Great musicians of the 20th century

Ajay, Thanks a whole lot, I am pulling the trigger on it today itself, hell with account balance! A recommendation from you is not be ignored.

Suri has a Leonard Cohen CD? Never seen it his stack of CDs.
Steely Dan.
American band.Donald Fagen,Walter Becker.Rock music with brains and class.Whiffs of smoky jazz.Fantastic recording quality.Original,eccentric and engaging.In my book they deserve at least as much and a lot more critical and commercial acclaim than the Beatles.
Best tracks (too many.but I'll list a few)
Do It Again,Dirty Work,Reeling In The Years,Black Friday,Rikki Don't Loose That Number,Hey 19,Babylon Sisters,FM,Deacon Blues,Showbiz Kids,Cousin Dupree,West Of Hollywood.

Rhythm House The Very Best Of Steely Dan

YouTube - Steely Dan - Hey Nineteen
YouTube - Steely Dan - Deacon Blues
If you search Leonard Cohen on the Rhythm House site you will find,that most of his single CD's are priced at 499,including Suri's 'Traitor' CD.
But The Essential Leonard Cohen is a 2 CD set for 499.It is also the most comprehensive,career spanning Cohen CD,I have ever come across.This is the kind of VFM pricing I look for whenever I buy a CD.
Ajay, I got the CD and boy am I happy! Thanks again to you.

Till now, I had only listened to the earlier songs of L C like Famous blue raincoat, So long Marianne, the ones from 70s(which I learned today).
Today when I listened to "I'm your man" I heard a very different voice of the same artist and ran to ask Wiki about it

Since the 1980s, his high baritone voice has evolved into lower registers (bass baritone and bass), with accompaniment from a wide variety of instruments and female backup singers.
Leonard Cohen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
'Since the 1980s,his high baritone voice has evolved into lower registers (bass baritone and bass),with accompaniment from a wide variety of instruments and female backup singers.'

I use the last 4 tracks from CD2 to position my speakers.To make the bass tight and focused,to check for 'rattle' and 'hum' from glass window's and cabinet's,to get Leo's voice bang in the center,between the two speakers,but 2-3 feet behind.In My Secret Life.Alexandria Leaving.A Thousand Kisses Deep.Love itself.Only these tracks everytime,to maintain continuity in my amateurish endeavours at soundstaging and imaging:)
Listen to Everybody Knows and Tower of Song....and your conception of vocals may change forever.Over the years,if you get the same pleasure that I have got from this 2 CD set,you will be a very happy man indeed.
My listening usually starts from Hallelujah and then carries on,through each and every stunning track,till the end of CD2.Also like the first two tracks,Suzanne and A Stranger's Song a lot.
When your budget recovers,consider the Steely Dan CD:)
The number of Rock compilation CD's,I would possibly recommend to anyone would stretch to around 25.These two would be at the top of the list along with Dylan's 3 CD Biograph and Phil Ochs' 3 CD Farewell And Fantasies
i have listened to steely dan during my college days..though well recorded and tightly structure..i find them too slick and smooth ('baby bottom smooth' as a reviewer put it..) ..i like my music from the heart..rough hewed and jagged..
anyway been listening to etta james and the lady has got soul....
also Mingus' The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady..glad it is featured in the first post of this thread..
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i have listened to steely dan during my college days..though well recorded and tightly structure..i find them too slick and smooth ('baby bottom smooth' as a reviewer put it..) ..i like my music from the heart..rough hewed and jagged..
anyway been listening to etta james and the lady has got soul....
also Mingus' The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady..glad it is featured in the first post of this thread..

