looks wonderfull.you done a great job. above 800hz horn is taking all, Do you feel any honky with horns, because i feel 800hz is too low for a short horn.
sorry if i miss some thing.
Simply put, I like what I hear from these. no shouting, not horny .. but again, since I made it, may be I am partial..
short horn ? hmm, its about 1 foot in dia at the mouth, and 1 foot in depth, the box is dwarfing the horn on the top. also, I have listened to some old horns, mostly rectangular ones, compared to those, these wood horns from Viren are very different. along with modern compression drivers, the sound signature is more pleasing. musical, not the precision laser revelatory.
if I feel the urge for revealing sound, i reach for my etymotic research in-ear phones, but thats becoming very rare nowadays. I have theories about age and tastes

I have considered adding a super tweeter, its that urge to tweak things, but decided to leave it as it is, as I am happy the way it sounds. but like all things driven by wants, may be I will, at some point. but at that point I may have to consider active filters/mini dsp and associated paraphernalia, which goes against the minimum component philosophy on which this was built.
There is not so subtle sound change when components change. Now its driven by a cheap (75 British pound in 2004) sony receiver. but it works very well with HD video, to the point where I have put my onkyo satellites and powered Sub on sale.
I also have a flea power tube amp, and an external Schiit Dac, and I mostly listen to Blues, blues rock kind of music. and these horns really sing with that combination.
by the way, you a vintage JBL fan ?