Super confused in buying a powered subwoofer

He might the swit
The photos were not clear and most probably there is no capacitor on the speaker terminal. A better photo can be found here

Maybe the repair guy switched the neutral and earth wires. Also the fuse is missing which can save your amp from such miswiring on the socket side. With a multimeter you should check if there is any connection between the phase terminal and earth terminal and also any connection between the neutral terminal and the earth terminal. Show the photo to Laxman from Norge. He should be able to guide to get the amp connection fixed and have a proper IEC socket with fuse fitted there.
He might have switched the wire but Idk
Pic of Norge concerto gold 1000 internals


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He only replace the power cord and did that in front of me. I'll get in touch with Mr Laxman and proceed upon his recommendation to get it rectified with some proficient local electrician or send it to norge. I unfortunately have no skill when it comes to electrical components
If you are from Mumbai or nearby better get it rectified from Norge directly.
He might the swit

He might have switched the wire but Idk
I figured out those terminals are not IEC socket, but connection to a switch on the front side. Does it have a light indictor that switches on when you turn on the AMP.

The wires are horribly soldered. Look at what Shammi posted. The soldering is very neat in his unit. What you can do is take a multimeter. Put it in resistance measuring mode and calculate the continuity of the Earth and Neutral and Earth and phase terminal of the electrical plug of your amp. Both should show open. If it shows open, then you can use it safely. But as discussed, show the photos to Laxman from Norge and get his opinion.
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I am confused because I have never connected a sub before and the dealer is saying that if you want to use low pass filter function you will have to do this. if the simple RCA cable would do I would much rather prefer that, as it is easily available online. I Apologise if I am repeating myself but I am being extra careful as the dealer said that I have to make sure that everything is okay on day 1 so I need to get the cable before the sub arrives.
I will solve your problem but you need to experiment and find out what suits you best. As you have norge amp you can use the "rec out" to subwoofer line in but this will limit your usage to an extent as "Rec out" has consistent full signal and you have to be very careful with the vol of your main subwoofer. I have tried this connection and it works fine if not perfect. I have a subwoofer Kanto sub8 (sealed enclosure) but it is immaterial as to the kind of sub, the fundamentals remains same. For amp volume level you know what is your comfort zone and to what vol level you listen to mostly (on regular basis). Just play at that volume and then adjust the vol and frequency of sub. The sub vol at the start should be at absolute minimum. The sub frequency keep at 80hz for start and then adjust as per your liking, ideally it should by 10-20hz more then the main speaker lowest point, say if the main speakers go as low as 45hz then the sub frequency to be set at 55hz-65hz. Vol is very important as you have to sync the sub volume with the main amp vol level. Once that is done whenever you play music at your desired amp volume the sub sound will be synched. For this connection just require a regular 2rca-2rca cable.

I have tried this connection for sometime but due to me own limitations that I do not like overwhelming bass in music and my speakers are good enough for normal bass I have changed it to a different setting which is particular to my own set up and liking. I have a sony tv and somehow the internal settings of the Tv let me play the sub along with Tv speakers and that too in proper sync, It sounds as if the bass is coming from TV speakers. The internal AV settings in the TV itself allows me to do so and the Aux/headphone out point is the connecting point to the subwoofer. I have done a lot of trials and errors to achieve this perfect balance and now I enjoy watching tv programs (series/movies) played with tv speakers and sub and I also have a choice of playing it with The main amplifier and speakers, minus the subwoofer. For this connection I am using optical out from TV to Fosi ZD3 Dac to Cambridge audio integrated amp (Topaz AM10) to Wharfedale evo 4.1 bookshelf speakers.

Connection type 2 - You can split the audio signal at source level by putting a rca splitter/appropriate splitter and take one connection to amp rca line in and one to the subwoofer rca line in but this will split your signal and make it weak. In case you are utilizing one part of the signal to one equipment then it will be with full strength. I am using this as part of connection from my Dac to amp and then another from Dac to tube buffer to amp but using only one type at one time. In case of amp and sub this connection will not work as both have to ideally work together almost all the time.

Connection type 3 - Using the LFE input in the sub. For this you require a regular amp or AV processor that has proper LFE out. Usually amps now a days comes with sub out but I am not sure if that can be utilized for this connection. There is definitely a LFE out in AV receivers but that I feel is more for movies and not meant for music. Not 100% sure on this.

So I have written whatever input I can give you, even my knowledge is not 100%. It is just based on experience and learnings. If you are feeling limitations in your present amplifier then change the amplifier in future and buy one that has proper sub out/pre out whatever suits your choice.
On a personal level I do not like using subwoofer for music, for movies and web series it is ideal even in a 2.1 set up.
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Recently I got my power cable replaced on my amp, but as pointed out by @mbhangui I think the local repairman screwed some of the wiring.

