I would believe it is not a measure of the % of music but the impact it can have. to give an example from the lower bass, any song from Eric Claptons Unplugged OR the famous Livingston Taylor 'Grandmas hands" have a 20-25 Hz deep thump.(I have measured both). You will not hear it in most systems, but when you do hear it in any system, the songs get transformed and you will never be able to hear it any system which cannot do that after that..it is just a drum/foot stamp and that too a periodic thump..But Huge impact.I am not a Digital Signal Processing guru, so I wouldn't agree or disagree with the claim of lower order harmonics "affecting" us. However, I have two questions.
(1) How much (what %age) of total music lies in those lower order harmonics?
(2) What prevents recording equipments from capturing those harmonics in a 24/96 or 32/192 digital recording?
I would be glad to hear any convincing answers.
Unfortunately nothing prevents them and when they do it sounds Great (eg the HD recordings today) but unfortunately they do not exist in many cases

While its true that human hearing thru the ear is in that range, the impact of music is via Impact as well. it is the chest thumping tactile feeling below 50 Hz and something called Bone conduction above 15 khz which bypasses the ear .In fact many instruments and their harmonics extend well past these extremes..and thats why live music very often adds a better experience
Lps are the only ones other than True HD content which can do that..but there is very little "True HD" content around..maybe when it all comes this love for LPs might reduce.
But till it comes in I am all for LPs as no Hindi cd can reproduce the music of hindi fils of the 60-90's like LPs can. The music industry has ruined the content itself due to the half baked knowledge on digital.