How good this TV is if you compare it with LG 47LX9500?
Have you checked Panasonic 3D Plasma VT series? They are awsome.
Thanks AmitJi.
I will check Plasmas tomorrow. One of the positive points of Plasma is Blacks. But in LCD, its a disappointment. I dont know about the ghosting problem in Plasma but in LCD, its too much. One of the reason I wont buy a LCD. Now I have decide between Plasma and LED.
I've heard that Panasonic's 3D is not so good as they are usually out of focus. Well, I can only test it and say. Any idea where i can demo Panasonic's TVs?
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But what about the ghosting problem.? That is something which annoys me a lot. I have Samsung 24" Full HD monitor but it has too much ghosting issues. Will that be in Plasma? I suppose Plasma's black are better than LCD's. Am i right?
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Whats are the disadvantages of Panasonic Plasmas? Which top line Plasmas are better than LCDs? I saw the Panasonic site and there are only 2 Plasmas with 3D. I dont know if they are top line. Sepcs says THX certified. Have u demoed them?
What is local dimming? Pls put some light..![]()
My room is bright and well lit. Even with the curtains on its pretty much bright.
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Earlier you said LG LX9500 is better than Samsung Plasma. What about Panasonic VT series Plasma? Which one is better? One plus point of LEDs is their width. They are really slim and looks beautiful. But whats the use of beauty if the picture quality is not good.
Any Idea how much VT series 50 inch will cost? My budget is 1 lac. :S
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The retail price of LX9500 is 200,000. Some offer going on and now the MRP is 149,000. After my hardcore bargaining I am getting LX9500 + TataSky HD + 50 DVD titles (which I dont want) + Adidas Tshirt in 99,000/-.
So If VT20 is 140,000, I think it will come down If i do my hardcore bargaining there also.
If you had a budget of 130,000 you will go for LG 60" Plasma. Why not VT20? Is it just the size or the quality is exceptionally better? My viewing distance is 11.6 feet. That is the reason I am not going above 47 - 50 inch. Or the 60 inch will also rock?
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So If VT20 is 140,000, I think it will come down If i do my hardcore bargaining there also.
If you had a budget of 130,000 you will go for LG 60" Plasma. Why not VT20? Is it just the size or the quality is exceptionally better? My viewing distance is 11.6 feet. That is the reason I am not going above 47 - 50 inch. Or the 60 inch will also rock?
VT 20 retails price is 1.7 lakhs , that 1.4 is the price after bargain.
But at that budget i will buy a 60" LG pk950 at 1.3 lakhs, which is THX certified and has amazing calibration and picture and color processing, this 60" also has great blacks.
If i have a budget of about 1.7-1.8 lakhs then i will buy the 64" samsung D8000 plasma which retails for about 2.4 lakhs and after bargaining i guess that price is attainable.I don't want to spend more than that for a 60+ inch TV and if Panasonic offers the VT30 63" in this price range and if it has a clean non noisy picture then i will definitely have a look at that as well.
I watch a 50" plasma from 6 feet and if i even extend my distance by one more meter i need the 60" cause for me 50" looks small.