Charles Mingus was a true original.I have quite a bit of his music
Black Saint And The Sinner Lady
The Clown
Shuffle Boogie Bass
Minor Intrusions
Charles Mingus Presents Charles Mingus
Charles Mingus Live
Also a few Eric Dolphy's:Out To Lunch,Last Date and his path breaking work with John Coltrane,Pharoah Sanders,Rashid Ali and a reluctant Elvin Jones:)
As for Steely Dan.We can agree to disagree.I consider them the greatest rock group ever,with Cream,Traffic,Grateful Dead,Velvet Underground,Talking Heads,Allman Brothers,Rolling Stones,Beatles,Who,Led Zep,Procul Harum snapping at their heels.Simon & Garfunkel is an eternal childhood favorite.Everytime I hear their fabulous songs,they bring my up's and down's from the age of 15-25 into a sharp focus.Closest I ever come to becoming sentimental over everything that's lost forever. I like Dire Straits,Eagles,Santana,Doors,Jethro Tull,CSNY,Moody Blues,Temptations and Bread occasionally.I find Pink Floyd one of the most overated and boring rock group of all times.:)
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i agree with most of the bands that you have mentioned..if not for anything, for that nostalgia overload...for that hiccup hijack....after all what can you not feel when you come back to 'the boxer' or 'sounds of silence'..or for that matter 'top of the world'..i still remember those adolescent infatuations, those coming of age rites of passage.. days delineated with the soundtrack of these songs.. steely dan in that sense was relatively late in making that dent in my sonic sensibilities...unfortunately, neither in their lyrics nor their melodies do i sense the good old past that the other music is redolent of..
Simon & Garfunkel,Carpenters,Abba,Neil Diamond,Cliff Richards,Beegees,Eagles and the Beatles are the memories of my 12-16 years.
Songs which make me feel like nostalgic
For Emily...
The Boxer
Sounds Of Silence
I am a Rock
Dangling Conversation
Hazy Shade Of Winter
Homeward Bound
El Condor Pasa
Yesterday Once More
There's A Kind Of Hush
Dancing Queen
Song Sung Blue
Sweet Caroline
Devil Woman
We Don't Talk Anymore
How Deep Is Tour Love
Hotel California(original)
New Kid In Town
Lying Eyes
One Of These Nights
And I love Her
All My Loving
Also Those Were The Days,Seasons In The Sun,Rhinestone Cowboy,California Dreaming,Dust In The Wind
YouTube - Kansas - Dust in the wind
YouTube - Seasons In The Sun
a confession..
Boney M...rasputin, brown girl in the ring, rivers of babylon (i still grimace at bappi lahiri's oohto pe tera naam though) barbarella, bahama, daddy cool..etc...
though of late i have discovered Beverly Kennet..pristine jazz vocals for a white beauty who died before she reached that she is/was popular in japan and somehow thought i detected her influence in the vocals of the deerhoof vocalist..
Yeah! I forgot Boney M.I introduced my 4 year old daughter to Rasputin and it's on her YouTube playlist!She also likes Loverman/Billie Holiday and No More Songs/Phil Ochs because I play/sing them quite often:)
As for Steely Dan.We can agree to disagree.I consider them the greatest rock group ever,

Look for complex jazz structured but rockish sound and the greatest sound management, design and recording ever,steely dan is the pinnacle of studio rock.
Not only do we share musical affinities,but also you have a lot to contribute to this thread.So please post more regularly.
The idea behind this thread was to provide a platform for sharing information,opinions,preferences in popular music.
I'm sure your knowledge would be well received:)
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one artist that i admire is kandinsky..for the non- representational core of his artistic output..he was freeing his paintings from the a corollary, free jazz by its very nomenclature seeks to shed the sonic skin and (should we say for effects- not entirely alliterative -the sonic soul) of its musical predecessors ...(however both attempts at pure creativity are compromised for very obvious very mundane, agricultural reasons)...kandinsky did not invent painting nor did he initiate its appreciation..
i don't know which is easier to appreciate though..
the colors and compositions of kandinsky or the sounds of anthony braxton (saxophone improvisations for example)..just as you have seen the colors before you have also heard the sound...but those sights and sounds did not inhabit your notion of what painting or music could or should be...
i have been re-listening saxophone improvisations of late..
especially for its instrumental minimalism, the rawness of the raw material (just the wind and the artist, alone without accompaniments)..i have found the recording a revelation...
the irony is that there are more people involved- about half a dozen of them for events that one could safely term post-music....
saxophone improvisations and albert ayler the holy ghost i would suggest for 20th century 'music' or should we say 'sound'..
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such genius! - so much honesty in his voice - OMG!

the way he says heaven when he says "the bar is called heaven" - AAHHHH! - that inflection is to die for!

holy mother of god - that was the thirtieth time i have listened to it tonight - once more - before i drink from the Lethe!

and the last time i saw that "look" in the eyes of the singer (during "Nothing ever burns") was many years ago - another person, another time

and i do want to say it here -

lest I-

(quoting a forum member) - "tend to destroy the decorum of the forum" - hehe!!!
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wondered about why i did not like him -

after looking at the video - i know-

does not open his mouth enough - makes him sound "closed-in"?

Both Roy Orbinson and David Byrne have that extra 'inflection' in the way they 'sing' their words.Thats what makes them special.Roy Orbinson,does sing with pursed,'closed in' lips,but he uses his voice like a fine tuned instument.A guitar or a violin in the hand of a master.His voice travels into regions where only the best singers would be able to follow.The guys I consider better than Roy are all black,Ray Charles,Nat King Cole,Louis Armstrong,James Brown and Sam Cooke (Otis Redding,Marvin Gaye,Lou Rawls are also pretty good)
Among the whites,Elvis Presley,Van Morrison,Steve Winwood,Art Garfunkel,David Byrne,David Bowie,Elton John,Jim Morrison,Mick Jagger,Donald Fagen,Roger Daltrey,Robert Plant,Freddie Mercury,Don Henley have good voices,but personally I like Roy Orbinson the most.
Phil Ochs,Bob Dylan,Leonard Cohen,Neil Young,John Lennon have distinctive voices and also the power of great lyrics to go with them.
'Heaven' 30 times!!!!!OMG:)
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Check out this version of Heaven....

Its by simply red and it is absolutely from the soul... just up until four years before Mick and the band recorded this song, Mick was living on 'welfare'.... he knows poverty very very well and it shows up here....

YouTube - Simply Red - Heaven
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