rather relieved a bit from close-walled-reflections--I think it's got a chance have that hunk of spectrum to be a bit more free of "box sound" than the LF in the last one. I may be wrong, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it...
Getting rid of the "box sound" and allowing a tiny bit more wiggle room with placement is the idea with this one.. :)
Man, you have it bad, now Vineeth :)
Yeah.. I think so too.. :D
Good thing you stashed all those drivers up-front!

Oh yeah, does this go with the big BMS?
Nowadays, I am starting projects to use my driver stash.. :D
I am planning to use either the BMS or the SB audience 65 CDN-T adapted with the horn :)
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