Pass B1

11Uf Axon caps

By sachu888 at 2011-11-28

By sachu888 at 2011-11-28

Here's a simple Source Selector board. Components cost will be quite low.
It has one push button switch which allows you to step through
5 different sources.
Since eagle files are attached, you can mod it as required, if
you think it could be useful.



Here's a simple Source Selector board. Components cost will be quite low.
It has one push button switch which allows you to step through
5 different sources.
Since eagle files are attached, you can mod it as required, if
you think it could be useful.
This is really nice. Yes all parts should cost <150 Rs excluding PCB.
But is that ever tested? I am interested in knowing source of this.
This is really nice. Yes all parts should cost <150 Rs excluding PCB.
But is that ever tested? I am interested in knowing source of this.

The source is myself :)
I started it more as an Eagle PCB learning exercise.

I built and tested the exact same circuit (though on a general purpose
board, and not the PCB) and am using it regularly for the last 2 years or so.
I followed nearly the same component and wiring layout as the Eagle PCB.
More info here -

PASS B1 Preamp -

Some links (it includes part list):
Andy_H's Pass B1 Build - Home Audio Stereo Discussion Forums
Nelson Pass B-1 preamp kit
B1 Buffer Preamp - diyAudio
DIY Order Form

Ordered 24 X 11uf Axon caps from Parts ConneXion - The authority on hi-fi DIY parts and components
ordered 12 pairs of matched JFETs from Spencer(DIY audio member,Hong Kong).
Remaining parts from

PCB Size: 82.5X190.5mm double sided

Estimated cost PCB + Parts = 2000 Rs

LDR Volume Ctl

LDR based volume control referrence:

The Poor Serbian Man's Optical Attenuator - diyAudio

Poor Serbian Man Optical Volume Control - diyAudio

Our PCB:


Size : 2.2" X 2.2" Single sided.

Part list:

4 X 100E, 1/4W 1%, MFR X 12
2 X 1K Trimmer, M64W (9mm width) X 12
1 X 100K Stereo Pot, PCB mount X 12

1 X 1.0uF, 35V electrolyte Capacitor X 12
1 X 10.0uF, 35V electrolyte Capacitor X 12

1 X 7805 TA220 Voltage Regulator X 12
5 X 1X2MTA amp-connector X 12

Source: All part are locally purchased except Silonex NSL32SR2 LDR.
LDR are bought from Uriah Bought 60 to match 48 closed in 12 groups.

Estimated cost with PCB+Part = 1100Rs

PreAmp-Power Supply

  1. Input transformer secondary voltage 20-0-20, 500mA or 22-0-22, 500mA
  2. Rectifier diodes MUR8xx fast switching diode.
  3. One single PS for Pass B1 and Lightspeed Volume Control
  4. One dual PS for CNC Phono.
  5. Input C-R-C ripple filter at 31Hz
  6. Output L-C-L noise filter at 1590 Hz
  7. Output voltage tunable from 1.5V to 25V output
  8. Size: 4" X 3" single sided PCB
  9. We reffered Elliot Preamp power supply and LM317/LM337 datasheet, application notes for hints. Also we put some of experiences into this. ;)
  10. This power supply based on low noise linear voltage regulators LM317 (2 numbers for +24V and +15V) and LM337 (1 number for -15V).
  11. It take input voltage from transformer, any from (18-0-18) to (32-0-32). (minimum 500mA for PASS B1, LDR Volume Control and CNC phono stage). More current is not an issue as regulators can provide upto 1.5A but heatsink will be required for regulators and output filter coils need to be rechecked.
  12. Output is designed to provide (+24, 0) and (+15, 0, -15). Output voltage it set using trimmers in each power line which could be adjusted with small screw driver. You can settle at any preferred value but need DMM for this voltage reading.
  13. If you plan to power up CNC phono stage then please use r-core or EI transformer without overlapped winding. This will couple less noise from ac mains power line. (as it is understood that toroidal transformer have more capacitance between primary and secondary, hence more noise coupled through it)

Our PCB; Single sided 4" X 3"


Part list:

3 X 1E, 2W Metal Film 5% - 10% X 12
3 X 240E, 1/4W 1%, MFR X 12
3 X 5K Trimmer, M64W (9mm width) X 12

9 X 0.1uF, 50V Ceramic Capacitor X 12
5 X 4700uF, 50V Electrolyte Capacitor X 12

6 X 10-100mH 10% 70mA radial inductor (5mm lead spacing)

4 X MUR810 Ultra fast Diodes X 12
9 X 1N4007 rectifier Diodes X 12
2 X LM317TS TA220 Voltage Regulator X 12
1 X LM337TS TA220 Voltage Regulator X 12

2 X 1X3MTA amp-connector X 12
1 X 1X2MTA amp-connector X 12

Part Source: All parts are sourced locally except Inductor coils

Estimated cost with PCB+Part = 750 Rs


CNC Phono

Estimated cost with PCB+Part = 2000 Rs

These kits does not contains RCA jacks, wires, chassis, transformers, knobs. source selector etc.

That is your choice.
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Re: PCBs received

What do others say?

Go for it.

I have received PCBs today,they are very high quality.I was not expecting such great quality from Indian manufacturer highly recommended.Thanks Capt. Rajesh for suggesting this company.

Great news Sachin. I recommended because we used their PCBs for my project and I found them to be of International quality.

I'm looking forward to compare the B1+LDR with my AP PM1 tube pre-amp. Can't wait to lay my hands on them.
I have got everything (PCBs+PP caps+JFETS)except parts from Element14.It should arrive in 2-3 days.

Tomorrow I will be getting MUR1010 diodes (in place of MUR810), stereo pots and 1E, 2W resistors. Coils are here, I am waiting for LDRs (they are shipped from US on 28th Nov). LDR matching work will remain. That completes list.

Meanwhile I am writing assembly manual for these kits - LightSpeed and power supply.
PASS B1 is available on net. Sachin can point out better source.
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Parts update

Hi all,
Received remaining parts from Element14,Octroi paid Rs 360.Kindly PM your resi address.I will try to courier them on Monday.
[URL=] Uploaded with[/URL]

Now the biggest thing is sorting,and packing.I will calculate the total cost tonight.Power supply parts will be couriered by Omishra.

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wow ....pretty fast ...give the final amount to be paid so that we can transfer the amount..Am assuming that we will make the payment to you for the 3 kits ie B1 + LDR + Power supply ..
I want the preamplifier and LDR circuit and DONT need the phono. Will start the transfer as soon as you are ready.
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