If any one has norge concerto gold amp, Could you please share the image of the internal especially where power cable connects and the ceramic capacitors on the red speaker terminals, so I can match and see what wrong.
The local technician has messed up badly. I think the sol is a proper audio technician or company service center.
Connection type 2 - You can split the audio signal at source level by putting a rca splitter/appropriate splitter and take one connection to amp rca line in and one to the subwoofer rca line in but this will split your signal and make it weak. In case you are utilizing one part of the signal to one equipment then it will be with full strength. I am using this as part of connection from my Dac to amp and then another from Dac to tube buffer to amp but using only one type at one time. In case of amp and sub this connection will not work as both have to ideally work together almost all the time.
You r saying connection type 2 will not work? I thought it will, I have ordered a few rca splitters.
The local technician has messed up badly. I think the sol is a proper audio technician or company service center.
Yep. Sending it to norge tomorrow.
Thanks for sharing your experience in details. It's super helpful.
You r saying connection type 2 will not work? I thought it will, I have ordered a few rca splitters.

It will work. I'm using this when I use my Pass B1 buffer. But what happens is that the sub get the output at full volume. So you have to control the volume using the subwoofer volume control. If you don't want that you can use this device which is typically used by subwoofer installers for car. This is exactly the device I'm using. This is available on amazon for Rs 943.
You r saying connection type 2 will not work? I thought it will, I have ordered a few rca splitters.

Yep. Sending it to norge tomorrow.
Thanks for sharing your experience in details. It's super helpful.
Do share ur experience when ur amp is repaired and you have done the connection using the rca splitters and are getting proper functionality and sound. It is always good to learn a thing or two, something new always add to more experience for everyone.
It will work. I'm using this when I use my Pass B1 buffer. But what happens is that the sub get the output at full volume. So you have to control the volume using the subwoofer volume control. If you don't want that you can use this device which is typically used by subwoofer installers for car. This is exactly the device I'm using. This is available on amazon for Rs 943.
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I will talk to you on this. Looks interesting. Let me understand how u are using this in your chain as this shows female rca plugs whereas what we require is male rca plugs. I will call u sometime as you are from the Puneri Audiophile group.
I will talk to you on this. Looks interesting. Let me understand how u are using this in your chain as this shows female rca plugs whereas what we require is male rca plugs. I will call u sometime as you are from the Puneri Audiophile group.
You require two pair of RCA cables because of the female end. So way to connect this is connect the output of your source to the input of this device using a pair of rca cable. Also connect another pair of RCA cable from the output of this device to the subwoofer. The whole setup becomes very long.

But what I did was to cut the output wire at the RCA end and fitted two RCA plugs instead of the female plugs, so that the device output connects directly to the subwoofer
If this is proving to be a challenge, ask the dealer if they are willing to take back the sub in place of another Polk Audio sub with line level inputs. This can draw a line from the speaker terminal of the amplifier and you are sorted. No modifications required. You may have to pay more and it maybe worthwhile, knowing the limitation of your amplifier.

Alternatively (...and as you are close to Norge), ask Norge if they are willing to make a modification for you and provide a volume pot driven LFE output for the amplifier. This will solve your problem. May cost way less than exchanging what is otherwise a very good sub woofer.

I am of the firm belief that you should not use a rca line splitter. However, in the end, its your amplifier & sub woofer so is your call to make.
If this is proving to be a challenge, ask the dealer if they are willing to take back the sub in place of another Polk Audio sub with line level inputs. This can draw a line from the speaker terminal of the amplifier and you are sorted. No modifications required. You may have to pay more and it maybe worthwhile, knowing the limitation of your amplifier.

Alternatively (...and as you are close to Norge), ask Norge if they are willing to make a modification for you and provide a volume pot driven LFE output for the amplifier. This will solve your problem. May cost way less than exchanging what is otherwise a very good sub woofer.

I am of the firm belief that you should not use a rca line splitter. However, in the end, its your amplifier & sub woofer so is your call to make.
I am sending this amplifier tomorrow to norge anyways as it has faulty rec out. I will ask him but I am don't think that he'll be willing. I am ready to pay for amp modification if someone has any pull with Mr Laxman or someone else at Norge, please help.
It will work. I'm using this when I use my Pass B1 buffer. But what happens is that the sub get the output at full volume. So you have to control the volume using the subwoofer volume control. If you don't want that you can use this device which is typically used by subwoofer installers for car. This is exactly the device I'm using. This is available on amazon for Rs 943.
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It is said that sometimes chance encounters can lead to interesting revelations. Thanks to you for sharing your inputs. I have done some amendment in connections of my set up and now I am able to play the subwoofer and and the amp together. I was doing the connection right initially but that was giving me less flexibility. Now I have more versatile connection. So Thanks again for your valuable support.
Could you paste the pic of your settings? I have norge concerto gold 1000 paired to indiq diamond Mishra, planning to add a sub, so my chain is wiim mini>topping e50>norge >indiq.
thankyou to everyone who helped me choose a sub and then helped me in trying to fix the humming issue, @ajuvignesh @shibashis @argho @Nitin K @Phew @sandeepmohan @keroo1099 @Shammi Dang
i would like to inform you that the issue is now fixed all thanks to the GOAT @mbhangui

