South Korea Shopping suggestions


Active Member
Jan 27, 2014
Chennai, India
My nephew is on an assignment in SK and he'll probably be returning by June end. Are there any good deals over there for AV equipments like AVR or projectors? We don't want to miss out if there are any good deals. Your views are welcome!
Hi MJ23Bulls

Firstly decide on what you want from SK. Check the local prices in India for a specific model and then ask your nephew to findout....ofcourse there would be some difference in costing....

Depending on what you would want your nephew to get, you should consider the following

No warranty for stuff purchased abroad and brought to India.
Chances of paying charges for extra weight or special packing.
Custom Duties as applicable for electronic goods purchased abroad...

India is an emerging market and we have a lot of electronic products being flushed to India which are available with and without should check multiple sellers and get the appropriate deal rate before finalising...
Poor nephew..must have gone to work hard there and here uncle is sitting and hatching plans on how to turn him to a electronics carrying mule :-)

Everything is available in India now, why take the hassle of bringing anything from abroad ?
South Korea has a couple of very good DAC brand sas well as Allnic will make sense to buy South Korean brands only as they will be considerably cheaper there than in any other part of the world..buying any other electronics would not make sense from there...

You can also checkout South Korean music if you are into them and order CDs and save on shipping (;-)
Poor nephew..must have gone to work hard there and here uncle is sitting and hatching plans on how to turn him to a electronics carrying mule :-)

By the way, the nephew is willing to experiment and both of us are noobs in stereo/HT setups. Hence, this exploration to tap the resources; if there're any good brands/stuff available, this query to the forum members is to help us in finding such items. If there aren't any, well and good! If there're any, we'll come to know of it through this forum. So, later on we don't have curse ourselves on why we hadn't asked some one about these brands/stuff.

We (us) know a little bit on what's available in the Gelf, US & Europe. South Korea is somewhat new location. So, the forum members help is much appreciated

Everything is available in India now, why take the hassle of bringing anything from abroad ?

There might be something out there... let's see!
South Korea has a couple of very good DAC brand sas well as Allnic will make sense to buy South Korean brands only as they will be considerably cheaper there than in any other part of the world..buying any other electronics would not make sense from there...

Point noted @panditji. Any suggestions?
Calyx is a company making very good DACs as per internet reviews... It would be worth checking out their prices if you are looking for a DAC....

Allnic make excellent amplifiers but are expensive...again their prices in South Korea would be worth looking into...
Poor nephew..must have gone to work hard there and here uncle is sitting and hatching plans on how to turn him to a electronics carrying mule :-)

Everything is available in India now, why take the hassle of bringing anything from abroad ?

It seems that you have vast knowledge of market and that gives you liberty to comment on other persons personnel relations

Sir ,
I was searching for many things and plaesae can I know where to source at THE BEST INTERNATIONAL PRICE

1) Various low priced DAC's - where I can check and experience
2) International vinyl records - at the price of Amazon or Lower
3) Number of mid and high priced turntables at one place
4) SACD's please sir please where can I get it?
5) Liquor @ price of airport customs
6) Turntable needs @ rate of needle doctor or below that..

Sachin sir please help
South Korea has a couple of very good DAC brand sas well as Allnic will make sense to buy South Korean brands only as they will be considerably cheaper there than in any other part of the world..buying any other electronics would not make sense from there...

You can also checkout South Korean music if you are into them and order CDs and save on shipping (;-)

Allnic L-3000 Preamplifier Review | A Unique Audiophile Experience

This is the Pre I use & it is made in S Korea.

Good products from S Korea indeed.
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