2011 Samsung Plasma 3D PS51D550

thanks a lot friend, but is this offer directly from samsung or any dealer? who's this mr sumanth?.... Is he from samsung? .... I ain't from any metro so can he deliver to my place too?
anyway i dont require a dish tv hd,already got that,but despite that,the offer looks great! So thanks again if indeed the offer holds good till end!
*also is that the final price? or vat & other taxes to b levied xtra?
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Indiglo, you will get all your answers if u call the mobile
i have said that specifically in my post.

my answers wont help you here, and wont give u confidence.

- prices are inclusive of taxes and shipping.
- he cannot deliver to non metro's
- he is a dealer and founder of Huddle N Deal - Local Daily Deals from Bangalore

i have lot of people who got from him and he is reliable.
he sold TV's and AC's to couple of my colleagues and friends.
ok,thanks for the clarification!,...anyway, i would like to demo b4 i buy a tv & for the d550 i have not!...btw i don't c the tv listed on their website!
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Indiglo, you will get all your answers if u call the mobile
i have said that specifically in my post.

my answers wont help you here, and wont give u confidence.

- prices are inclusive of taxes and shipping.
- he cannot deliver to non metro's
- he is a dealer and founder of Huddle N Deal - Local Daily Deals from Bangalore

i have lot of people who got from him and he is reliable.
he sold TV's and AC's to couple of my colleagues and friends.

As you are an owner of the samsung ps50c6500 pls can you share your experiences
oh and thanks for the above specific post
yes very true , a review of the c6500 from rajudhs is very honestly an essential request in this thread & more so,since he started it all opened the thread!
So,dear friend,plz help & enlighten us with ur insight !

we have a thread in this forum itself for PS50C6500

I am very happy with this TV, and particularly for this reason, i am not tempted to buy new 2011 3D plasma's.

the picture quality is amazing and its as slim as a LED TV.

few minor issues that i see

- very low Buzzzzz sound from panel, i cannot hear it, unless i go and put my ear 1/2 feet from TV screen
so not an issue for me, but lot of people discuss about this problem in Samsung Plasma's

- Has judder issue, not annoying for me.
(most of the time, i couldn't confirm, if its TV issue, or the source it self has judder :-)

If any one has links to files that can test judder please share and PM me.
Is this the only 51" plasma available in this series or is the PS51D6900 also available in India? if yes, any idea of the prices?

I am very happy with this TV, and particularly for this reason, i am not tempted to buy new 2011 3D plasma's.

the picture quality is amazing and its as slim as a LED TV.

- Has judder issue, not annoying for me.
(most of the time, i couldn't confirm, if its TV issue, or the source it self has judder :-)

Last year when you bought this, did you compare this with the Panasonic ones too? Any idea how these fare against the Panasonic infinite black screens?
Is this the only 51" plasma available in this series or is the PS51D6900 also available in India? if yes, any idea of the prices?

As per the website and some reputed news websites upto my knowledge d550 series has only 51"
The Alphabet "D" means the 2011 model
So as per website

PS51D550~51"(1080P Panel Resolution)
PS51D490~51"(1365*768 panel Resolution)

The Samsung TV model can be broken down like so:
P Plasma
A Australia
E Europe
N North America
S Asia Pacific (Sometimes Europe & Australia also Included Like In 2011 Models)
A 2008
B 2009
C 2010
D 2011
E 2012

For example PS51D550 Means Plasma European/Asian Model (D)2011 (550)Series Like so applies to all Samsung Displays
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^^ please surely do that..u will get rep points in return for a good review along with pictures !...so monday till we wait for the 1st official purchase of the d550 by a hifivisioner! :)
I am buying it from Mr Sumanth and as told by him it has one 3d Glass. Would be able to comment more after i get it delivered and installed..Someone already quoted a price by him back in this thread..
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