a special mention of @mbhangui is the least i could do. this man got on countless calls with me in trying to figure out the issue. from phone calls to video call disassembly of amp, to wire, electric circuit, getting in conference with Norge team. eliminating all potential causes one by one finally getting the issue fixed. After all our attempts failed @mbhangui lastly said to try one more thing, he said that the issue might be with the cable. By this time, I had lost all hopes but as the last ditch attempt I ordered the cable but he called me just few hours later and told me that do one more thing and he got Me to switch the cable connections, andd it worked i could not believe it! all thanks to him.
thanks to all, even those whom i forgot to mention. i appreciate you all. PS don't buy the shitty blue rigger cable from amazon.
thankyou to everyone who helped me choose a sub and then helped me in trying to fix the humming issue, @ajuvignesh @shibashis @argho @Nitin K @Phew @sandeepmohan @keroo1099 @Shammi Dang
i would like to inform you that the issue is now fixed all thanks to the GOAT @mbhangui

a special mention of @mbhangui is the least i could do. this man got on countless calls with me in trying to figure out the issue. from phone calls to video call disassembly of amp, to wire, electric circuit, getting in conference with Norge team. eliminating all potential causes one by one finally getting the issue fixed. After all our attempts failed @mbhangui lastly said to try one more thing, he said that the issue might be with the cable. By this time, I had lost all hopes but as the last ditch attempt I ordered the cable but he called me just few hours later and told me that do one more thing and he got Me to switch the cable connections, andd it worked i could not believe it! all thanks to him.
thanks to all, even those whom i forgot to mention. i appreciate you all. PS don't buy the shitty blue rigger cable from amazon.
It is so nice to hear from you and how an experienced member helped to sort out a problem, that shows the excellent & brilliant side of that person. I can say you are very lucky to have interacted with him.

Just to give you an idea, I am using MX cables (Indian make) from ages, not the very basic ones but the little pricy ones as per Indian manufactured standards. Well they served the purpose well and I never had any humming or other problems. Few of my cables are dated back to 2007 and I have maintained a variety of similar qlty cables by the same manufacture be it digital cables or analogue cables. I also feel many of the stuff sold an amazon is cheap/inferior and sometimes highly overpriced. One has to be careful. I know a MX distributor in my city and I prefer to visit him whenever there is a need.
It is so nice to hear from you and how an experienced member helped to sort out a problem, that shows the excellent & brilliant side of that person. I can say you are very lucky to have interacted with him.

Just to give you an idea, I am using MX cables (Indian make) from ages, not the very basic ones but the little pricy ones as per Indian manufactured standards. Well they served the purpose well and I never had any humming or other problems. Few of my cables are dated back to 2007 and I have maintained a variety of similar qlty cables by the same manufacture be it digital cables or analogue cables. I also feel many of the stuff sold an amazon is cheap/inferior and sometimes highly overpriced. One has to be careful. I know a MX distributor in my city and I prefer to visit him whenever there is a need.
I appreciate you giving me your contact in trying to figure this thing out.
The cable still needs upgrading as @mbhangui also suggested, getting a good cable and using the rec out port might offer better quality experience. Though this solution works but I think my speakers r "shouting", it's too early to saying anything. It might just all be in my head due to the new 2.1 setup. For now I'm just gonna enjoy this as is before going for a better cable.
Could you paste the pic of your settings? I have norge concerto gold 1000 paired to indiq diamond Mishra, planning to add a sub, so my chain is wiim mini>topping e50>norge >indiq.
I have used a RCS splitter at the line in of my subwoofer (with inputs from both my source and amp connecting to it). And at the amp end I have connected the RCA at aux in of the amp.
You made do it as I have done it or you may attach the splitter at the aux end (amp) or you may directly use the rec out option


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thankyou to everyone who helped me choose a sub and then helped me in trying to fix the humming issue, @ajuvignesh @shibashis @argho @Nitin K @Phew @sandeepmohan @keroo1099 @Shammi Dang
i would like to inform you that the issue is now fixed all thanks to the GOAT @mbhangui

a special mention of @mbhangui is the least i could do. this man got on countless calls with me in trying to figure out the issue. from phone calls to video call disassembly of amp, to wire, electric circuit, getting in conference with Norge team. eliminating all potential causes one by one finally getting the issue fixed. After all our attempts failed @mbhangui lastly said to try one more thing, he said that the issue might be with the cable. By this time, I had lost all hopes but as the last ditch attempt I ordered the cable but he called me just few hours later and told me that do one more thing and he got Me to switch the cable connections, andd it worked i could not believe it! all thanks to him.
thanks to all, even those whom i forgot to mention. i appreciate you all. PS don't buy the shitty blue rigger cable from amazon.
Mbhanghui sir is genuinely technical and supportive. Thank you for your kindness and support sir
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