TurnTables Sound better than Digital !!! - Really ???

In the end you have to listen analogue through ear, doesn't that sound better? Or you listen digital directly? :D

That's pretty lame. By that token you should also be at the recording venue of each music you want to hear, because that's how you want to listen to your music, true to its original form, isn't it! :)
That's pretty lame. By that token you should also be at the recording venue of each music you want to hear, because that's how you want to listen to your music, true to its original form, isn't it! :)
Yes, this discussion is worthless - which sounds better.

I have records for which original records were only medium then. I have CDs which are digitally mastered. I enjoy both as music is different and has its own true color. Click and pops does not bother me while clinical transperancy also does not appease me.

And this thread refuses to die gracefully

Stuck grooves are one of the hazards of vinyl

what else could be done with nonsense comparison. I love music and not the technology which is forever changing and never latest.

Off-late some good quotes, but only after beating this topic even beyond its natural death!
People compare amps, speakers, cables, power conditioners et al in a bid to set up a good system for the money. Why comparing formats seems baseless ? It is a lot more fundamental entity in the chain which will have the most profound impact on the final sonic reproduction of the system!! Pursuing both the formats is amazing, but if one is to live with only one of these formats then a conscious effort of comparing both the formats in detail seems like a no brainer to me.
Are they? I hadn't noticed! A little healthy banter :)

My last comment was a joke. I've been racking my brains for the digital equivalent of a "stuck groove," So far, I can't do any better than "a bit stuck," and that's not very good at all. Anyone? The generations of records and record players have even contributed metaphors and sayings to the language: the world of digital, umm ...hasn't. Yet.

Pursuing both the formats is amazing, but if one is to live with only one of these formats then a conscious effort of comparing both the formats in detail seems like a no brainer to me.

Indeed. There is a lot to discuss, technical, aesthetic and personal taste. All valid areas.
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In my opinion this is one of those threads where a good discussion has taken place; with lots of facts and reasoning despite the subject being controversial.

People do get over the top while putting across the points they believe in, but in this thread it didn't seem like threatening to become personal. Not to me at least.
Vinly's for me have been an out of the world experience. I have been mesmerized, in complete awe....

Julie London comes alive in my place, a Live Performance.....This was the first Vinyl I played on my TT. The music just cant stop......

I still do pursure my hobby of collecting CDs
Good Vinyl beats Good Digital, of the same recording. And RTR master tapes are ahead of any good vinyl.
That's because vinyl refuses to die!

Well,that's ok with me. It may not be my day-to-day medium of choice, but still, a hifi feels incomplete without a deck.
This thread has covered some interesting material, but I wonder how many people have an analog and digital rig which are absolutely comparable. I thought I had, but ever since I installed my mac mini, my digital beats my analog by such a massive margin that i feel I was wasting attention on analog. It will take a significant effort from here on, at least in my TT (Garrard 301) to fit a perfect arm and bring it up to the same level. I have got such an arm recently (Ortofon RMG 309 12" arm), but a long way to go still. But the best analog and the best digital that I have heard were certainly at par. I would however like to do this in my own system, after making sure that they are equally specked and that equipment quality does not make a big difference. A goal for 2013.
I wonder how many people have an analog and digital rig which are absolutely comparable.
I wonder how many people compare material that is actually comparable. The company's CD release of the LP may be ... or it may, for better or worse, be something quite different.
Wow, I think some people may twitch all night if this thread were to be locked by the moderators :))

Ha ha, :o ... so much for my resolve not to post again on this thread for a while! :lol:
Those who dismiss digital as having no emotional connect should see how much time people spend organizing their digital collection. Searching for artwork, filing in correct folder, reorganizing and re-filing, and then reorganizing and re-filing. Endless hours doing A-B between 3 versions of the same track as to which one sounds the best. Tweaking every setting to let the DAC receive absolutely the unaltered data.

People who think there is no emotion connection in digital, well, I'll just leave them with their belief in their analog world which is apparently full of emotions ;)

The emotional connection from vinyl is in the reproduced music. I find vinyl to be a pain, but when I am listening seriously for emotion and connection to the music I would choose it. When my friends want good sounding systems I recommend and setup digital systems for them after explaining the commitment vinyl requires. I have yet to hear a digital system that lets me relax into the music. Part of this is because my vinyl setup out does digital systems when it comes to relaxing and listening into music.

If I hadn't heard my vinyl system the best digital could be okay. I have heard good digital and would switch in a heartbeat if it was a better musical listening experience. We just ain't there yet. I don't think its unreachable. But maybe it is. Can't find concentrate orange juice that tastes like fresh squeezed. But if you never had fresh squeezed juice from oranges just picked from a tree concentrate is good.
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